Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Small trades can be done via scheduled buying which iii does and halifax. Or xo does realtime for 5.95 and jpj 5.75.

Also spreadbet firms deal on a percentage basis, they use the maximum spread to make a profit on every deal. Bad for big buys really but it is cheap on an absolute basis and very convenient. UK has the most lax tax laws for this in the world so I think its a shame to waste the opportunity

Good point that costs matter, 10 on a 500 trade is 4% costs plus tax is another 1% and you got a nasty spread sometimes too. Morningstar will track costs

ABG is cheap, majorly big gold miner at 10 PE only
Got my SKR shares relisted, 90% down from a year ago :eek:

Why is BP down 3% :(

VGM gained like 40% from its low, does well with ascending gold price I think (they have especially high costs)
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Considering how high that yield is, that is very good performance. Gambling is a good premium sector, for some reason it does well even in a recession

IGG is another good gambler, Playtech, WMH and maybe WSPR, LCG probably a few others

The FED has said the cost of money will be zero till 2014 apparently. Its all voodoo but market loves it as most trades are done with borrowed money, gold just blew up $50 in an hour

Should hold for now I think and jump start a few things tomorrow hopefully?
Obama also mentioned nat gas in his lil speech, would be nice if he did something positive. Some small recovery in prices recently, helps aid the tiny bit of revenue RRL gets etc CNA and a few others

BP down due to expectation of increased Liability for a settlement payment with DoJ

At the same time they say they have done better with exploration then ever before which sounds a lot more important if true
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Nobody likes Condor

Not sure why but it seems CNR is cheap to me so I'm buying a bit more
Sold a chunk of HOC and buying VGM and CNR because I believe they unpopular but not unsuccessful as such.

Also CNR recently issued options for 9p to a director plus other investors bought at this level, I dont think its unrealistic.
Roger Davey, ACSM, MSc., C.Eng., Eur.Ing., MIMMM
he's qualified then :confused::)

Not aware of bad news so positive on both.
Negative on gold short term, 1720 was the target. Positive on gold/silver on the year on year

CNR has low volume which I count as positive in context ditto VGM

ZEN up 23% with decent vol but it will need that to beat 9p
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
It only matters if the company business fails, yes thats a worry.
The price tag doesnt matter, if it goes down you should be glad its cheaper to buy more or reconsider why you ever wanted them

Ultimately if you had a profitable company and the share price kept going down. They would just buy their own shares and they could also return cash to shareholders. Cairn is about to pay 160p per share.

The market isnt that expensive. Right this week we just about got back to the Japanese tsunami disaster pricing. It might crash but value is what matters

This would have people pricing shares not based on what they think their fundamental value is, but rather on what they think everyone else thinks their value is, or what everybody else would predict the average assessment of value is.

Absolutely but I think bonds are more like this then shares just like houses spiralled up also. Bonds are yielding negative, you pay to own them. This in turn makes currency we all own also overvalued and inversely I think shares are cheap.
Traders have to worry about perceptions but investors dont unless you are selling soon.
Gold is seen as expensive, its not but make up your own mind. If its perceived wrongly, thats often a bargain

I saw that Kobi, RT is funded by Putin's government. I do watch them for those unusual stories but Iran is an ally/customer of theirs.
Gold or exchange of solid goods will rise in value (+use) and bonds will decline

Basic idea for shares, look for anything that will be more used in future then today. Ten years ago it was mobile phones and search engines/ online advertising. Should have seen that one :o
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11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Not sure why but it seems CNR is cheap to me so I'm buying a bit more
Sold a chunk of HOC and buying VGM and CNR because I believe they unpopular but not unsuccessful as such.

Also CNR recently issued options for 9p to a director plus other investors bought at this level, I dont think its unrealistic.

he's qualified then :confused::)

I got into CNR at 9p, so i'm currently sat at a loss, i'm in two minds what to do this week, i'm looking at either averaging down on CNR to around 7p or invest back into RRL.

What do you think CNR's and RRL's short and longterm prospects and prices are likely to be?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Im not good at quick answers so at this time of night Im not sure. If I had to say right now, I guess Range I prefer.
I like them both so I'd diversify.

RRS is range in Australia

Condor is nowhere near production ? much smaller market cap, no cashflow. Im not sure they do compare but CNR longterm should outperform I expect as I expect gold to do so.
Right now I was not expecting gold to rise further then 1720 this winter but CNR doesnt produce or sell gold anyway. Oil can keep going up I think, OPEC allegedly rates 100 the minimum price

For longterm values total up their reserves and take 50% off for costs maybe. CNR is 1.5mil ounces ? In the EMED vid above he says it costs 200mil to setup a gold mine. You tell me :D I havent read everything but there is a CNR vid above

They both issue a lot of shares to fund themselves. Its a very scary type business setup, it works if value or perceptions increase with no. of shares


I was looking at Cairn today as they have great history and tactics. Are they unfairly priced ?

