Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Check the situation every time you buy and dont just buy double it. Regular investment is a good idea, you like a company then buy it every month for a year and you will half the amount of BS in the price hopefully

Buying just once is generally a sucker bet, prices are all over the place

there will be a melt down in the financial system and all my investments will be worth nadda!!

The opposite is more true. Cash is a note with a promise written on it but a share is ownership of company equity.
If they wipe anything now it will be the cash values making the equity worth more not less (in price not value)
Even Chavez pays compensation when he seizes a company, we wont be going that far imo but promises can be broken

cash < equity < bonds - except what do bonds pay, uk cash. Equity can operate in and pay any currency it likes hence gold miners seem a good idea if cash is unstable

Bank of England announced they will print another 75bn of new cash to buy up bonds. To me if you produce more of something, its worth less indivually but we will see prices rise for now which is confusing, it helps low interest rates further.
Anyway it explains some this big surge FTSE upwards, I wont complain

CNR getting 100% share in La India is great. MC is genius
infrastructure savings probably makes that a great idea especially if its a good vein. But how much more money do they need to raise before they are self funding

Im 10% down on my gold fund last I looked, pity as I had timed the exit from Tech right on the high.
I bought WEIR recently but I sold it today just to ensure its a profit, I bought too much so the recent plunge was slightly worrying :o I will look again after this price surge settles

I'm currently holding Encore at an average of 103p.

It's only a small holding so I'm just going to ride the T/O out and take some PMO shares.

Maybe someone else will make a better offer, but at $17-$20 per barrel being offered, I'm not holding out hope.

They are possibly due more exploration results ?
That does seem a fair price, the buyout is 70p a share so the stock being 75 is due to a possible bid war I think
Ive sold EO and I'll buy some PMO later.

Also buying AGK today as its fallen to a more reasonable price

I sold HOIL again, GKP sluggish. Bought VGM again, PE 11 it shows so not that much optimism needed just a more stable gold price
HOC also looked great at 400p and about 10 PE unfortunately I already bought it before the plunge but its coming back like it deserves

Theres no massive reason this market will keep going up.
I think high div shares make a lot of sense in that you gain something whatever the price just so long as you are right about the company prospects being good

Estimated Dividend Yield Rankings of FTSE 100 Company

By Wendy Soong - Oct 4, 2011 7:14 PM GMT

The table below ranks estimated dividend yields of companies in the FTSE 100 Index (UKX) as of today.
The average estimated yield is 4.19 percent. Aviva Plc (AV/) offers the highest estimated yield at 9.76 percent while Randgold Resources provides the lowest at 0.39 percent.
The data is sorted by estimated dividend yield in descending order. Dividends are paid on a semi-annual basis unless noted. Payout ratios are calculated based on the latest annual dividend paid divided by earnings. The projected dividend yield is calculated by Bloomberg of the dividends projected over the coming 12 month.

