Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
The gov gets tax on normal shares, they have an interest in you staying with LSE

Just noticed this from a while back. There is a cash prize on this, I didnt do so bad last quarter though markets were going up then

This month the Dec comp is being won by someone who turned 10k into 300k :eek: I cant see how he did it though


AAZ is 46p to buy now which I will get some more of probably. CNR issued some shares hence lower ? I never follow the news properly :o
VGM had its 36% fund holder reduce to 20% or so, a famous gold bug sprott - very leveraged to the upside because they really do need gold 1600 or much higher price to make good on costs of an old old mine, possible Chinese backers/buyout

When do I get my GLEN shares now XTA is to be no more. I reckon that will rise eventually. POG owns IRC which is floated in China, doing well on Iron ore production which is purely a bonus to their gold mining, they'll also do great if cashflow allows them to prove their investment/ debt was well done.

Is HMV to die after xmas ?

First time Ive seen a decent longterm adjusted charts for CNR :

Tenable trader :)
RRL all is not lost
Falling wedge, reversal
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Tesco I would have hoped for over 400 as they could expand abroad but mostly seems to be a dividend play now as they fight off competition at home.
In theory they have lateral growth from finance services and all sorts but apparently its a tough battle. Still one of the few retailers Im ok with having rather then HMV or anyone on a declining highstreet

This is the last day to enter this annual comp:

Prize is a year of free stock and broker research reports. Paper trading is good practice and it shows up spread costs other games dont

Anyone dealt MARL
500k gold ounces and 10m market cap. Argentina, south america. Seems similar to CNR at first glance

Gold making good progress from its recent low, hopefully the start of a surprise to the upside
6 Jun 2004
I had a dabble last year starting at the start of July, mainly due to reading this thread and having recently moved industries away from finance (meaning I can now do private stock investment) - I've got a house purchase going through at the moment so had to sell out all my positions.

I started with big companies such as Google, Tesco, MAN etc, with a few mining companies punts. Made ~25% on RMP before it tanked then gradually moved all my investment to SCLP after their cancer drug announcement in September (or so) last year, started that shift when they were 20p buying in all the way up to 42p then sold out at 49p ended up with a tidy £10,000 profit overall (approx +35%) - just below the tax threshold.

My big losers were VOG (-12%), RRL (-38%) and FB (-22%)
Big winners were SCLP (+66%), NOK1V (+26%), RMP (+25%), BA (+20%)
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11 Oct 2009
FTSE having a great day.

BAO is one to watch for the first quarter of 2013 IMO, - obviously do your own research, but I've been in this company for a while and it's paid off well so far :)
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Looking at Barc just now, it might be doing well but its not on massive volume. It can float up but Im not especially confident. I dont dislike holding them either.
I expect it to meander not go in one direction, hope for 300 and stay above 250 if it is better now

BP doing better on news of court settlements, not as bad as it could have been though they've admitted to blocking congress :confused: 460

Condor saying they got more gold. Great, price of gold is trying not to die now at 1635. Further selling if it does lose this I think, I think gold market underlying is very strong still though you'd not know it. China Russia holdings reports are most obvious clues as they buy to hold, use not speculate

Dollar is stronger on politics solving problems but its like a boomrang :o

Questor tip has HOIL for 2013
Totally right imo . not sure if they out of Iraq now ? Is Genl and GKP down on protests in Iraq

Copper the next precious metal, not a stock tip just this sounds so bullish. Copper ETF coming soon

I was up 32% on ukstockchallenge this year, not too shabby of a position really
HYC was my only positive choice, so I choose them again. Slow and steady worked last year, stuff like WPP
I sold HYC shares in DEC, they often get sold on emerging market worries despite doing great. Will revisit
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
This guy on iii has ruined my day by dissing BP.
He says liabilities exceed cashflow, ie. dividend is maybe not viable
Away from court cases I thought they were doing better then that :(

Resolving to check a few big things overall on this new year.

value potential

This guy has quite a few How To accountancy type videos, how to read the balance sheet.
I rely on others personally to highlight stuff but thats a tad iffy and I will have to get a better understanding and watch all these soon I think.


The grim reaper
USA stock index, quadruple it to equate to FTSE (roughly)
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Wrong one, this is it below I wouldnt take one persons view but Neil Woodford said something along those lines a while back.
BP depends on Russia a little too much is maybe the black hole in its value potential

Sector analyst Malcolm Graham-Wood of VSA Capital explains why investors should buy BG and Shell, but dump BP - plus small-cap and AIM picks for the year ahead.

Not as cheap as Cadogan which has net assets of 60p per share, its price is 13p unbelievably - (negative) cashflow being the big difference


The other link about bond money could make gold rise so much and stocks and just about anything that yields more then 0.5% One day..

Looking at AAL CEY LMI as profitable and fallen on risk
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Less then 1 second ownership time, they get paid to produce volume? So Ive read, big bucks for programmers in that field

Looking at Barc, its a definite maybe here vs panic selling at 150p definite no no. Excluding any shorter term trades along the way, my old shares are breakeven. Pitiful price, but it could go higher. 300, 310, 330, 340 and 360 depending how long the sun shines on these Banks. Its the entire sector, all the way to Bank of America
I think Barc has 300 as a big hurdle

Book price history for Barc but then never can tell whats exactly solid with banks

This is computer made, joining the dots but its a reasonable view I think

Im looking at ABG which fell 20% today. No bad news just not being bought up after all, nice excess cashflow and decent div I already own them, lucky I sold a few on the 3rd.

Also BG group is too cheap most likely. Cashflow negative but massive oil development and gas in Brazil etc 2009 prices
11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Ha I sold BARC at 18% profit as I needed the cash to put towards property purchase. Annoyingly so, as they're now at 42% up on my purchase price. RIO up 13% and RR up 9%.

Shame the only ones I have left are worth naff all :d

I'll get back in to it this year. Tis my aim
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