Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Shouldn't have sold BP really. :p Ah well! Might try a cheeky punt on Supergroup once I have a chance to do a bit of research on them.

Been considering this for a bit now, made a decent mark up. Ex divi in a few days i believe. BP will recover again its just going to take awhile and with the current markets I think this isnt helping
F-ing Greece. Europe should just wash their hands of them once and for all. Greece can then say bye bye money markets as their greed and short sightedness condemns them to years of poverty and anarchy, and then we can get on with our lives.
I'm completely in AIM atm and these days are pretty hard to take.

Worrying thing is, it was the Olympics that royally screwed Greece over. Granted, they made some terrible decisions off the back of it. We need to be very careful.

Does the Euro have to collapse completely for us to have another go and get it right in another few hundred years?
Greece to actually ask its rioting citizens is the joker in the pack. If they voted no it does not undo all of the recent bail out plan, this would only be greece a country smaller then many USA states. An overreaction but one that could stick anyway :confused:

Had I caught this news I might have realised to amend a few orders this morning, not got the best prices. This is kind of pullback I was expecting but not the news so much, so I wonder if it will go further now

Got BP and ATK again as I was lucky to sell that 2p off its top
RBS is not that far off its bottom price, not sure if its a bargain or doomed :eek:

GOG also goes ex div on Wed. But I'd rather get XTA at 950 maybe. Check back at 1.30 or 4.30 even might be the low ?

I looked at SGP yesterday, my guess and without much actual interest by myself is to hold when its above 622. Thats a ledge it must regain if climbing, its only been a share two years? so hard to say
bloody lazy ******* greek idiots. They should be kicked out of the EU and euro and allowed to make their own way.

We where going to let them off 50% of everything they owe and then give them even more money which they would probably never pay back.
This made me laugh:

“A couple of years ago, there were more Cayennes circulating in Greece than individuals who declared and paid taxes on an annual income of more than 50,000 euros.”

Hard to believe? Don’t take my word for it. The report in Athens News will add to fears, expressed by leading economist George Soros and others, that last week’s deal to save the euro can only buy a little time – not a permanent solution. China may also question why it should support economies that pay their unemployed more than most of its workers earn.
China may also question why it should support economies that pay their unemployed more than most of its workers earn.

Because they are communist and suppressing the wealth of their own people in order to support the central politics and power of the regime ruling over the people.

If they just allowed a freely traded currency it would end up as free capitalism and ultimately I think democracy. So it is strange but true that they will offer more support to foreign citizens and potential goods purchasers.
It is inefficient but its a price Chinese rulers are willing to pay, they are richer then they would be otherwise

Read about APR some more in telegraph and seems good. I bought Aggrecko two years ago and that did very well for similar reasons, infrastructure. Electricity and water also I think are going to be in demand no matter what, Greece isnt even relevant as its about population growth outside west

More HOIL. Wish I sold a lot (more) things on recent rise :/ bought more anyway

Scheduling buys for PMO and XTA on Friday I think, this gloom should last that long:(
Buy PDL from 107 target 96p upto 130
BP close above 434 this week would be stella and a good indication but 405 more expected now. I doubled up today

All Im saying is that if everyone followed charts

#1 chart thing to follow is 200 day moving average. New York BP just touched and failed to pass it. This serves as a negative till regained, could mean its the top price for a while but everyone follows this one. Attitudes always vary though so who knows
I heard but not sure that some big pension type funds are banned from buying a company that is trading below its 200 DMA Very possible it has real relevance

Oil price hit a ceiling like many other things last week (its previous 2009 positive trend)

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Shouldn't have sold BP really. :p Ah well! Might try a cheeky punt on Supergroup once I have a chance to do a bit of research on them.

I've still got about 650 share in BP, brought them for around £3.00, have been contemplating on selling them, as markets just seem a lot more volatile atm and I'd rather quit whilst I'm in the green.

hmm, can you post on here what you think about Supergroup, after you've looked into them a bit please?
I've still got about 650 share in BP, brought them for around £3.00, have been contemplating on selling them, as markets just seem a lot more volatile atm and I'd rather quit whilst I'm in the green.

hmm, can you post on here what you think about Supergroup, after you've looked into them a bit please?

Supergroup?? Superdry??
Some really low volumes going (or rather not going through) today, is everyone just sat on their hands ? :p

BP was at normal volume and did very well today even though it went Ex-div. I sold most of what I got yesterday, bought Petra diamonds.

Sold CNR bought RRL, which were low Vol Not great news in Georgia, bringing RMP closer to parity as it does not have the Trinidad oil reserves RRL says it will increase soon ?