Market Cap (GBP m) 4,117.23 GBP = 6,472.67 USD
Is that an obvious bargain :confused:
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
No I dont think its gone ex just yet. As a shareholder I should know really but someone on iii said 3rd Feb.
Its up in the air so late as they sold to VED just in Dec and meeting to formalise capital return is today basically

The Company announced on 10th January 2012, that it was proposing to return approximately USD3.5 billion to shareholders, equating to 160 pence per existing Ordinary share through the issue of B shares.

The Proposals are subject to shareholder approval at a General Meeting of the Company to be held on 30th January 2012.

So 6,472 market cap
3500 payout + 2950 is 21.8% of Cairn India retained [Bombay has it down some today]

That makes 6450 but the broker note says what about 1200 cash left over. Not surprising if company left some operating cash though India is a profitable holding. Also they have active paid exploration and licences, is that zero worth too - they just farmed off a bit of Iceland apparently :) (they have good strategy to diversify)

Hence possible bargain but I could be wrong of course.
Maybe Questor will write on it - I bought when he mentioned in 2009

Market is down this morning. I was looking for a top as it was right against the ceiling though it was obviously very positive.
I had sold some Barc, HOC it was doing well also bit of HOIL. I expect not a great pullback, got back VGM as gold this high takes it to profit

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11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Im not good at quick answers so at this time of night Im not sure. If I had to say right now, I guess Range I prefer.
I like them both so I'd diversify.

Thanks for the info, wasn't expecting you to post anything lastnight :eek:

Just looking at Range and i'm unsure what situation lays ahead this week, shares 4% down at the moment and if the markets are anything to go by we may see a fall till the end of the week?

Either way i'm going to wait till Wednesday / Thursday and hopefully pick them up sub 10p.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
a fall till the end of the week?
Subdued probably. Wider market doesnt matter that much to AIM
Most of the company value is speculation, I dont think they make much actual revenue.
Cairn makes much better figures, 8 PE but that is part of FTSE 100 and going down like you say

I have an order to buy at 10p. This graph is japanese candles, its not that far off a line chart just more accurate. Squint and its the same :p


Price is capped by the blue line average. See how the last bar, today it has stood up from a trend going back to 2010 Dec prices

This one below might be better, volume (2nd one down) matches the rising price. Price dropped back but the actual volume of trades done are much less. Hence OBV (at the bottom) is well up. CNR doesnt have this phenomena


graph = sentiment or pretty much like that keynes theory linked above.
12 Jan 2004
Condor is nowhere near production ? much smaller market cap, no cashflow. Im not sure they do compare but CNR longterm should outperform I expect as I expect gold to do so.
Right now I was not expecting gold to rise further then 1720 this winter but CNR doesnt produce or sell gold anyway. Oil can keep going up I think, OPEC allegedly rates 100 the minimum price

For longterm values total up their reserves and take 50% off for costs maybe. CNR is 1.5mil ounces ? In the EMED vid above he says it costs 200mil to setup a gold mine. You tell me :D I havent read everything but there is a CNR vid above

They both issue a lot of shares to fund themselves. Its a very scary type business setup, it works if value or perceptions increase with no. of shares

Condor is an exploration company and Mark Child has stated on numerous occasions that he intends to sell the company to a larger producer once enough resources have been firmed up - the stated target is 2m Oz JORC which we should well and truely fly through by this summer. There is lots of gold in La India, the current drilling program has identified shallow intersections between major veins which could extend at depth - this would indicate much higher amounts of gold than originally expected. We are expecting news of the results of these initial deep drills any time now. The current drilling programme is fully funded, which means no more debt or dilution unless the company decide to extend the drilling programme to firm up more resources.

The company is in the process of producing a feasibility study to show the economics of how a major gold mill will work on the site and how much gold can be produced per year. The great thing is, much of our gold is contained within a relatively small area rather than being spread out, like some other comparative junior gold explorers.

My opinion? Either hold or buy more at these insane prices. It's at least a double bagger if you are willing to hold for the rest of the year, possibly longer. Not sure what will affect the share price in the short term though. I guess the price of gold is the biggest factor.
23 May 2005
Timing is everything on the AIM. Don't be in a rush to buy. Watch for a while before jumping in. You might just save yourself a few quid.

On another note. Does anyone have any opinions as to why ORE has seen a few green days of late? I know news from within the mine is expected late Feb/early March, but it seems a little early for a rise.
12 Jan 2004
Timing is everything on the AIM. Don't be in a rush to buy. Watch for a while before jumping in. You might just save yourself a few quid.

On another note. Does anyone have any opinions as to why ORE has seen a few green days of late? I know news from within the mine is expected late Feb/early March, but it seems a little early for a rise.

Not sure what you're point is? Can you second guess the markets? If you're only human like the rest of us then I'd say don't try to be clever, look at the fundamentals and if you see value, go for it.

Edit: Oh I guess you're talking about trading as opposed to investing, in which case good luck!
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