                          Estimated Declared  Payout  Declared Projected
Ticker  Name              Div.Yld(%) Div.(GBp)Ratio(%)   Date  Div. Yld(%)
AV/     Aviva PLC              9.76  10.00      48.5   8/4/2011   10.03
RSA     RSA Insurance Group    8.84   3.34      86.1   8/4/2011    9.12
TT/     TUI Travel PLC         8.13   3.30      n/a   5/10/2011    7.86
VOD     Vodafone Group PLC     8.12   4.00$     57.7  7/28/2011    5.72
EMG     Man Group PLC          7.47   0.10#    146.9  9/28/2011     n/a
BA/     BAE Systems PLC        7.30   7.50      59.8  7/28/2011    7.28
SL/     Standard Life PLC      7.15   4.60      72.0  8/10/2011    7.31
ADM     Admiral Group PLC      6.44  39.10$     93.8  8/24/2011   10.48
AZN     AstraZeneca PLC        6.43   0.85#     44.9  7/28/2011    6.30
LGEN    Legal & General Grou   6.31   1.66      29.0   8/3/2011    5.75
NG/     National Grid PLC      6.29  23.47      59.1  5/19/2011    6.29
SSE     Scottish & Southern    6.17  52.60      46.7  5/20/2011    6.24
INVP    Investec PLC           6.05   9.00      36.5  5/19/2011    6.18
BLND    British Land Co PLC    5.77   6.50      27.4** 8/4/2011    7.19
SBRY    J Sainsbury PLC        5.77  10.80      43.9  5/11/2011    5.82
RDSA    Royal Dutch Shell PL   5.71   n/a @     50.7**9/28/2011    5.73
RDSB    Royal Dutch Shell PL   5.69   n/a       50.7**9/28/2011    5.69
HSBA    HSBC Holdings PLC      5.68   0.09#     49.1**7/15/2011    6.17
MKS     Marks & Spencer Grou   5.59  10.80      44.0  5/24/2011    5.66
ISAT    Inmarsat PLC           5.48   0.15#     64.7   8/4/2011    7.86
IAP     ICAP PLC               5.40  14.68      71.0  5/18/2011    5.34
GSK     GlaxoSmithKline PLC    5.28  16.00     202.3**7/26/2011    5.41
HL/     Hargreaves Lansdown    5.20  14.37$     97.5   9/1/2011    5.50
BT/A    BT Group PLC           5.15   5.00      40.2  5/12/2011    4.58
ANTO    Antofagasta PLC        5.15   0.08#    108.7  8/23/2011    3.46
CNA     Centrica PLC           5.14   4.29      39.3  7/28/2011    5.21
UU/     United Utilities Gro   5.13  20.00      57.7  5/26/2011    5.14
BP/     BP PLC                 4.99   4.32      n/a **7/26/2011    4.96
IMT     Imperial Tobacco Gro   4.95  28.10      56.8  5/10/2011    4.56
PRU     Prudential PLC         4.92   7.95      42.4   8/3/2011    5.09
OML     Old Mutual PLC         4.92   1.50      52.9   8/5/2011    5.56
CSCG    Capital Shopping Cen   4.91   5.00      24.2   8/2/2011    6.67
IMI     IMI PLC                4.76  11.00      39.0  8/25/2011    4.87
REX     Rexam PLC              4.74   4.70      44.6   8/3/2011    5.00
LAND    Land Securities Grou   4.74   7.20      17.6**7/19/2011    4.77
HMSO    Hammerson PLC          4.66   7.30      18.3   8/1/2011    4.71
BATS    British American Tob   4.65  38.10      78.8  7/27/2011    4.75
SVT     Severn Trent PLC       4.57  39.05      56.6  5/27/2011    4.58
REL     Reed Elsevier PLC      4.45   5.65      74.9  7/28/2011    4.52
BARC    Barclays PLC           4.35   1.00      18.8** 8/2/2011    4.64
BLT     BHP Billiton PLC       4.30   0.55#     22.6  7/21/2011    4.13
GKN     GKN PLC                4.22   2.00      26.1   8/3/2011    5.10
SMIN    Smiths Group PLC       4.19  25.00      46.7   9/1/2011    4.05
ENRC    Eurasian Natural Res   4.16   0.16#     18.0  8/17/2011    4.73
STAN    Standard Chartered P   4.13   0.25#     37.1   8/3/2011    4.39
