Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

21 Oct 2002
Yep, got 3k in at 10p so wanted to average that down a little, was looking at sticking in 2k at around the 5p mark, had an eye on the price most of the day, going to see what it closes it, might get in sub 5p if i hang off.
I'm in again at 4.5p. MTV is still crap despite 60% up today.

Still kicking myself I didn't pile into SL. At 170p. Now 350p but looking at around 14.5p a year dividend.
13 Dec 2004
As I mentioned a few days ago, I'm currently long on XEL. Im on a couple of private forums with quite a few traders and more often than not this guy has good sources. Expecting decent results and a rise to 125-130p from its current 102. Im long from 97p
13 Dec 2004
[TW]Fox;23851106 said:
Of course, as you'll naturally receive greater returns with playmoney as the approach to risk is subconciously different.

But I'd rather not just plunge straight in and whack a pile of cash down only to find out that, frankly, I couldnt pick stocks for toffee. If play money is a disaster for me then it's a pretty big signal that I should stick to savings accounts :D

If you like reading ive found the naked trader books to be really useful. Im currently reading through his spread betting guide at the moment. Theres not too much jargon in there and explains everything very well for people who are just gettings started.
13 Dec 2004
As I mentioned a few days ago, I'm currently long on XEL. Im on a couple of private forums with quite a few traders and more often than not this guy has good sources. Expecting decent results and a rise to 125-130p from its current 102. Im long from 97p

Anybody in? Looking like the breakout is starting. Will sell at 130p if it breaks 140p and holds will think about getting back in for 180p or going long on BLVN
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
XEL does look reasonable, maybe 150p target
Im already waiting awhile now :o

Enter this March comp, it'll give some feedback to any ideas -
If play money is a disaster for me
That is a monthly comp so its just an easy way to testbed. By April you'll know and you cant 'game' the system on that one

Lots of stocks still cheap in this market depending on the future.

I was just thinking the arbitrage of RBS vs DLG. They own 66% of DLG ? which has risen 10% plus divs
RBS is down today on the usual bad results but Hestor seems a steady hand to me. RBS might be a lot bigger buts seems reasonable to buy DLG through RBS partially

They been as high as 560p post apocalypse :p now 323 not expensive.
I used to own a lot of SL. but sold at 240, 2012 changed pension law a lot and people think they'll gain. 350p now, you know market priced these at 130p in 2009 and they have never cut their dividend.
FRES is the best big FT100 stock, 100p to 2000p; last div 24p

SKR 220% gain yesterday, in context: meh

Also in Kazakhstan, KAZ is being a disaster for me :( I just hope its perception not actual facts; 4 PE and I expect them to deliver on that
This is why I had to sell ENRC (at a good gain) as KAZ holds 25% of them, its double jeopardy

I bought some CNR, its broken down some with new shares issued
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24 Sep 2005
RBS and Premier Foods I think, I'll check again after work. I might have gone mad and misread.

Company I'm looking to get shares in are currently somewhere between 4-5p, and they're going to be drilling for oil within the next quarter so might risk some monies.



24 Sep 2005
RBS and Premier Foods I think, I'll check again after work. I might have gone mad and misread.

Original play funds invested on 24/10/11. Looks like I started with 15k~~

date type quantity investment price (p) value (£)
24/10/11 Buy 2239 Premier Foods 4.1100 99.98
24/10/11 Buy 39803 Royal Bank of 24.9800 10,000.00
25/10/11 Buy 121874 Premier Foods 3.9220 4,811.30

Now valued at:




18 Oct 2002
Original play funds invested on 24/10/11. Looks like I started with 15k~~

date type quantity investment price (p) value (£)
24/10/11 Buy 2239 Premier Foods 4.1100 99.98
24/10/11 Buy 39803 Royal Bank of 24.9800 10,000.00
25/10/11 Buy 121874 Premier Foods 3.9220 4,811.30

Now valued at:


Sadly looks like your play account hasn't taken into account the fact that both those shares 'increased' in value due to a share consolidation, not wholly due to rising prices, and hasn't adjusted your number of shares due to the consolidation.

Both shares had a 10 to 1 consolidation.

Quick back of fag packet calculation shows RBS profit about 25%, Premier Foods about 125%ish (so still good gains, just not quite as good as shown ;) ).
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
^^ That happens way too often with these games. Better to do nothing then learn a bad lesson and find out with real money it aint that easy. LSE ignores dividends for example, they need advert refreshes on the site so bias the game to daytraders

hasn't adjusted your number of shares due to the consolidation.
Strange thing is. Buying on the change would have made a good profit. It doesnt really mean anything but RBS just kept going up after they swapped the shares over.
CNR did the same thing, buy on that price change and actual value quadrupled? RBS was about 10p lowest or 100p equal now

Im not impressed yet with XEL. 14m weekly vol in Sept on decline and its not beaten that this week or last, this is more of a mild drift up then an icebreaker.
Barring good news that is, is there any?

Company I'm looking to get shares in are currently somewhere between 4-5p, and they're going to be drilling for oil within the next quarter so might risk some monies.

Caza is drilling, I think Range and Cadogan also. Needs more then that usually, whats the company name?

Ive decided what to enter in sc March competition. I will go with an IPO theme
ABG ESSAR GENL all floated in recent years, all massive and disappointed investors but this is more true of shareprice then actual failure in the company.
ABG looks awful but its gold and 6% yield and they can pay their bills so I will give it a pass. The other two look fine in prospect
4th entry POLY :confused:
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19 Jan 2006
Great results from Standard Life

Share price continues to head up nicely and a 12.8p special dividend is always welcome!

Strong balance sheet and capital and cash generation up 68%

EEV operating capital and cash generation 68% higher at £734m (2011: £438m)
Issued £500m lower tier 2 subordinated debt in the UK and CA$400m lower tier 2 subordinated debt in Canada, taking advantage of strong demand from investors and improved pricing conditions IGD surplus of £4.1bn (2011: £3.1bn) remained relatively insensitive to market movements Progressive dividend up 6.5%

Final dividend up 6.5% to 9.80p, making a total of 14.70p for the year (2011: 13.80p)
Special dividend of 12.80p (£302m)

Strong capital position supports special dividend of 12.80p (£302m)
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Thats irritating, I hate shares that do well after I sell them. I had them from IPO for years

CREE up 1/5 after I sell, reinvented the lightbulb no less :rolleyes:

Sold ABG this year for 4.48 and buying it today at 2.40
Really silly prices. +POG

Sold Enquest and would sell XEL at least a bit if it could beat this price but nope

Scott Redler ‏@RedDogT3Live
for $gdx to have a chance to continue it should hold $37ish

USA stock videos -

BP CEO: In Talks with Rosneft on Russian Arctic Projects
By James Marson MOSCOW-

-BP PLC (BP), which is taking a near-20% stake in Russia's OAO Rosneft (ROSN.RS), is in talks with the state-controlled firm on joint offshore projects in the Arctic, BP Chief Executive Bob Dudley said Thursday in an interview with Rossiya-24 television channel. Rosneft already has partnership agreements with Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), Italy's Eni SpA (E) and Norway's Statoil ASA (STO) to develop Arctic blocks. Rosneft is taking over TNK-BP from BP and its partners in deals worth $55 billion. BP will acquire a 19.8% stake in Rosneft as part of the deal.

March 07, 2013 09:58 ET (14:58 GMT)

Range is doing ok still I think
Lloyds is fearful of the Budget maybe, I think its one of the cheaper banks still. Maybe swap Barc for it, Lloy can announce a dividend for example even a small amount is bullish
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