Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

26 Dec 2009
I think ive just done something stupid, just bought 4630 shares @ 10.35p in Beowulf Mining just because someone above mentioned them!! A fool and his money are easily parted comes to mind.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Would it be wise investing in RRL now or have i missed the boat?

You havent missed the boat, they havent found anything really just yet. Just some speculation, today they spudded Somalia.
At the same time they sell in 18m shares to fund themselves so very big knock back down today, reversing gains

They obviously need to pay the bills, are the bills worth paying though. Somalia Pirates dont miss many boats either, I wonder how that will work. Mozambican big gas find in news today, similar to Kurd thing it could raise area interest
Giant volume today, I think it can still recover as it held for most of the day a fair midway point

Beowulf recovered today so maybe not a bad time to buy, was still expecting 8p or so but was double vol on this rise. 16p is the ceiling.
I dont own much, better hope they can settle disputed mining rights with the indigenous people.
Read iii and google the company, read all the reports never buy just from this thread only :eek: :p

Good rise from CAD, to plan. Now starts a battle back up

I bought CNR at 6p again it repeats. weak but gold isnt
ESSAR fell 30% :eek: owch, I should not be holding them, bought a bit at the low - funding / government tax problem + India imports from Iran


This looks a good report, market cap vs reserves = aprox valuation
Market varies from $1 per barrel for Cadogan reserves to $50 for Max Petrol (allegedly)

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26 Dec 2009
Read iii and google the company, read all the reports never buy just from this thread only :eek: :p

Thanks some good info there. This was my first "investment", using My brother said just to play around with a small amount just to learn the ropes. Intend to play with this £500 for a while. Cant believe i put down £500 on BEM just becuase i heard the name on OCUK!

What do you think of XEL, stocks have taken a battering, surely only up from here?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Cant ever be sure of one direction but seems they are not valued properly. Until they make profits thats par for the course.
Without funding even with asset wealth, ironically illiquid - going broke is totally possible or regulation or license problems. Down is always possible

I know the company have complained about being undervalued. I was looking at them earlier, I might switch out of a stock which rises to buy just a bit more of this

From the chart above
Will 2012 be a year of consolidation?

This creates one interesting outcome, cheap oil in the ground to buy. For example, Xcite is trading at $1.1/bbl of net resources and Rockhopper at $2.6/bbl, well below what we would expect trade deals to be done at. These developers have commercial assets but do not have the reserves or cash flow required to raise significant levels of debt. Other than following the Faroe route, many of them could find themselves targets of mid-sized players looking to buy cheap, near-stage commercial resources in the ground. 2012 could well be a year of consolidation in the small/mid space.
Many junior developers have the assets to make the leap to full-cycle E&P with commercial resources and experienced management ready to fast track discoveries into production. However, with debt funding elusive and equity prohibitively expensive many companies are struggling to fund their developments. To overcome this some are turning to alternative options such as SEDA facilities while a more diverse portfolio allows others, such as Faroe Petroleum, to swap discoveries for production that can be leveraged for debt. But if juniors do not secure funding, share prices are likely to continue to underperform and we may see them becoming takeover targets for mid-sized cash-rich players looking to buy cheap oil in the ground.

Nice flush on RRL, rising after on higher vol seems bullish but overall market might pull back at some point?

Oil demand falls for first time since 2009

Oil demand is falling for the first time since the 2008-9 global financial crisis as a result of a mild winter, high crude prices and the European economic crisis, according to fresh estimates from the International Energy Agency.
The industrialised nations’ watchdog said oil demand dropped by 300,000 barrels a day in the final quarter of 2011. Such a fall is rare: over the last decade, oil demand has posted drops only in the financial crisis of mid-2008 to mid-2009.

Beowulf letter - http://saamiresources.files.wordpre...-letter-to-beowulf-mining-12-january-2012.pdf
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Just google, nowhere special

Buy sell prices are spread apart quite a lot on small companies and the mid price is a fake average of the two


Sold cisco even though I think 20 is well possible, earnings this week? CHK I think is cheap as USA can and does export nat gas but thats a big bet. Bought tiny bit of Xcite instead, 87 or around here seems not bad place to take an interest and higher vol exists here long term so its a fair go imo
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Ive posted on threads where one person was trading their husbands pension so like 100k of Royal Dutch shares and she made 20% I think which is amazing. Im strictly small time so like hundreds or thousands, cisco was my biggest position and its zero now. Looks like I should have got Chesapeake after all, up 3%

Wonder if the OP still trades. I would not advise copying anyone especially not me, the figures dont matter so much as the percentages. If you have got 10% in one firm thats usually considered a big holding and some funds have rules to stop it ever being more as its a bad risk.
10% gold is another allocation Ive read many times, right now I definitely agree
This thread is for anyone curious about trying it...

