Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
- Agreement reached on the joint development of the Coal Bed
Methane ("CBM") and conventional gas potential around the Tkibuli-Shaori Coal
Field with Georgian Industrial Group ("GIG");
- Tkibuli Project has estimated Contingent Resources of
approximately 400 bcf of CBM gas (mean 100% basis);
- GIG is the largest industrial holding company in Georgia;
- The fast-track assessment and development program is designed for
gas production and sales to potentially begin within 18 months;
- GIG to purchase all gas produced on a take or pay arrangements;
- Pilot project proposal to be predominantly debt financed,
reducing immediate financial commitments for Range.
Range Resources Limited ("Range" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that the Company, along with its joint venture partners, Strait Oil and Gas UK Limited ("Strait") and Red Emperor Resources Limited ("Red Emperor") (together "the Consortium") have executed a heads of agreement with the Georgian Industrial Group ("GIG") with respect to the joint development of the Coal Bed Methane project (CBM) and conventional potential around the Tkibuli–Shaori Coal Field ("Tkibuli") in the Republic of Georgia.
Terms of Agreement
GIG and the Consortium will jointly establish a Development Company on a 50:50 basis. The Development Company will be commencing feasibility and technical studies, followed by an initial three to four well pilot project. The appraisal / pilot production wells will be drilled first to clarify flow rates and other key parameters including optimum well construction / completion strategy, well spacing and water treatment, prior to full scale development. Based on the previous ARI study it is planned to execute 6 CBM wells per annum that are forecast to produce between 0.3-0.5 mmcf per well per day, which over a short period of time (ie. 3+ years) are projected to build to a significant production base for the joint venture that will enable further expansion of the CBM project.
The initial pilot project will focus on appraising targets already venting methane, thus ensuring a higher chance of success. The work programme is anticipated to commence in the second half of 2013 and will be predominantly debt financed, resulting in limited financial commitments for Range moving forward. New wells will target horizons at depths between 500 and 2,000 metres and can be drilled within 45 days. The fast-track program is designed to allow potential gas production and sales to begin within 18 months given the existing infrastructure and logistics. GIG have agreed a take or pay arrangement for all gas produced by the Development Company at a 5% discount to a regional indexed price less transportation, removing the monetization risk so often faced with prospective CBM projects. Over the last few years regional prices have averaged between US$8 - US$10 per Mcf.
It is the intention of the Consortium to ensure that the first well of the pilot program counts as the commitment well with respect to retaining Block VIb.

Nice more news for RAnge. Coal bed gas is a good enough deal to justify this price rise I wonder

Just from the chart 3p to 5p seems fair, I thought maybe 6 at first but long term 5 has become a big area
If it falters I'll have to start cashing in my chips for cashflow and sell what I got this month. Ive held this too much in general, surely there is the usual funding details to go through
RMP gained 50% last two days

AAZ is making me look silly for buying before now. I did target 38 as a good buy last year but now its here obviously it looks poor. Needs to level out in its dive, which it may be doing today

GKP court fees and kurdistan-


^^Motley Fool pretty mainstream for CNR which is still 'unknown' imo

S&P 500 completes longest streak of weekly gains since Jan 2011
The Standard & Poor’s 500 index has completed its longest streak of weekly gains since January 2011 after the U.S. markets reopened after yesterday’s Washington celebrations. The latest boost to market sentiment came amid optimism over deal making and data showing rising investor confidence in Germany.
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5 Dec 2010
deep space nine
Slightly OT: This reminded me that I mined 1 BTC a few years back for the lols and I thought I would cash it in now.

Having absolutely no idea how, I just checked the URL thing I bookmarked but it seems I need a private key. I suppose I've lost the coin then? :p

Yep. Unless you can find it you lost thatvbtc forever.

Sorry. Trade would be better than invest. Gone from 8.80 to 20 in about 6 weeks. Be interesting to see what happens now...
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Traders would take some profit off the table along the way I reckon. I cant say I get whats driving it beyond human interest and I read its liked a lot by chemists as a transient anonymous transfer, maybe thats enough to succeed

Range is doing great today, another bit of news. I think they are cooking this up on purpose for another share issue. Volume is going to new highs? 62 mil already
This is not the weakness I was looking for, now Im thinking it may stay above 5 and build. 7 is a target upside now, it marks a few low extremes over the last years

20 February 2013 | 08:57am - Range Resources said an independent report estimated probable reserves of 2.3 million barrels of oil in the Atzam #4 well in Guatemala.