SDRC    Schroders PLC          4.11  13.00      32.6   8/4/2011    4.41
TSCO    Tesco PLC              4.10  10.09      43.8  4/19/2011    4.17
CPG     Compass Group PLC      4.10   6.50      49.9  5/18/2011    3.94
AMEC    AMEC PLC               4.01  10.20      37.7  8/25/2011    4.08
BSY     British Sky Broadcas   3.95  14.54      53.4  7/29/2011    3.81
VED     Vedanta Resources PL   3.85   0.33#     18.7   5/5/2011    4.32
ULVR    Unilever PLC           3.84  19.62      54.2** 8/4/2011    3.98
RB/     Reckitt Benckiser Gr   3.80  55.00      53.2  7/25/2011    3.96
MRW     WM Morrison Supermar   3.76   3.17      40.2   9/8/2011    3.97
PSON    Pearson PLC            3.64  14.00      59.7  7/29/2011    3.65
DGE     Diageo PLC             3.62  24.90      53.1  8/25/2011    3.59
WPP     WPP PLC                3.61   7.46      38.4  8/24/2011    3.79
IHG     Intercontinental Hot   3.54   9.80      47.4   8/9/2011    3.65
NXT     Next PLC               3.47  27.50      34.0  9/14/2011    3.47
SGE     Sage Group PLC/The     3.45   2.68      45.2   5/4/2011    3.35
KGF     Kingfisher PLC         3.42   2.47      33.8  9/15/2011    4.67
SDR     Schroders PLC          3.37  13.00      32.6   8/4/2011    3.65
JMAT    Johnson Matthey PLC    3.37  33.50      53.6   6/2/2011    3.35
IPR     International Power    3.25   3.82      n/a    8/9/2011    3.01
GFS     G4S PLC                3.25   3.42      47.8  8/23/2011    3.50
CCL     Carnival PLC           3.21   0.25#     16.0**7/13/2011    4.09
CPI     Capita Group PLC/The   3.15   7.20      51.6  7/21/2011    3.26
WTB     Whitbread PLC          3.14  33.25      35.3  4/28/2011    2.89
RR/     Rolls-Royce Group PL   3.06   6.90$     55.5  7/28/2011    3.01
PFC     Petrofac Ltd           3.04   0.17#     27.0  8/22/2011    3.24
EXPN    Experian PLC           3.01   0.19#     56.6  5/18/2011    3.06
KAZ     Kazakhmys PLC          2.98   0.08#      8.5  8/25/2011    2.94
SAB     SABMiller PLC          2.90   0.62#     53.2  5/19/2011    3.06
RIO     Rio Tinto PLC          2.88  33.14      14.7  2/10/2011    3.04
XTA     Xstrata PLC            2.86   0.13#     15.6   8/2/2011    3.06
FRES    Fresnillo PLC          2.53   0.21#     48.3   8/2/2011    3.12
ISYS    Invensys PLC           2.51   2.50      17.7  5/19/2011    2.38
ABF     Associated British F   2.49   7.90      34.4  4/27/2011    2.40
III     3i Group PLC           2.46   2.40      18.3  5/12/2011    2.69
WEIR    Weir Group PLC/The     2.38   7.20      28.6   8/2/2011    2.89
AAL     Anglo American PLC     2.33   0.28#     12.0  7/29/2011    2.73
BRBY    Burberry Group PLC     2.20  15.00      40.6  5/26/2011    2.25
SN/     Smith & Nephew PLC     1.92   0.07#     24.5   8/5/2011    2.03
ITRK    Intertek Group PLC     1.85  10.70      34.9   8/1/2011    1.84
WG/     John Wood Group PLC    1.79   0.04#     34.0  8/23/2011    1.70
SRP     Serco Group PLC        1.66   2.50      23.0  8/24/2011    1.80
AGK     Aggreko PLC            1.36   7.20      23.8  8/25/2011    1.41
BG/     BG Group PLC           1.33   6.63      23.0  7/26/2011    1.40
ARM     ARM Holdings PLC       0.62   1.39      45.0  7/26/2011    0.70
TLW     Tullow Oil PLC         0.62   4.00      98.7  8/24/2011    0.97
SHP     Shire PLC              0.55   1.52      12.5  7/28/2011    0.58
RRS     Randgold Resources L   0.39   0.20#     17.6*  2/7/2011    0.42