Long story short, quit my IT job 2 years ago and began trading the markets from home.

A big trader I used follow on iii back in 2008:

Graph for period of investment discussed below:

Okay, here goes, my £200,000 trade 21-Jul-08 08:55 PM

As promised, here is my thread re my big gamble by purchasing lloyds shares.... 

The funds cleared into my account this morning...£199,957 sent from the re-mortgage. 

Am damned annoyed at how much lloyds shares have rallied these past few days, if only I had got this money last Wednesday when they were below 300 pence per share! 

I am gambling that there will be a fall back in the next few days, so for today I just purchased 5847 shares at 342 pence per share, total cost £19,998 after stamp duty. I am using ETrade as the broker. 
Still sitting on £180,000 cash, so will update this thread as and when I make further trades!
22-Jul-08 06:21 PM Today I took advantage of the drop in price from yesterday to purchase a further 7991 shares at 312 pence, total cost £24,998. 

I am still hoping that there will be a further drop in these shares and am holding back the remaining £155,000 in cash in the hope of purchasing below 300 pence per share. 

In any case, I want to purchase all the shares before they go ex-dividend on 6th August as the dividend income is key to my plan to still make a profit on the dividend over my regular mortgage payments. 
23-Jul-08 08:29 PM Today I sold the 7991 shares I purchased yesterday. Sold at 335 pence per share (purchased yesterday at 312p), netting a profit of £1784 after costs. 

Will use this profit to effectively cover my mortgage payment for the next month or so (which is around £960/month i/o) which also gives me more time to digest half year results etc etc and hang back on a large purchase if necessary. 

I am back to now holding 5847 shares purchased at 342 pence. Still hoping for a drop in the near future back towards 300/320 pence per share, where I will then purchase a large amount (£100k or so). 
24-Jul-08 07:52 PM Yeah....having a bit of fun being a day trader at the moment.....purchased 10,000 at 337 pence today; holdings currently are 
5847 @ 342p £19,998 
10,000 @ 337p £33,879 

Have set some limit orders to purchase tomorrow at 329p (5000) and 324p (5000) and to sell at 349p (10,000
25-Jul-08 06:32 PM Today I purchased 21,729 shares at 321 pence, total cost £69,999 

Holdings to date: 
5847 at 342p £19,998 
10,000 at 337p £33,879 
21,729 at 321p £69,999 
Total invested to date £123,876 
£1784 made in a one day buy-sell trade 

Will invest the rest to bring total investment up to £200k next week. 
29-Jul-08 09:59 PM Purchased a further 12,291 shares at 324 pence recently... 

big day tomorrow with interim results so hope everything reported will be ok. 
30-Jul-08 07:33 PM Well am considering the interim results today..... 

very pleased with the dividend increase, a show of confidence from the board, and this will come in useful to me as I now hold 60,469 shares! 

Once you read past the "SHOCK 70% drop in profits" headline, these results are actually very strong across all three business divisions in the bank. 

I personally think that Lloyds results today now show that they have got all the real bad news (re credit write downs) out in the open now and can concentrate on continuing to build longer term profit growth etc. 

As I said in earlier posts, this is a minimum 3 year investment for me...not in it to make a quick buck so I am going to sit back and enjoy the dividends for now and forget about the share price. 
30-Jul-08 10:23 PM Hi there Fundamental...thanks for your interest in my great financial adventure 
Since I received the chaps sum from the solicitor from my re-mortgage, these are the trades/shares I am currently holding (which have been purchased from the mortgage money) :- 

5847@342p (Etrade) £19,998 
10,000@337p (Etrade)£33,879 
12,291@324p(Etrade) £39,998 
21,729@321p(Etrade) £70,000 
6102@312p (Etrade) £19,107 
4500@305p (Etrade) £13,804 
60,469 in total as at 30/7/08 

I also bought and sold 7991 shares on the same day making a cash profit of £1784 

I am also holding around 20,000 furtherLloyds shares (including the 3000 mentioned on my other thread) but these are a combination of matured sharesaves (when I worked for LTSB) and shares that have been bought with cash (rather than the mortgaged borrowed money). Therefore, this other holding is being kept entirely seperate to my shares bought from my re-mortgage as mentioned above. 

