I though it was OK, funny in places but nothing really amazing. Loved the Bentley 'review', great bit of editing. Must admit that I did skip through a fair bit of it though.
Why isn't it up on iPlayer HD yet! Grrrr.
Cause you're a bhaine chaude innit man
Calm down woman, it only just finished airing! ok, well it's been over an hour, but it usually takes a while longer for the HD to appear!
Meh piracy has beaten it again, this is why piracy will keep winning until they make more kosher services actually at LEAST as good.
Excuse me!?
Some of us prefer the finer things in life, others settle for the simple things.
We'll be having none of this rudeboi language around here thanks, respect your elders!
I've never moaned about it before (although I have felt for some time it was just getting tired and unamusing), but as I was still looking forward to it a bit, what I watched tonight was pretty much the last straw. I'm won't be emailing the BBC and demanding it be removed from the airwaves, nor saying that my opinion is more valid in what Top Gear has become etc etc... it's massively popular worldwide for a reason and I hope old and new viewers continue to enjoy it. I just won't be bothering to watch it again and certainly won't be popping in to the weekly TG thread to have another go like some other people do.
Top Gear gets funnier (apparently) and more viewers every series, yet each year Broken Britain gets more broken and standards fall further. CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
Totally agree. Never found him that funny, especially his cringeworthy habit of pulling that stupid face when describing weird..silly..event..situation..happening..things. It just seems as if he's gone into some mid life crisis as a result of the accident.Also glad that Richard wasn't in it much... I just can't stand him, plus his hair is getting ridiculous.
I just don't get it Fox. It's as if they're saying "We are smart and we think you're really stupid, so we're gonna pretend this is accidental and you won't know we meant it hahahahaha".
Anyone else notice the side repeaters were still intact after about 5 rolls.