Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Can someone clear up this for me after a discussion with my dad regarding shares isa.

Say limit is £10,000, i invest all of it in ABC on April 6th

6 months later i sell ABC for £15000

I can now reinvest my £15000 in EFG the same day or later?
IE any gains can be re-invested tax free? As long as i dont withdraw from the isa account

Im struggling to find this in black and white on hmrc or consistantly on any forums.

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Just had a quick look and I believe you can keep the cash in there for some time as: -

How long can I hold cash within a Stocks & Shares ISA?

HM Revenue and Customs regulations do not set a timescale, however, they do stipulate that you must hold the cash in the account with the intention to reinvest at some point in the future.

I got this from Hargreaves Lansdown ISA FAQ
You need to give a little more info than that my friend! By the way russinating just noticed that youre in Bristol...where do you work? I live in Clifton as well :) Work for PwC at the mo, if Range hit anything big then I'll be buying a nice house :D

As above, small market cap, high spread, volatile/risky AIM market, little history/fundamentals and most of the hype is generated by BB rampers. No doubt it may have a very bright and successful future, but as he always says, there's always another share another day! Of course this is one man's opinion and I'm sure many traders make a success of volatile/risky startup AIM businesses.

I work for myself in the centre, but my flatmate works for PwC! I assume you work at the one by Brandon Hill? What dept. are you in?
Yes Giz. Hidden costs are things like stamp duty and spread cost between buy and sell price which can be 10%

PwC sounds useful for deciphering these balance sheets. NT has a website and says his trades every week if you check, he does aim and small companies but I remember he has a rule about something like no more then 3 to 1 debt to profits I think it is

He has EMED and they are not producing anything so far as I know. They own the ancient Roman Rio Tinto copper and gold mine so some potential asset

I think he did label it speculative in that case though. Never heard him mention RRL. He has the luxury of previous profits to spend which is a bit different

CRND looks like a price total collapse and lack of interest. If you know something that defys that reality and could reverse it even, I guess thats some nice profit possible
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Well as Im expecting RRL and SOU to do well this month, and as my regular monthly investment amount wont cover both of them I have opened a long spreadbet on RRL (£120) and SOU (£150). Planning to put my profits if any into my ISA and getting into PAF...

Will be watching my stops like a hawk, especially considering AIM volatility, now for the crossed fingers and hope it goes my way...
Can someone clear up this for me after a discussion with my dad regarding shares isa.

Say limit is £10,000, i invest all of it in ABC on April 6th

6 months later i sell ABC for £15000

I can now reinvest my £15000 in EFG the same day or later?
IE any gains can be re-invested tax free? As long as i dont withdraw from the isa account

Im struggling to find this in black and white on hmrc or consistantly on any forums.


That is correct, you can continue to trade whatever amount you are holding in your ISA account against other ISA shares, you're just limited by the amount of capital you can introduce each tax year.
Just realised there wasn't an Overlockers UK 'league' on Bullbearings (that I know of). Anyway, I've created one.

If you don't know then is a fantasy share trading site, based on real market prices but with virtual cash. Great for beginners to learn and pros to have a bit of fun with.

Anyway, the league is called 'Overclockers UK' and the password is 'pancake'.
Keeping an eye on Botswana Diamonds. Unfortunately they're not available through Bullbearings so will just have to watch normally.

Were listed on AIM in February, still sitting below the opening share price (after rising 14% since Monday morning) but they've got $2nb in cash to fund exploration throughout this year, an experienced board and expect to post the first bulk sampling results in June. A director also recently bought £1.7m worth of shares.
Just realised there wasn't an Overlockers UK 'league' on Bullbearings (that I know of). Anyway, I've created one.

If you don't know then is a fantasy share trading site, based on real market prices but with virtual cash. Great for beginners to learn and pros to have a bit of fun with.

Anyway, the league is called 'Overclockers UK' and the password is 'pancake'.

does it cover AIM shares or is it only FTSE?
CNR are in the red. Is anyone holding out until they drill in the Andrea Vein? said:
The company believes that the Andrea Vein may contain a significant resource at depth and future drilling will try to intersect the vein in high grade shoots below the 500 metres altitude level, where higher grade and wider gold mineralisation is anticipated.

It plans to drill the Andrea Vein in late 2011 or early 2012.
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