#  - Payable in USD.
@  - Payable in EURO.
$  - Special cash or capital returns included.
^  - Indicated Yield.
*  - Dividend is paid out annually.
** - Dividend is paid out quarterly.
na = Payout ratio is not applicable if the denominator is negative. Data may
     not be available.

PDL up 16% on the same uptrend of couple years
This seems useful for oil noobs like me :

RRL has a p90 or almost certain oil reserve its drilling in Georgia. Nothing but noise so far? But I guess it'd be quite a disappointment if not found, they are 1500m of 3500m down

So thats 42m barrels and GKP has a p90 of 5bn barrels ? :o

Chart wise RRL has gone like a boomerang and hit us in the head. Mad speculation over, year on year its on the uptrend line (highs of dec nov oct aug 10)
Downside target for that is about 7p and upside is about 16, a good move above that would maybe be confirmation of the mad speculation and we can think about a new faster trend forming presumably because of grander news

Somehow I think we need to find more then just 42m it would take a few positive events like that

This years falls have mostly been on smaller volume then the 2010 rises which makes RRL a fair go still I hope.

Sold BLT bought tiny bit more RRL
Sold VGM I got recently, nice rise but not on good volume. Gold drifting up in uptrend still
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Infrastructure savings probably makes that a great idea especially if its a good vein. But how much more money do they need to raise before they are self funding

They are fully funded for the full 20,000m drilling program. I expect they will only need to raise funds if MC decides to keep drilling after 2m oz JORC are confirmed. Even then, CNR has concessions they could sell to raise funds, they really are in a good way!
This seems useful for oil noobs like me :

RRL has a p90 or almost certain oil reserve its drilling in Georgia. Nothing but noise so far? But I guess it'd be quite a disappointment if not found, they are 1500m of 3500m down

So thats 42m barrels and GKP has a p90 of 5bn barrels ? :o

Chart wise RRL has gone like a boomerang and hit us in the head. Mad speculation over, year on year its on the uptrend line (highs of dec nov oct aug 10)
Downside target for that is about 7p and upside is about 16, a good move above that would maybe be confirmation of the mad speculation and we can think about a new faster trend forming presumably because of grander news

Somehow I think we need to find more then just 42m it would take a few positive events like that

This years falls have mostly been on smaller volume then the 2010 rises which makes RRL a fair go still I hope.

Sold BLT bought tiny bit more RRL
Sold VGM I got recently, nice rise but not on good volume. Gold drifting up in uptrend still

Hi mate, indeed there is a lot of noise regarding the Georgia drill. A few reliable people are getting quite excited. Also note no mention at all of Puntland in the last RNS. A member of the RUM board saw this Note : the ultra high security (government officials only) and the size of some of the components on board. a lot of talk this is parts of the rig, Horn Petroleum was up 15% on Friday also on no news.

Not sure if you are into BB's but this one has been really useful while Ive been in RRL

Members to look out for who seem to tip most things that have occured in RRL (TT deal etc) are - JR 2187 (RRL's largest shareholder - the riddles do get a bit tiresome though), MegaOil, Jason O' Brian, Kev Yorks, TF.
Can someone summarise the 20+ Rockhopper RNSs today ?

Looks like most of them were director offers, details of placing and also the desire farm in?
Can someone summarise the 20+ Rockhopper RNSs today ?

Looks like most of them were director offers, details of placing and also the desire farm in?

That basically.

46.5 million raised at 180 with some directors and senior employees taking some from the placing. 10% dilution. They now have 60% interest in Area 1 and 25% in Area 2, as they believe those areas contain a sealion extension along with beverly and jayne prospects. Waiting to see if RKH bucks the latest trend of dropping to placing price ( and below ) a few days later.


ftse up 600+ in the last week
Dow up 1200+ in the last week
S&P up 130 in the last week

Really ? This euro bailout better be credible or its straight back down.
yeah thats my concern, especially looking at GKP.

I have a decent amount in RKH too, so might bail if we get more of an uptick before the 17th Oct placing.
Why, too much debt?

How about Premier foods, Hovis and Kipling and lots of brands to hook the unknowing retail investor but also lots of debt due 2013. I reckon 1p is worth a punt. Nice bet on a down day apparently, up 11%

3rd UPDATE: BP Announces Huge New UK Investment Despite Tax Hike
--UK Govt approves BP-led project to redevelop giant Clair field

--BP to spend GBP4 billion of GBP10 billion total for four projects by BP and partner companies in the North Sea

--BP's GBP4 billion spend on North Sea projects represents its highest investment on annual basis

--Investment goes ahead despite March tax hike on UK oil and gas production

(Adds comments from prime minister in 6th paragraph, BP CEO in 9th paragraph and details throughout.)