Range's update followed its recent acquisition of a 19.9% interest in Citation Resources Ltd, and 10% at the project level.

The probable reserve at Atzam #4 excluded contributions from the lower C18 and C19 sections, due to minimal log data, with testing recommended in future wells, Range said in a statement.

It added that preparations continue for flow testing the lower C17 and upper C18 carbonate sections with an electrical submersible pump (ESP).

There were estimated flow rates of 300-400 bbl/day, with an 85-90% oil cut from the lower C17 and upper C18 carbonates with an operational ESP, based on results to date.

further, significant moveable oil identified in electric logs in the C13 and C14 carbonates still untested.

At 8:57am: [LON:RRL] share price was +0.81p at 5.61p

Swapping for CNR is probably a good move. I might have sold some but I didnt feel I made enough to bother and CNR is relatively strong, I was waiting to buy on a flush down if anything

BP threw away more oil then this, a bit of good news for them but well deserved since it was contained. Didnt the gov sell this oil for the bills already

RMP doubled since Monday morning. The argument is its a much cheaper company and Range is not that much greater in its potential, is that fair? Is Punt a dud or not, did not seem conclusive
Tue 11:12	
RMP v RRL for Finn
Actually Finn comparing RMP and RRL makes a lot of sense. It gives investors the choice to isolate some of Range's holdings

For me this works perfectly.

I have always been sceptical about the true value of the Texas project and T&T has been beset with problems


Shares in issue --- 258.73million

Market Cap --- £9.75million

Cash at end of last quarter -- A$13.77million (£9.19million)

Market value assigned to Georgia £0.56million *

Market value assigned to Puntland £0*

*assumes SP EV is attributed to Georgia as this news has caused the move


Shares in issue --- 2.18billion

Market Cap --- £98.1million

Cash at end of last quarter --- A$7.2million (£4.67million)

Market value assigned to Georgia £0.56million **

Market value assigned to Puntland £0**

Texas assets -- $40million (£25.8million)

Columbia, Puntland offshore -- £0***

Guatemala -- $2million (£1.29million)****

Trinidad and Tobago -- £65.78million*****

**assumes same as ascribed to RMP

***possibly a little dicey assigning £0 to these two but not that dicey

****assumes the value is the $2million, exclusive of fees, RRL paid for the Citation stake

*****assumes T&T accounts for the remaining market cap after deducting all the figures above

Basically investing in RRL over RMP at the moment you are betting that T&T is going to surpass expectations. So much is clearly already baked into the market cap this looks like a tall order. Based on these figures roughly $6.5/brl is assigned to RRL's 17.5million P1 reserves in Trinidad

Possibly I am erring on the side of caution in valuing Trinidad, but I would have thought to get a much higher value per barrel, the recovery rate needs to be much higher than it currently is (and it is up to you what promises you believe or don't believe)

The Texas sale has been a big disappointment, although if it goes through will provide Range with much needed cash, however this will not move the share price up by much or for long. It is an asset sale after all and Range is burning cash still

Now say, for the sake of argument, a great deal on Puntland doubles RMP's market cap. Give or take this will ONLY add 10% to the market cap of RRL

For RRL to double it needs to add £98.1million to its market cap

For RMP to double it needs to add £9.75million to its market cap

The maths are really easy on this

It is up to all of us what we decide to back

Personally I am still a believer in Puntland and I want to be positioned for when that project springs back to life
11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Anyone care to predict the near future price of RRL based on the current newsflow?

In at an average of 10p but thinking of throwing a few k in at this lower price, if we can get back to 10p that will help offset some of my losses on other shares.
27 Dec 2005
Does anyone trade US shares? I want to dip back into spread betting but what with working hours the FTSE isn't perfect (but doable).

Obviously NYSE/NASDAQ etc suits evening hours more. If so, what sites are good for these markets? I like LSE for FTSE.
29 Jan 2008
Does anyone trade US shares? I want to dip back into spread betting but what with working hours the FTSE isn't perfect (but doable).