Gross production for the quarter was 446,000 million cubic feet of gas and 77,706 barrels of oil, with 97,000mcf and 51,146 barrels attributable to Range. This was an increase on the previous quarter to June 30, when gross production was 440,000mcf and 36,718 barrels (95,000mcf and 7,863 barrels attributable to Range).
In Trinidad the firm successfully began a programme of 21 development wells, using three of its rigs, in order to target a significant increase in production. Two wells have been successfully completed with two more wells nearing completion, and Range is expecting to release details of an upward revision of its proved (P1) reserves in Trinidad shortly.

Positive market is from FED apparently ? Nice surprise to the upside, BP might even get to 500 at this rate and close the year flat. Considering that price was on Russia deal now gone I guess we got to say they are doing well and with good momentum through market waves
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I was more refering to some of the aim's in my watchlist at, just seems funny at times with aim as usual its when certain companies get a bit of profile everyone jumps on board, not seen much of it of late, that i've seen anyway, compared with a year ago......

@silversurfer any particular reason you got rid of CNR other than to jump to RRL ?
@silversurfer any particular reason you got rid of CNR other than to jump to RRL ?

Most likely because CNR probably won't move much until the end of year JORC update. However, if the TAU report comes out and effectively confirms El Sal is back in business, that's immediately another 1m oz added to the books and that will move the share price.
I sold a bit not all, just juggling it about a bit.
CNR has the better trend since August but Im hoping RRL is due a rise despite spending most of the year falling where as CNR I expect to cycle rather then adjust massively anywhere
11 or 12p for RRL would be reasonable? depends how unexpected what occurs next is. It does appear it will continue to decline though

Im not aware of the timetable, El Sal news might shift it upto 10p again if it were to scrap this silly ban they've had I guess

I like Anglo Pacific royalities and the chart, will wait for a dip probably Big rise on CLF for some reason not high vol, missed that but I hold it
TAU report imminent, due any day now. CNR RNS explains a concession transfer adding 200k oz JORC to condors tally.
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Would be nice to see RRL have a stable close in double figures by the end of the year at least. Time will tell.
Im Surprised the market is only slightly up but surely this reverses the reversal ? So confused now:confused:

Nov. 3, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EDT
Greek premier abandons referendum plan
: AP

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- The Greek prime minister has abandoned plans to hold a referendum on the bailout package for Greece agreed last week, the Associated Press reported, citing two officials close to the Greek premier. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou gave up plans for the referendum after the country's main opposition party said it would back the bailout.

Sold off some Barc and think I'll increase LLOY instead. Also will buy some APR APF HOC tomorrow

Range Hardy and Caza are officially my worst performing stocks of last 3 months, all small oil producers for some reason. Would higher oil price help
The top performers could be bundled together as innovative or progressive stocks ?

Would be nice to see RRL have a stable close in double figures by the end of the year at least. Time will tell.


Looks awful now but not when focusing over years. Also I think higher volume occurred more when price was rising which would match the case of longer term holders and short term majority sellers
16 is a reasonable target for this year but it'd surely require a good reason to break the trend, until then it can bounce upto 11 and down again

Range Resources, a client of yours, has become a hugely popular stock over the last 18 months. What has that company got right and how does that fit in with your view of what investors are looking for in junior resources companies?

There is almost a magic formula which involves an element of production that throws off some cash flow, which enables you to pay your bills and gives you the leverage to raise more money and go and drill some nice low risk, high impact exploration targets. Not many companies fit into that particular mould but you can get there with some very astute deal making. A small company with production enabling it to spend on exploration is very rare. Range Resources have done this but you can’t do it overnight. You go back to the beginning of 2010 and their share price was less than 4p. The market got excited about some exploration assets they had in Puntland, and obviously Puntland still hasn’t drilled yet, but in the meantime they were able to use the cash they had to get into some production assets in Texas. That was all about timing, skill and judgment.

A distressed partner drops out, wells can’t be drilled, so you come in with a couple of million dollars and you say: ‘I’m your man’ and then the drilling commences. You have to be opportunist, you have to know where the opportunities are because simply buying production is a very expensive game, you have to have something extra on top of that. With that they bought into Texas and then they started shaping up the Georgia prospect and then Puntland is getting closer, although it is a slow process. In all that time they didn’t drill an exploration well but now they are, the time is right and they haven’t put a foot wrong really. Trinidad was a great deal, we are really impressed with Trinidad. Straightaway, they have got the cash from a share placing, they have got a 21 well development programme – and this is still an oil junior. They have got exploration wells going down and they are still producing in Trinidad and Texas, what a cracking, diversified portfolio. It is a great example of what you can do to get your market cap up by a factor of 10, which is what they did. You need a little bit of serendipity, sometimes you need the cards to fall in the right way for you, but that was astute deal making and now they are drilling bang on the right time and scouring the world for good assets.
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