Probably because he is....and not only in this thread..and not only you either.
Oh boo hoo. Try harder next time. You might not make a fool of yourself.
Probably because he is....and not only in this thread..and not only you either.
Oh boo hoo. Try harder next time. You might not make a fool of yourself.
Adult discussion isn't one of your strong suits is it?
They were against a religion not against color, a lot of people don't get that. The anti Fascist groups were extremely violent.Their ideas are true?
Can I take this to mean that they are a National Front, Neo Nazi, inherently racist and oppressive group of individuals?
It's not the way they go about their business that is wrong, it is their whole ethos.
He's a co-founder, though. So he wasn't chosen to represent them, at least not from all the members that they have.
He is the face of xenophobia (other than Hitler and Nick Griffin), but he is quite articulate. I wouldn't call him dense. He has his views, controversial though they are, and I that a lot of his party take them too far, outside of his control.
It's entirely possible for both groups to be in the wrong, different sides to the same kind of mentality.What about all those Muslim extremists are they not the face of xenophobia, or is that word only used for white people. When you hear Muslim extremists say death to the British isn't that racism, and when people say horrible things about Muslims that is not racism.
The word has been misused so often that people who use do not understand it.
Yes, which is as bad as stoning a women to death.
What point exactly are you trying to make?.
Are you really trying to justify your casual racism under the guise of supporting rights for women? - you don't strike me as a proponent of equalitarianism to be honest.
They were against a religion not against color
Effectively you want to stamp out the civil liberties of the likes of the EDL, NF, BNP because you don't agree with their stance. Not affording them the civil liberties you claim are important.
I'm only a little bit racist
wow for the first time gilly has not said edl have murdered 100000s
Just because I hate the EDL and all they stand for doesn't mean I've accused them of murder at all, let alone murdering hundreds of thousands. That is the worst kind of straw man argument I've ever seen.
Find me one post where I've ever accused the EDL of murder.
I don't want to stamp out any civil liberties at all, unless what is claimed as 'civil liberties' is actually a front for oppression (which is why I mentioned EDL, BNP and NF).