By Alexis Flynn
LONDON (Dow Jones)--BP PLC (BP.LN) Thursday reaffirmed its commitment to developing oil and gas resources in the U.K. North Sea, announcing a fresh GBP4.5 billion investment in the giant Clair field, as the British giant boosts its spending in its local market despite a steep tax hike on crude production enacted earlier this year.

BP's investment on its home turf comes as the London-based company aims to get back on track after a number of high-profile setbacks that have constrained its ambitions in some key overseas petroleum provinces.

BP said the U.K. government has approved plans by it and partners Chevron Corp. (CVX), ConocoPhillips (COP) and Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSA) to proceed with the second stage of the Clair Ridge project, the second stage of development of the Clair field. Including Thursday's announcement, BP and its partners plan to invest almost GBP10 billion in the North Sea over the next five years, the company said.

The decision to go ahead with the investment comes only months after the U.K. Treasury raised its top rate of tax on profits from North Sea production by 12 percentage points to 81%, a move that aroused intense opposition from the oil industry.

Critics have said the increase risked crimping further spending in the region. However, independent tax and government spending watchdog, the Office for Budget Responsibility, has said the increase is unlikely to curb spending given recent high oil prices.

U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, speaking at a press conference with BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley, said discussions between the government and the oil industry about taxation were continuing. Those talks are focusing on how best to encourage investment in fields that are only marginally profitable to develop, Cameron said.

BP Thursday declined to comment on how the higher taxes had affected its decision to continue investing in Clair, saying only that "each company had different views on the tax."

The four BP-operated North Sea projects are part of a wave of new major oil and gas developments around the world that the U.K. firm expects to come on stream over the next five years in growing provinces like Brazil and Angola, the company said.

The Clair field contains around 7 billion barrels of oil in place and will be among those still operational in 2050, Dudley said at a press conference at BP's North Sea headquarters in Aberdeen. The second stage of its development will come onstream in 2016, he said.

Earlier this year, BP announced plans for the $4.7 billion redevelopment of the Schiehallion and Loyal fields, west of Shetland, and the $1.1 billion development of the Kinnoull field in the central North Sea. And its GBP550 million Devenick natural gas project with RWE AG's (RWE) RWE Dea announced last year is already underway, with production expected by next year.

Despite these announcements, BP's share price continues to lag other peers among integrated oil majors. BP and oilfield contractors are expected to face fines from U.S. as soon as this week related to the Deepwater Horizon disaster last year. Analysts note that unlike some of its peers, BP has not received new deepwater drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico. The company also confronts a stream of litigation related to a proposed venture with OAO Rosneft (ROSN.RS) that fell through.

Royal Bank of Canada analyst Peter Hutton said that the economics of the Clair project from data provided a few month ago looked "surprisingly attractive."

"I think BP should be spending where they can get attractive returns, and that still includes the U.K. on advantaged projects," he said.

-By Alexis Flynn, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 207842 9471, [email protected]

(James Herron in London contributed to this report.)

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 13, 2011 10:41 ET (14:41 GMT)

BP still not broken through and closed above its negative range. If it does get sold again then 380 is possible. Should break either way soon as its drifted here for 5 days

Herencia Resources plc

("Herencia" or the "Company")

More High Grade Drill Assay Results at Paguanta including Very High Silver Grades of up to 997g/t


· High grade assay results from Patricia drill program including:

o 5.0m @ 10.2% zinc, 4.0% lead and 248g/t silver from 88.0m in PTDD091

o 4.6m @ 3.7% zinc, 1.8% lead and 473 g/t silver from 85.5m in PTDD081

o 1.0m @ 6.0% zinc, 2.7% lead and 997 g/t silver from 40.0m in PTDD076

Herencia Resources, a multi-commodity project development company, is pleased to provide an update in relation to its Paguanta Project (Herencia 70% owner) in northern Chile:

· 12,443m of drilling successfully completed at Paguanta thus far this year.

