Just to use you guys to bounce some ideas off.
I've currently got ~15k in my investment pot, with the view to withdraw most when we look to emigrate over to Spain. Whether it be costs or towards a house etc. That's likely to be early to mid 2024. We're not reliant on the funds and might not even use them at all, and so i don't need to be as low risk as withdrawing it and sticking it into a savings account.
Whilst we're here now, i've been floating the idea of buying a car for ~£15k so we have one straight away when we move out properly and it's one less stress for the future. Initially i was thinking of withdrawing from my investments, but then thought about getting a loan instead.
Looking at Santander (my bank), i can get £15,000 at 5.4% over 3 years. This only costs £1200 in interest over the 3 years. Assuming i pay it off in 12 months time, that comes down to ~£500 probably. In theory (or hope) my investments will have risen by more than that in that time. Especially as i have a decent chunk in assets with decent dividends of 5-6%. The rest are in a few riskier shares such as Boohoo/Asos which have taken a battering but look to be on some kind of upside at the moment (obviously not guaranteed to continue)
What would people here do? The mega safe option is to just withdraw all the investments and use that for a car. However, i believe there's an opportunity cost there and would hope my investments return more than the interest payable, although obviously it's a risk as we all know anything could happen in the next 12-15 months!