Tower block fire - london

can see why May was a bit reluctant - the guy leading the protests was being interviewed on the BBC and people heckled him, he had to shout out a couple of times that he wasn't from the council

I thought everybody affected had been put into hotels? protesting to be immediately rehoused within the borough seems a bit unreasonable to me particularly when you've got people who've lost family.

There's going to be riots at this rate.

you're inevitably going to get a lot of anger and emotion with these things - everyone wants immediate 'justice' to be done and immediate solutions - they want guarantees that the council will re-house people within the same borough, there will be some pressure for that to happen though the council has only stated as close as possible - as far as temporary accommodation is concerned then that probably isn't realistic at all
I don't understand why people on here get into arguments about stuff they don't really understand. And no, reading a few wikipedia articles and the odd pdf document doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.
I don't understand why people on here get into arguments about stuff they don't really understand. And no, reading a few wikipedia articles and the odd pdf document doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.

Surely you know how GD works ;-)

If you want sensible, go onto a building trade forum and speak to people who do refits for a living, not a computer forum
Yes that's because aluminium doesn't spread flame very well, but that has nothing to do with the flammable insulation attached to the aluminium surface. The issue is that the insulation didn't meet regs and once fire got to it it went up like a shellsuit and because the cladding was all down the sides of the building it spread like wildfire.

This is part of the problem though, the regs are out of date with regards rain screen cladding materials, they don't stipulate what the fire resistance needs to be in the context of protecting the building its fixed to, the paragraph you quoted is from section B4 which relates to fire spreading from one building to another across a boundary and includes the exception sentence;

This restriction does not apply to masonry cavity wall construction which complies with Diagram 34in Section 9

Which you omitted. I dont know the external construction of the tower but couple that with the product literature saying it it conforms to class 0 surface spread.

There's a section within the appendices that deals with thermoplastic materials which states;

17 A thermoplastic material means any synthetic polymeric material which has a softening point below 200ºC if tested to BS EN ISO 306:2004 method A120 Plastics – Thermoplastic materials – Determination of Vicat softening temperature. Specimens for this test may be fabricated from the original polymer where the thickness of material of the end product is less than 2.5mm.

18A thermoplastic material in isolation can not be assumed to protect a substrate, when used as a lining to a wall or ceiling. The surface rating of both products must therefore meet the required classification. If however,the thermoplastic material is fully bonded to a non-thermoplastic substrate, then only the surface rating of the composite will need to comply

Again though its dealing with linings not cladding.
This event is tragic, and going to be massively political. I've seen people already comparing to the scale of hillsborough politically.
Oh yeah, lets start a riot, more destruction and fire, just what the community needs !
Not just their community, the whole of London. Rioters seem to think that because something bad happens in one part of London, it gives them the right to smash their way into Ladbrokes and nick their tellies.
In fairness some of the people are trying to calm things down but if the anarchists and anti-democratic left wing idiots get involved I think the people affected will unfortunately start to lose sympathy from the rest of the country.
The media have been pushing for a riot.


yes, yes if there is a riot it is all the fault of 'the media'

In fairness some of the people are trying to calm things down but if the anarchists and anti-democratic left wing idiots get involved I think the people affected will unfortunately start to lose sympathy.

yup, BBC had the sound off and was interviewing a labour councillor but some crusty type grabbed the megaphone not too long ago and was getting a bit excitable leading a few others up the steps... meanwhile quite a few people in the crowd were signalling for them to come back
In fairness some of the people are trying to calm things down but if the anarchists and anti-democratic left wing idiots get involved I think the people affected will unfortunately start to lose sympathy from the rest of the country.
There's a conspiracy theory kicking about that the Tories are keeping their heads down and hoping for just that scenario. If a riot kicks off, people will look to the government to save them
I have a bad feeling that it wont be long now until the usual ''rent a mob'' turns up

The great unwashed we will protest about anything mob.

Then unfortunatly when it all kicks off the families and victims of this terrible fire will lose a lot of support as rent a mob smashes up the local currys for a new telly then disapears to leave the locals to pick up the pieces... and blame.
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