· Results from diamond drill hole PTDD091 (Cathedral Vein) include grades of 22m at 3.6% zinc, 1.6% lead and 93g/t silver from 86m including 5.0m at 10.2% zinc, 4.0% lead and 248g/t silver from 88m depth, including 2.0m @ 16.3% zinc, 7.4% lead and 478g/t silver from 91m.

· Results from diamond drill hole PTDD081 (Central Vein) include high grades of 4.6m at 3.7% zinc, 1.8% lead and 473g/t silver from 85.5m including 1.5m at 4.8% zinc, 2.3% lead and 887g/t silver from 85.5m depth.

· Results from diamond drill hole PTDD076 (Cathedral Vein) include high grades of 1.0m at 6.0% zinc, 2.7% lead and 997g/t silver from 40m.

· All Metallurgical drill holes have been completed.

· Geotechnical drilling of the planned underground mining areas has been completed.

· Site geotechnical testing of plant site completed and tailings dam location nearing completion.

· Detailed topographic survey work has been completed.

· Access Road design work is underway.

· Baseline Environmental Monitoring work continues.

Herencia's Managing Director Michael Bohm commented "These high grades are not surprising as we know from the extensive drilling carried out to date that the Patricia orebody has a significant grade profile. It is pleasing that high grades are being reported across the zinc, lead and silver profile and at shallow depths. The silver grades are particularly encouraging.

Work continues in advancing the drilling program and the Feasibility Study at Paguanta. We also plan to commence drilling at the Guamanga Copper-Gold Project this quarter, so the next six months will see plenty of activity for the team in Chile."

HER good news is enough to get it going?
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Ive heard of VOG a few times but I dont really know them. Chart has them recently positive, was a good vol day today but not so much over a year. Maybe 4.75 would be a nice target before they do have to build up more buyers I would guess

Bought some more RRL, its a pretty dismal share now and ignoring these crude oil price rises as of course they are mostly about exploration results

20% up appears great but its only flat on the week!
At the close its held previous lows which helps the idea of a double bottom, if that were true we should really see the bigger gains later

Track back to Barc in 2009 and it shows a W where it touches the prices twice both short term but also in two different months before it then gets the really bigger gains.
Would be nice if RRL could do that

I didnt sell any RRL, didnt seem right. Holding HOC silver mine despite the fact EURO has probably topped for this moment as its hit 61% retrace from 2009 falls and a couple other trends. It had a good run

Not sure how much markets will waver, the news to match is the Euro bailout plan in Nov and so on. I think the 'easy gains' are over right now

Looking at selling Cisco at 17.81 if we continue to be positive for this week. Google had good results, I should look up what date Cisco is. They have a history of disappointing
What are your thoughts on BARC?

Im still holding quit a lot of them and plan to hold it until things pick up which could end up being a year or longer however I feel that there are probably large gains to be had if you are willing to wait.
Ive heard of VOG a few times but I dont really know them. Chart has them recently positive, was a good vol day today but not so much over a year. Maybe 4.75 would be a nice target before they do have to build up more buyers I would guess

Bought some more RRL, its a pretty dismal share now and ignoring these crude oil price rises as of course they are mostly about exploration results


magic lines again

these ones seem somewhat more arbitrary than usual

(Sorry I know I pull this stuff up all the time but tbh... it shouldn't be left unchallenged - other people might be lead to believe there is some validity to this BS and then potentially lose money as a result)
magic lines again

these ones seem somewhat more arbitrary than usual

(Sorry I know I pull this stuff up all the time but tbh... it shouldn't be left unchallenged - other people might be lead to believe there is some validity to this BS and then potentially lose money as a result)

Dowie, can you stfu about your magic lines, you clearly know nothing about it from that post, not even real beginner first 5 mins stuff.

Anyway, magic line update number 1, would have netted you 250 points so far on BHP

Update number 2, FTSE, haven't got a trade in here and still don't, never broke red line properly and reversed for a strong uptrend, probably to sucker everyone in imho quite possibly a wash out up to 5560/70 and down, or start of an uptrend and my theory is wrong, can't say at this point. Sitting on the sidelines (would be if traded FTSE, but don't)

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