About Cluff Gold
Cluff Gold is a gold developer-producer with assets in West Africa. The Company generates significant cash flow through its Kalsaka gold mine in Burkina Faso. The Company remains focused on its objective of becoming a mid-tier producer through the development of its wholly-owned Baomahun project in Sierra Leone, which is expected to contribute an additional 150,000oz of gold per annum, with significant exploration potential along strike. With its experience of bringing new mines into production and a project pipeline of exploration licenses in Burkina Faso and Mali, the Company aims to further increase its production profile with its highly prospective exploration work across all assets.
Baomahun is Cluff Gold's defining development gold project in Sierra Leone. Definitive feasibility study work is progressing in the immediate resource area, where 2.1Moz of indicated resources 25.6Mt at 2.5g/t) and a further 0.9Moz of inferred resources (comprising 9.6Mt at 2.8g/t) have been delineated to date. The current resource base is limited to only 1.5km of a total 12km strike length which remains largely unexplored to date.
The Company is employing a two-fold strategy for Baomahun: to advance towards production with the current resources while delineating additional ounces along strike.