Now that I have completed my portfolio of purchasing LTSB shares from the £200k I received from the re-mortgage, I intend to regulary update this thread with my profit and loss account of where I stand....I will continue to do this until this expirement comes to an end (which is hopefully when I sell all the shares again at a price of at least 450 pence, and then repay the capital I borrowed on the mortgage) 

Here is my profit/loss statement to date:- 

21/7/08 Chaps Fee £45.25 cost £45.25 loss 

23/7/08 B/S 7991 Shares £1784.40 gain 
£1739.15 profit 

Hope that clarifies exactly where I stand financially with this experiment. I intend to disclose every aspect of how things are going on this thead, so people that are interested can follow my fortunes (or mis-fortunes?) with me through the roller-coaster of the coming months! 
13-Aug-08 09:35 PM Since my last post, have been taking advantage of the rising share price to sell off my lots of shares as they moved into profit 

5/8/08 Bou/Sol 4500 Shares +£676.47 £2415.62 profit 
7/8/08 Bou/Sol 2000 Shares +£291.30 £2706.92 profit 
11/8/08 Bou/Sol 6102 Shares +£950.50 £3657.42 profit 
12/8/08 Bou/Sol 21,729 Shares +£1566.64 £5224.06 profit 
12/8/08 Bou/Sol 12,291 Shares +£1413.40 £6637.46 profit 
£75,528 currently held in cash. 

So a healthy £6637 profit at the moment, took advantage of the big falls today and late yesterday to pile back in so am now currently holding: 

5847 @ 342p (Etrade) £19,998 
10,000 @ 337p (Etrade)£33,879 
3000 @ 330p (Etrade) £9959 
5000 @ 321p (Etrade) £16,065 
5000 @ 321p (Etrade) £16,065 
5000@ 318p (Etrade) £15,985 
2000@315p (Etrade) £6341 
2000 @307p (Etrade) £6180 

Have my first mortgage payment (interest only) on 25/8/08 which will cost me £1428 (larger than normal for the first payment) so this chunk will be taken off my profit figure. But am entitled to a dividend of £6380 for the shares held on ex-dividend date so will receive this 1/10/08. 

What I am hoping to show as this post continues is that it is possible to borrow a large sum of money, and actively trade in just one company and make an ongoing profit. 

Regards all. 
29-Aug-08 07:49 PM As its the end of the working month, here are my share transactions and profit/loss trades since my last post. 

22/8/08 Bou/Sol3000Shares 
£6877.56 profit 
22/8/08 Bou/Sol 3000 Shares +£239.35 £7116.91 profit 
25/8/08 Mort Interest Payment -£1428.67 £5688.24 profit   
25/8/08 Mort Application Fee -£599 £5089.24 profit  ( 
28/8/08 Bou/Sol 2000 Shares +£134.31 £5223.55 profit 
28/8/08 Bou/Sol 2000 Shares +£152.70 £5376.25 profit at 31/8/08 

Lloyds is going nowhere these last few weeks, seems to be moving steadily between 280p to 320p, not sure which way it will eventually break out of this, but I can't see anthing lower than 240/250 pence as a bottom for this share, time will tell I guess. 

Sentiment : Strong Buy 

16-Sep-08 06:04 PM Good comments, I agree. 

As I said at the start of my thread, I am looking for this as a three year deal, so I view the madness of the past two weeks as interesting, rather than panicking. 

I still predict we are not at the bottom, hence why I am deliberately holding back some of my funds to be able to take advantage of a purchase below 250 pence per share. I bought some today at 260 pence and sold late afternoon at 280 pence, netting a further £700. 

I am looking foward to receiving my first juicy dividend on the 1st October and will be updating my positions to date then. 

Sentiment : Strong Buy 

13-Oct-08 04:16 PM Well I've been pretty quiet lately, and I am sure that some of you have been wondering what has happened to me so here is my update. 

I will have to be brief as I am on suicide watch and am only allowed a few minutes to write this update before I am put back in my padded cell.  

I think its fair to say that I didn't expect recent events to happen!!!!!!!!!! 

Without going into too much detail I am holding a large bulk of shares at an average purchase price of 320 pence (£100K or so) and the rest of my £200k cash has been in and out like a yo-yo actively day trading in LLoyds TSB. 

I wish I could turn the clock back but had I sold my entire holding a week ago on Friday afternoon 3rd October I would have walked away at that point with an overall profit of around £40,000 (including the £10k dividend I received 1/10/08) 

However, I didn't sell and what has happened in the last 2 weeks just defies belief, the fall in LTSB share price has been incredible. 

