Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

Looks like that one worked out ok over the year, not a bad place to be in comparison to this years fallout because it had already fallen

Just looking at
5m big, might be a similarly lost penny share with reasonable prospects for the price.
They been around years, anyone heard of it before?

ARM was a good one to buy over the last 3 months, nice choice
I thought it was fair value at 200 in 2009 but not when its consistently growing, the market always rewards reoccurring growth with a high price. Still seems expensive :o

China turns down the united Euro bond fund 'opportunity' Negative for market I think

Big Chunky page of data & links on CNR
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Silver - what do you think is a good entry pont for CNR?

All subjective. :) I've been kicking about in CNR since the 2p days (thank god, it's how I clawed back my MTA losses), I think general consensus is around the 6-7p mark.

Sadly for you (sorry!), I'm hoping those days have passed with the developments and news to come.

So long as you've done your research, and you're happy with the fundamentals then go for it. Take this with a truck load of salt, but some people have done fag packet calculations to projected prices upwards of 20p (some even go to the £1 mark lol) when they hit the 2 million JORC figure.

Condor flew earlier this year, every chance they'll do it again but every chance the market will change or they'll miss the target. AIM is a fickle tart.
From memory my cnr average is around the low 6's. I've done a few buys over a 16ish month period, a couple were when it was flying high, I. don't see it as too much of an issue if you believe they're going places. It's the market (and indeed CNR) that could screw it up for us all......... stating the obvious I know but its happened before and will happen again with aim listed company.

I remember people saying desire were good for £4-£5... hows that idea working out :p . I lost out on them as well to be fair so I take my chances where I can :)

My 2p.
BOR & FOGL looking good the last couple of days, excitement building for the next big FI discovery? I do hope so, my plan was to de-risk before spud as much as possible. Got in at 43p so looking good so far. Just hope its not a pump and dump or I'll be wishing I'd have sold out now.

Generally looking good however the majority of my portfolio is in RRL and that's where most of my hopes lie. Not too fussed about Georgia and a duster is more than priced in. Would just be nice to get the official duster RNS out of the way if thats the case as the negative sentiment seems to be clouding the excitement of a historic Puntland spud which is only weeks away now.

I don't expect to hear any news regarding this spud as security seems to be the main priority over there.

Having got in at 9p Aprils rise into the 20's seems like forever now, but I'm still optimistic there are more things to come from this company. I'm more excited about Trinidad at the moment and the upgraded reserves.

Add onto that the expected sale of Texas assets some time next year, plus the fact they've just announced a significant find over there, which should/might be offered as a special Divi then I'm more than happy to wait for everything to come together.

If anyone fancies a high risk/reward punt then I'd go for RMP. Georgia drill not looking favourable at the moment but their share of a successful Puntland drill will result in a hell of a lot of return!
Im surprised I get asked when I sold a bit at 7p.

It does look like it could make a decent run though its never simple Iam positive on gold price at the moment.
That has held strong, despite the falls its an incredibly healthy market compared to any others

Cost of production for CNR seems significant unknown and the market prefers certainities. Even Wales has a gold mine its just that it costs $1600 to mine an ounce as its special stuff mixed with copper apparently. I predict it'll reopen one day

So lets say CNR is not cheap, 1k an ounce. Start ups always have that anyway and we'll take 1600 GLD price not 1777
So I wonder if its fair to then say 1 million ounces is 600m of resource making the 50m market cap a bit wrong though they'll need financing, thats why Marquire is involved in the shares at 9p
They issue more 9p shares soon apparently to part pay for their latest purchase, like 300k worth

Chart wise 12p is a continuation of the positive trend we had at year start. 6p was a decent base line I saw a few times though it doesnt have to hold. Recently it was reluctant to drop that far maybe a tell of these gains now

If 16p is fair for RRL on any good news (it continues to be unpopular) then for CNR its much harder to say but 8 or 9 then 12 as the best I would expect without some big change. If gold went to 2000 now, that'd help

Downside 7.25, breakout level, 6.29 positive trend and below that would match much disappointment somewhere. At 8.8% spread I dont think this share price is competitive or true exactly, I hope its real price is at least double

Sold some CNR bought VGM
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CNR: Theres bound to be a fews bumps in the ride as well with people taking profit at set levels i'd have thought. Good luck to all :) Looks like its going for a sprint finish today as well!
That was a nice close and good volume. Spread came down to 2% at one point with a 8.5p sell which makes me optimistic this may hold some
Even VGM managed a gain with the gold price I think. Some report gives detail on their losses
Sold a bit more CNR and bought Lloyds, lowest prices ever and results soon
Barc ex div Wed
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Yep great finish there, now more of the same 2moro please and no international meltdown for a few weeks and we'll all be happy :p
Rats I was going to put another few K in CNR this morning and didn't do it thinking it would drop later on :(

Ah well still in from under a penny- remember who brought this to your collective attention when you're all rich ;)
31 grams is about an ounce I think so thats a fair old whack :)

1 sovereign has about 1/4 an ounce of gold and goes for upto 300 recently. Victorians used them as pound coins as such they are free of any taxes

Gold is doing very well, higher then I expected and up 2% so far also oil
9/18 carat gold is much less then 24ct I wouldnt sell gold in general, is there a desperate need for cash.

Get a few quotes, I wouldnt know about dealing jewellery but if its just melt value then they wont give the market or spot price

18/24 of 131gm is like 3519 but you wont ever get that much unless you know how to smelt gold yourself
9/24 is 1760

Seems like you could do better but I dont know the mark downs for 'cheapy' gold. 24ct is the pure stuff that central banks use

Theres not likely to be a great rush of demand for sterling which makes gold a fair bet imo
They not raising rates they are printing more money which has a kind of pendulum effect I reckon where prices will rise much more later and I presume that also means higher gold priced in pounds

Everyone is going gold crazy.

With good reason. Market is very strong in gold because of extreme instability in currency.
So in the last year we gained 33% and its possible next year also. The fact that gold never falls more then it previously gained seems like a no risk bet


Market cap of 119 for this gold producer :

About Cluff Gold

Cluff Gold is a gold developer-producer with assets in West Africa. The Company generates significant cash flow through its Kalsaka gold mine in Burkina Faso. The Company remains focused on its objective of becoming a mid-tier producer through the development of its wholly-owned Baomahun project in Sierra Leone, which is expected to contribute an additional 150,000oz of gold per annum, with significant exploration potential along strike. With its experience of bringing new mines into production and a project pipeline of exploration licenses in Burkina Faso and Mali, the Company aims to further increase its production profile with its highly prospective exploration work across all assets.

Baomahun is Cluff Gold's defining development gold project in Sierra Leone. Definitive feasibility study work is progressing in the immediate resource area, where 2.1Moz of indicated resources 25.6Mt at 2.5g/t) and a further 0.9Moz of inferred resources (comprising 9.6Mt at 2.8g/t) have been delineated to date. The current resource base is limited to only 1.5km of a total 12km strike length which remains largely unexplored to date.

The Company is employing a two-fold strategy for Baomahun: to advance towards production with the current resources while delineating additional ounces along strike.
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