Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
How much is all in :o

Well all my spare cash, was only a few k, 1300 shares at £2.44 :)

So nearly 1k up so far. :)

Need it as am 1k down in ZEN, though I am leaving funds in ZEN at least until trading update on the 10th.

Still RKH is safe bet, over 1k up at present, with very little bottom side and massive upside potential. :D

Basically nearly 6k of my own money in shares and RKH has now turned it nicely into the blue and fingers crossed a lot more to come.
17 Oct 2002
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
I sadly sold my RKH ages ago. I still hold about 13k of FOGL and 13k in DES.

Im considering buying RKH again.

DES, hope you were not one of the ones to get burnt when they had their almighty crash when their discovery was well, water.

Got in on RKH last year around 300p+ and sold above 500p making a couple of grand, then put 1k back in at just over 500p thinking it could go higher but it crashed, but sold and lost circa £500 so was not all bad considering the intial profit.

Now having RKH at £2.64 I am smiling, it has counter acted my loss on ZEN (though not technically a loss until you sell) and has put me overall up.

Though my realistic sell target on RKH is 450-550p and think we could see it anytime soon or maybe a lot higher. :)
17 Oct 2002
DES, hope you were not one of the ones to get burnt when they had their almighty crash when their discovery was well, water.

Yep sadly I was, I dont invest in AIM's. I did quite well out of RKH also, I can't quite remember the numbers.

I just hope BARC keeps going up as I have quite a lot in there. Im not too bothered about the others as long s BARC does well.

I still like yell and at this sort of price it could do quite well over the next couple of years if they do not go under :D
1 May 2007
Hey chaps

I'm a noob at all this and have a few questions. Background - put £500 into RBS back in december as i fancied a go and so far so good. Tried to get them at .17 but by the time i sorted my account out they were up to .20. Still they are up nicely today and now showing a total increase of 33%.


- How do you guys decide when to get out? I always saw this as a longer term (over a year) investment but all of a sudden there's a nice £150 potential profit sitting there.

- What's the best platform for casual trading? I setup a Natwest ISA trading account but was surprised at the £15 transaction fee - is this the norm?

- I notice many of you trade in mining stocks, what's the reason for this? And do you do lots of research for each trade?
7 Jul 2009
Hey chaps

I'm a noob at all this and have a few questions. Background - put £500 into RBS back in december as i fancied a go and so far so good. Tried to get them at .17 but by the time i sorted my account out they were up to .20. Still they are up nicely today and now showing a total increase of 33%.


- How do you guys decide when to get out? I always saw this as a longer term (over a year) investment but all of a sudden there's a nice £150 potential profit sitting there.

- What's the best platform for casual trading? I setup a Natwest ISA trading account but was surprised at the £15 transaction fee - is this the norm?

- I notice many of you trade in mining stocks, what's the reason for this? And do you do lots of research for each trade?


Some good questions and I'd be interested to hear the views of others.

Regarding getting out, that I think really is down to when you feel you've made what you either set out to make, or if you think there is still room for the price to go further. Do you need the £150 at the moment or are you going to reinvest it elsewhere?

I use Hargreaves Lansdown for my deals and they charge no more than £11.95 per deal, but that is if you've only done 0 - 9 deals the previous month. If you've done 10 - 19 it's £8.95 and 20 - or more then £5.95.

I have some stocks in EDL and bought those based on some research at the time, although after buying them their price did drop and currently sitting on a loss.

23 Jun 2009
Call me a dullard, but when people say they got "burnt" and "lost", eg if the share price falls, am I right in thinking they don't lose anything, it's just their shares have lost value, but could return high again?

Don't know why it entered my mind that actually lose money.

Sorry for dumb question
17 Oct 2002
Call me a dullard, but when people say they got "burnt" and "lost", eg if the share price falls, am I right in thinking they don't lose anything, it's just their shares have lost value, but could return high again?

Don't know why it entered my mind that actually lose money.

Sorry for dumb question

Well if the company goes under you have lost everything, however the share price could go back up and you have not lost anything until you have sold it.