Taking the current share price of 150 pence, I am sitting on a paper loss of around £60,000. Of my £200k, around £160k is in Lloyds TSB shares, the most expensive at 340p and moving down from that price in neat little bundles every 5p or so down to 208 pence. I still have £40,000 in cash from the original £200k 

My plan which looked relatively failsafe on paper is in tatters; I had always figured that if the shares fell there would be the back-up of the dividend instead, which would at worst cover the mortgage payments. Now we know that there will be no dividend for at least 2 years so that is out the window. 

What do I do know? Well, I am certainly not going to sell at a massive loss. I feel that bank shares have been massively over-sold due to total panic and loss of confidence. When it is all completed, I also think the HBOS merger will be fanastic for the future earnings of this company. I, like many shareholders, feel totally misled by the information I had on Lloyds TSB. Both the company and all reports said that Lloyds was relatively immune to the downturn and well capitilised. That certainly looks like it was not the case now. 

The biggest winner out of all this will undoubtedly be the government, who receive massive stakes in the main banks at knock down prices together with the high guaranteed yield of their preference shares. I do expect Lloyds shares to remain volitile for the rest of the year then settle down around £2. 

I have no doubt that in three or five years this will be a bank back to top form making large profits on business with better-than-today margins, together with the huge cost savings that will certainly be extracted from the merger. I can only hope that the shares recover to the average price I need of 275 pence in order to recover my losses. 

I guess that I can take some comfort that in the scale of the history of LTSB share price, an average price of 275 pence is a good one, rather than say the £5 they were a year ago. 

Keep faith people, you don't lose anything unless you sell! 
11-Nov-08 07:03 PM Yes I'm still here and still alive, although I did like that comment about the electricity being cut off. 

Actually, since my last post a couple of weeks ago I am feeling quite smug with myself, especially today. 

Despite being stuck with many Lloyds shares that I had purchased between 330p and 220p (it seemed a good price at the time), I have been doing some daring 'averaging down' recently. By that I mean I have been selling all my Lloyds shares at a given price, and then quickly buying back within a day or two at a cheaper price. For example, I sold my entire holding of around 70,000 shares yesterday for 198.4p and purchased them all back again today for 181pence. This is the fourth time I have managed to do that now in the last 2 weeks and so I have been able to hugely cut my overall losses down by around £35,000. My average purchase price now is between 160 pence and 320 pence. 

Apart from that, I don't really have anything else to add to my earlier post, am still looking forward to the HBOS merger and seeing the benefits of this in the longer term, and of course, like most people here, looking forward to the dividend starting again, which looks to be only a year away now, with a shares dividend to be paid for the full year 2008 also. 
11-Nov-08 07:05 PM I also forgot to mention that the mortgage that I took out for £200k to purchase the shares has also reduced hugely in cost, I took a tracker rate of base rate plus 0.75% so from next month my I/O payment is only at 3.75% and has reduced down by around £340 per month, so that has also been some good news for me.
3 May 2004
Still in CNR just under profit now waiting on a rise, Looking good!
Also waiting on ORE and EDL
Recovered some loss on RRL the last few days but still about 20% down in ISA

Have a lot on AVN, Avanti communications, Second Satellite launching Q2 2012 to service Middle East/Africa, Satellite Hylas 1 already up for Europe and lots of contracts in place for 1+2
Recently broker rated for £13+ currently £2.90ish
Climbed a lot last year just before the launch of Hylas 1, lot of money to come in this year alone plus second launch

Enjoying a dabble :D
11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Has confidence finally returned to the markets this week???

I'm between 4 - 16% up across the board today, similar story yesterday and a little less the day before.

After months of seeing significant losses and my investments whittle away this is a happy turnaround indeed, lets hope i can recover my position to mid last year and the profits finally start rolling in!

I'm still a little hurt that i ditched RRL at 5.5p i would be up around 10k had i kept that one going :(
8 Nov 2003
2 things

1. i work in IT and site on a trading floor. They are in at seven and out at 6pm and struggle to make cash, ITS NOT EASY.

2. I have a m8 who decided do this and was doing quite well for a while and he lost it all.. he describes it as.. "I turned away, turned back and the stock price was almost zero...."

Then he was just lucky to start with. He would have had bad money management which bit him in the end. He must have put all his capital into the one stock to lose it all like that. Just not what you do if you know what you are doing.
17 Oct 2002
Barc as been doing quite well. I have not been trading for some months because most my money got stuck when this greek thing kicked off.

Hopefully I will be even soon and get my money out.
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