I suppose one of the issues is are there any other tower blocks clad in the same stuff?
I imagine a lot of on site inspections are currently underway.
I suppose one of the issues is are there any other tower blocks clad in the same stuff?
Maybe some corporate responsibility?
You do know many flammable materials are used in construction?
What was the flammability rating on the cladding used in this case, you seem to know so much?
Dude, breath.
You just looking for a fight? First you pick on my apparent lack of sympathy by quoting something that had no relevance. So I pulled you on it.
Of course they didn't pick the specific cladding.
But people were suggesting the block was improved aesthetically just to appease those around it. That projection of opinion is just fine is it?
But when I argue that the people living in the block would probably have liked the building to be improved asthetically as well you lose your mind?
Go for a walk or something.
Riots already started
An anti-racism banner is violent and thuggish?Same old story , and they accuse the right of violence and thuggery?
Yes you asked if I wanted some flammable cladding. I want to know what the flammability rating is so I can make an informed choice of wither it isn't acceptable. Almost all cladding is flammable...
I take it you don't know CDM regs on client/corporations.
I thought I'd ignore UK politics whilst in California for the last few days, but it seems like tragedy on both sides of the Atlantic is quickly politicised by groups with extreme views. I seriously getting political fatigue, there are only bad or worse options to choose from. Listening to a solicitor on LBC today, we have no idea why or how this latest tragedy happened. We need to wait for a full and proper investigation to be carried out, and then the courts can deal with the guilty parties. This message seems to be getting lost on the knee jerking, political capitalising mob justice going on now. This country is based on democracy and the rule of law, there seems to be a concerted effort to turn it into Zimbabwe.
Dude, breath.
You just looking for a fight? First you pick on my apparent lack of sympathy by quoting something that had no relevance. So I pulled you on it..
My advice, agree to disagree with Mr Personal Vendetta Angry Man. He seems to be an online attention seeker.
Whatever the rating I tell you it is, if after purchase you all perish in a huge fire, what would the point of pursuing everyone/anyone involved via the justice system?
Are you saying there is definitely no case for any one (corporate or otherwise) to answer here?
But that isn't what happened in this case...
You don't seem to understand what construction is I'm afraid. Everything we build has hazards, every structure and every material. When we design/build things we eliminated or reduced the risk to an acceptable standard (BS/EN) which has been proven to be acceptable and are constantly reviewed.
A product that causes deaths by itself rarely get through from toys to buildings, and when it does the relevant measures are put in place to remove this.
My advise would be to go to a library and learn about it since you find it so interesting... Ill give you a few good things to start with CDM regs, BS/EN standards, HSE regulations.
I'm not a teacher, what I'm saying is go read the CDM regs and look at previous cases and see exactly what happens to those individuals/groups.
The fact you have said that means you haven't.
We're currently promised a Public Enquiry . Without putting pressure on the government, we'll get that Public Enquiry.I thought I'd ignore UK politics whilst in California for the last few days, but it seems like tragedy on both sides of the Atlantic is quickly politicised by groups with extreme views. I seriously getting political fatigue, there are only bad or worse options to choose from. Listening to a solicitor on LBC today, we have no idea why or how this latest tragedy happened. We need to wait for a full and proper investigation to be carried out, and then the courts can deal with the guilty parties. This message seems to be getting lost on the knee jerking, political capitalising mob justice going on now. This country is based on democracy and the rule of law, there seems to be a concerted effort to turn it into Zimbabwe.
My understanding is that the police are already carrying out an investigation so as long as that is proceeding an inquest won't happen.We're currently promised a Public Enquiry . Without putting pressure on the government, we'll get that Public Enquiry.
But with an incident of this nature that's not good enough. We need an Inquest.
Pressure needs to be applied, don't let them palm the public off
And I'd advise you to stop right there.
If you are saying what is probably entirely a cosmetic addition to the building that (investigation pending) has likely cost more lives due to fire than any previous bloc fire in living memory is A OK because you have faith in building regulations, you need to step back and think!
I have worked in a number of fields, beyond the regulations we are expected not to construct things that are likely to cause more harm than good, I am not saying that is definitely the case here, I am saying it should be seriously investigated!