Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

19 Jan 2006
Reaping the rewards of long term holding currently with Standard Life. Having a great last 6 months, 200p to 324p currently, 7.6% dividend as well. Some good strong momentum as well. Hopefully will keep pushing on.
3 Feb 2011
free and easy
Hello all, I am new to this thread and was hoping someone could answer a question.

If I invest my company profits in the stock market are they considered taxable as profit?

Do any of you do this?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Hawk I remember from a while back, I had orders above the price to buy on a breakout but as it failed I was glad not to hold it


hahahaha are you sure u wanna play the trading game ? good luck kids.

Are you sure you want to be holding all cash when they printing money.

SL used to be my main share and I bought some back March 6th 2009 when they were valued at cash only.

Im not sure they worth this price now, the dividend is nice always was but they risen on this mandated Pension scheme coming in I think. So expectations are in the price more then actual performance ?

Still they are a solid stock, I obviously wish I'd given more credit to this government scheme back in May.
Like Barclays they failed a big bid, have tons of cash and grew more credible vs peers more by luck then skill. I wouldnt go wildly bullish on them, I'd buy again closer to 200 though. I've advised IPO holders I know that 320 is a fair target, PE is 20 ?

Im currently watching Petropavlovsk tank, not a good trade. 8 PE and 3.61 yield and gold is the worlds biggest bubble :rolleyes:

Im guessing this market wont plunge badly before 2013 just my stocks :o The fiscal cliff fiasco may raise div taxes to 35%, which can cause Intel and other cash cows to spit out money before year end some speculate, I think its cheap anyway :(


Hyder is my best share, faith well placed and nice div also :)

semi regular offer
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25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
Have any of you here done any Forex trading before? I couple of weeks ago my girlfriend took me to a seminar/sales pitch on this type of trading and looked interesting. By the end of it we got to the crux of presentation which was they wanted £2400 for trading training, it was a lot of money but if it worked out I would have made my money back within a year 6 months.

I was never going to sign up there an then but I was wondering if any of you have any thoughts on this or was it a con designed to take a advantage of the gullible or could this genuinely work out if I put the time and money into it?
19 Jan 2006
Why would they need 2400 quid from a punter if they claim to be that good? You can no doubt make money from FOREX trading but its a high complex and risky area. It's not for the faint of heart!!
29 Jan 2008
Have any of you here done any Forex trading before? I couple of weeks ago my girlfriend took me to a seminar/sales pitch on this type of trading and looked interesting. By the end of it we got to the crux of presentation which was they wanted £2400 for trading training, it was a lot of money but if it worked out I would have made my money back within a year 6 months.

I was never going to sign up there an then but I was wondering if any of you have any thoughts on this or was it a con designed to take a advantage of the gullible or could this genuinely work out if I put the time and money into it?

as if you have to even ask.... but since you did then yes - it is a blatant and rather obvious waste of money (IMO) (also please don't post the name of whoever did this seminar as you'll likely find a load of new shill posters joining ocuk just to post about how good he or she is)

supposing you've got a way to make money do you a) make money or b) employ a load of sales people, hire out conference rooms, spend on marketing material and sell your way of making money for a relative pittance to members of the public

If you're able to consistently extract profits from short term trading then generally the last thing you'd want to do is tell anyone about what you're doing - if you're particularly successful then you might even invest some time in actively ensuring that people aren't able to establish what you're doing - multiple accounts, ensuring the brokerages used don't have prop desks or clear through anyone that does etc..etc...

Its a reasonable assumption that most people who are selling you courses under the premise that they can teach you to trade generally can't... similarly advisory brokerages offering 'advice' on leveraged products (CFDs etc..) raise the same questions - if someone could consistently make money trading the products they were advising on then they wouldn't need clients in the first place.... (or at least wouldn't need retail clients but would be able to find backing elsewhere without employing a large sales team of cold callers)
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I know of someone who trades Forex every day but also offers teaching over skype for a lot less then that. Offers to text his trades for a fee, updates a free website, etc

I posted up a free seminar a few weeks back, just needed a day spent in attendance. It might make more sense to attend anything like that first. Forex is tricky and potentially its profitable to the extreme but not many can do it that well

You dont need to spend anything to learn the basics, we are all rich in information. Its more like can you be bothered and the main decider is your character, are you easily pushed under pressure, etc

Simpler you can take things, the more likely you are to succeed I think or it can tie anyone up in knots . Japanese Candlestick charts are red and green bars or snakes (red) and ladders (green)

Smallest broker I know for Forex will bet 10pence for every 0.0001 of a Euro
So 0.81475 Euros to a pound was weds top price, so far the bottom price was 0.81115
So if you bet the budget was bad for Sterling and Euro to rise, maybe you buy at the highest price sell at the worst.
Thats a 36 point or pip difference, times 10p thats £3.60 you owe
Usually its £1 per pip minimum, so £36 lost or if you sold or short Euro/sterling you gain that much. They charge no fee but you must pay the spread or gap between buy and sell price, the dealer takes that cut. It costs 1.4 pips so 14p or £1.40 normal size bets

Say about £100 a day loss is normal, or gain. The guy above charges 300 for training, I dont trade forex usually as its a lot of work imo

After some furious scribbling on excel I reckon 160 a reasonable target for CNR nearterm
I hope copper and iron ore prices rise soon. Still waiting on this
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Gold is still unpopular, only popular miner I know is Randgold maybe.

I wouldnt mind buying more CNR and it did touch 160 but the spread makes that a 166p buy. I didnt get any, it ping pongs back up again now I guess.
Price only matters if selling, though an actual return would be nice. Some open pit mining, etc

Rockhopper, Desire, Falkland Oil & Gas or Argos? Malcolm Graham-Wood, oil & gas adviser for VSA Capital, gives his verdict.

I pretty much only own Premier now
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8 Dec 2004
Folks. Total amateur here. But want to get my hands dirty from day one. I have been reading up on a few books but nothing beats practice I guess.

Any particular platform recommendations that anybody can point me to? Im interested in Forex and Stocks, but want to start off with virtual accounts. Also if there is the possibility to do quick trades from mobile devices, that would be a plus.

(plafform recommendations for day trading, and or trading long would be appreciated).

Thanks in advance folks :)
19 Nov 2004
Grrrr Shareprice no longer live prices to non traders

Is google finance live? Any other alternatives?

I got that email too. Very dissapointed as it's an excellent app, but I do all my trading through HL. Their app is excellent, but Shareprice have the best live GUI, plus a good short cut to discussion boards. Gutted :mad:
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