Obviously NYSE/NASDAQ etc suits evening hours more. If so, what sites are good for these markets? I like LSE for FTSE.

You like LSE for FTSE?

I'm not sure what you're asking - the FTSE is an index the LSE is an exchange
NYSE and NASDAQ are exchanges. Are you looking to trade individual stocks or indices?
29 Jan 2008
ah that makes more sense :)

for general information, news, delayed prices the Bloomberg website is worth a look - normally some decent articles on there too (they've also got a smartphone app where you can get delayed prices, store a list of stocks then pull up the latest news stories on each etc..)
22 Oct 2004
I asked this in another thread, but thought it might be better here...

I'm interested in a S&S ISA. Basically, at the moment I am not being able to make use of my cash ISA allowance being that I don't have that much spare money over after pay day.

However, I currently have a cash ISA that is paying about 2% and has say about £17k in it. Im thinking of maybe releasing some of the money out of that cash ISA and transferring it into a S&S ISA to get a higher return. Maybe about 3~5k.

IIRC you can transfer from cash in to S&S without properly withdrawing it out of the ISA ring fence? Yeah? The way I see it is that a S&S ISA should possibly get me more money if I am savey with the investment, plus any money made from it is tax free isnt it?

Im guessing that something like this from Hargreaves Lansdown is a good place to start.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
83.8 to 79.4 or 5.3% lost from Sterling index in a couple months. I dont blame you for avoiding holding a lot of cash, BOE has actually advised against this afaik

I have a SIPP with HL which works fine. I do not use them otherwise, if you are starting out then unit trusts are best. I think they call it the vantage account, it depends on your ac size but 17k is small enough that % based costs are ok I think

Trading shares is risky, though vs our currency less so imo

Getting pretty bored watching the neutral to negative position of CNR and ORE at the moment, just seems that no matter how good a slice of news they release nothing positive happens to the share price.

Gold has fallen 5 months. The recent low was good, see if it can level out here. Thinking of taking some EGO today which owns the biggest gold mine in Europe, also unpopular but thats why its cheap I hope

Does anyone trade US shares? I want to dip back into spread betting but what with working hours the FTSE isn't perfect (but doable).

There is a lot of chatter and links on, some of whom are trading 100k deal size and some just punters
I dont trade them so much but have a few. You know BP. BCS is Barclays, one of the biggest banks on wallstreet. Theres a few related to here.

Cisco took a massive dip at one point, Intel not a mobile player suffers on current trends, CHK I often look at as its a shale gas giant, very volatile but massive asset wealth and potentially insolvent but Im bullish on them. Their CEO is quite a maverick type character, recently announced he'll be going, he has a famous relative also :D
CREE great LED torches, great share recently


Anyone care to predict the near future price of RRL based on the current newsflow?
Im hoping 5p will hold. Its still done well so far. Im thinking of taking some RMP but the RMP share is weak where as RRL still has more buyers then sellers. That could just be perception or the asset differences
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13 Dec 2004
Anyone care to predict the near future price of RRL based on the current newsflow?

In at an average of 10p but thinking of throwing a few k in at this lower price, if we can get back to 10p that will help offset some of my losses on other shares.

It's looking like 5p will hold. I sold quite a few of RRL at around 3.5p and threw it into my Spread betting account with a long at about 3.8p. I can offset that loss against and future CGT and pay no tax on my spreadbet. Took some profits yesterday and ploughed into XEL for a quick trade. Expecting it to boom sometime nest week if the weekend rumour mill carries on until Monday.

If I Was you I'd be adding as close to 5p as you can, some big Trinidad results expected shortly and it's all looking good so far on the drills. Don't forget Herrera to be drilled immediately after too,malong with finalisation of texas sale, so I'm hoping this year will see us get back into the high teens.



24 Sep 2005
This thread needs a guide, there's too many pages to look for info!

Should I be making an ISA shares account? Or should I just have a 'Nominee Account'? Are there any tax benefits on different ones?

I'm only going to invest £50-£100 in a company with a current share price of around 5p.
27 Dec 2005
You'll probably be advised that £50-100 is far too low for shares. Even with the lowest trade prices (above), you're losing £12 on £100 before you've even done anything; you effectively need a 12%+ share rise before you're even breaking even.
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