For example I bought a lot of yell share at 14p they are now 5p, I have not really lost anything because I have not sold them but who knows if they will ever go back up.
7 Jul 2009
Call me a dullard, but when people say they got "burnt" and "lost", eg if the share price falls, am I right in thinking they don't lose anything, it's just their shares have lost value, but could return high again?

Don't know why it entered my mind that actually lose money.

Sorry for dumb question

As the share price stands today, if I sold them I would make a loss on my original investment. Yes, there is a very good chance and I hope this to be the case that the share price will return to the purchase price and beyond.
18 Oct 2003
My portfolio percentage is looking a lot less healthy now that AU. has been removed from the listing..

BP and RKH making good ground countering my Sound Oil and CNR.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
RRL is more positive then negative. It seems to have recovered its fall out aka the december lows where it appeared to just fail.

High volume negates low volume price action so hopefully that is history, obviously barring actual negative or below expectations news

Vol today was below average but its still staying high enough I reckon. 8.67 is about the bottom of the long term trend going back years. Current price is near the top of that range and then you got the breakout stuff going upto 16 and beyond


CNR is more blah, even more volatile. Not sure however gold is the biggest bull market out there.
Just drew in an uptrend from lows of 2011 2010 which if true means we have to hold this 6p area now (and rise). I been buying at 6p for a year, enough already :p

I have a small bit of ZEN, 6p, 4m market cap and 2m revenues? I hope they made a profit on 2011 sales, that would be nice. I think they are a decent risk reward and massively unpopular, no debt just needs to make profit like now before the cash runs out

Even with a good chance of going broke I prefer them to HMV or YELL just because they might have expanding prospects and/or asset value exceeding the market cap.
Im not a fan of these two or similar brand name fallouts especially retail however I do still hold TSCO, if they cant hold a steady price I dont fancy anyone elses chances
The guy who bought Lloyds with his remortage was an ex-employee, he basically fell into the trap of personal bias as well as obviously over allocating to one thing.
Ive burnt my fingers myself learning that share, company and brand/product performance can be unrelated :o

Barc +10% is great. Would be nice if they went all the way to 242 or so - their old range. But I might sell at 230 area. I sold some Lloyds and RBS I bought on the lows today, Lloyds was always too cheap but its up like 50% now ? which is amazing. Hope they keep going, I bought too high


Robbie Burns said:
I've taken profits in Gulf Keystone. They were just too good and quick to resist it even though plenty of stuff about a bid at twice the price for but now I've banked at 281 for a profit of £2,380. It also kept knocking up at three quid and falling back so all in all seems sensible to bank though I missed the top by 20 points.
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3 May 2004
Nice to see RRL getting back on it's feet, but with spudding results not due for 3 months I wonder if the share price will fall back to the 8p range until the excitement starts to build again.

There's a lot more going for RRL than the Puntland spud. In fact it is seen almost as a side project compared to projects which it 100% controls

News due on other projects anytime
13 Dec 2004
Agree with that Trinidad asset is the jewel in the crown for RRL. 100% owned and valued at 17p minimum alone without further discoveries. The big one there for me is the seismic results of the herreras. Thought to have about 10 to drill. Results due soon. Its worth noting that in an interview in December Peter Landau made of point of stating that he had plans to catch out the traders after puntland spud.

Had a really good couple of month recently. Got in gkp at 140p and more than doubled my holding at 190p so healthy profit there. Still think its got more to run. Can see it over 300 in the next few days.
23 Jun 2009
Well if the company goes under you have lost everything, however the share price could go back up and you have not lost anything until you have sold it.

For example I bought a lot of yell share at 14p they are now 5p, I have not really lost anything because I have not sold them but who knows if they will ever go back up.

As the share price stands today, if I sold them I would make a loss on my original investment. Yes, there is a very good chance and I hope this to be the case that the share price will return to the purchase price and beyond.

Thanks for clarifying the situation. Will look to get into this in a small way myself in the next few months. Only as an educational tool at first (eg gain a clear understanding), then possibly more later on.

Seems quite "expensive" at £10 a trade or whatever, but I guess nothing is free in life. :)
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