Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

1 Oct 2006
Nice, £40 is still £40. When you've been as down as long as I have, you take your wins where you can get em! :D

CNR has been edging down for ages but it looks to have found it's bottom. Just need the price of gold to edge up a bit now, but I think that's a way off yet.

ORE stagnated back to opening position again, seriously disillusioned with that one at the moment. They need to start putting out some tangible results asap on that one, bit of news last week but still looking a way off yet also.

Patience, patience, patience.
8 Dec 2004
Nice, £40 is still £40. When you've been as down as long as I have, you take your wins where you can get em! :D

CNR has been edging down for ages but it looks to have found it's bottom. Just need the price of gold to edge up a bit now, but I think that's a way off yet.

ORE stagnated back to opening position again, seriously disillusioned with that one at the moment. They need to start putting out some tangible results asap on that one, bit of news last week but still looking a way off yet also.

Patience, patience, patience.

Are your positions in spread betting?
Ive exited Condor at circa £40, I have too many open positions at the moment and dont want to over expose myself.
18 Oct 2002
Im look at opening an account too buy some shares, i currently bank with the halifax i have looked at there charges £11.95 to buy and £30 too sell the shares this is from the website

now i have also signed up to the fantasy tradeing game also with halifax there it lists the selling costs as the same as the buying £11.95

so a little confused does any one here use a halifax trading account? the £30 sell fee seemsa little excessive

are the worth while any pros / cons from anyone thats tried it
1 Oct 2006
Are your positions in spread betting?
Ive exited Condor at circa £40, I have too many open positions at the moment and dont want to over expose myself.

Nah, just run of the mill trading.

Shame, they just nudged up to 25%. Expect the day traders to sell off in about 30 mins, closing out about 15% up today. Still nice to see it moving in the right direction.
8 Dec 2004
Nah, just run of the mill trading.

Shame, they just nudged up to 25%. Expect the day traders to sell off in about 30 mins, closing out about 15% up today. Still nice to see it moving in the right direction.

Well I was in at 108 and sold at 115.
Now its at 112, so Im content for today.

Im currently in with Nanoco which is just killing me...

Can I ask what trading platform you use?
1 Oct 2006
Not bad at all, quick in out. :)

Nothing fancy, I use Shareprice/Google and Halifax for trades. If it were serious amounts of money I'd stump up for decent L2 access but I'm on dabbling so just make use of the free tools. SP was awesome before Huckle decided to cash in, but whatchagonnado?
19 Jan 2006
Indeed nice to see CNR on the up again. Still holding (bought at 2.6p old price, 52p new price) so still doubled money at the moment and will continue to hold.

Apart from that and Standard Life, I'm holding some dogs at the moment (KEA and RRL being 2 of the worst)

Going to hang on to them for another 3 months or so and review after the summer.
8 Dec 2004
Not bad at all, quick in out. :)

Nothing fancy, I use Shareprice/Google and Halifax for trades. If it were serious amounts of money I'd stump up for decent L2 access but I'm on dabbling so just make use of the free tools. SP was awesome before Huckle decided to cash in, but whatchagonnado?

I see. Im currently using Barclays for my ISA, IG Index for the SB and ADVFN for general info, although Im finding it a bit fiddly.
You reckon Shareprice is good then?
30 Dec 2012
Well I managed to get in to Imagination Technologies at 360p this morning and would have got out at 370p but I missed the chance of a quick profit.

One I missed today was Brewin Holdings (BRW), which I have been watching and hoped for a little drop before I could buy-in. Then they went and rose 9.1p today to finish @ 219.80p DOH !!! Really peed at missing that.

Couldn't decide whether to add to my significant holding in Kazakhmys today in the 320p's and in the end decided to go for a quick trade buying at 319p and selling @ 331p for a small profit.
28 Aug 2003
lost on a big planet.
Im look at opening an account too buy some shares, i currently bank with the halifax i have looked at there charges £11.95 to buy and £30 too sell the shares this is from the website

now i have also signed up to the fantasy tradeing game also with halifax there it lists the selling costs as the same as the buying £11.95

so a little confused does any one here use a halifax trading account? the £30 sell fee seemsa little excessive

are the worth while any pros / cons from anyone thats tried it

£11.95 to buy and sell, was £5 I think if the trade value was under £250 but it looks like that's been scrapped. this is for online transactions will be more over the phone.
1 Oct 2006
I see. Im currently using Barclays for my ISA, IG Index for the SB and ADVFN for general info, although Im finding it a bit fiddly.
You reckon Shareprice is good then?

It's not a bad service, I'm sure it's better if you pay for the L2 information but I can't see me making enough money to justify the subscription (chicken, egg, cart, horse? lol).

It's convenient insomuch as it collates charts, performance, forum discussions etc all in one place and the portfolio manager is pretty neat. That said, it's nothing that Google Finance doesn't offer. The one plus with SP is that they do offer an iOS/Android app which is very good. Really came into it's own when they offered live prices with a free account I can tell you!

ADVFN is nice, and to be fair looks like it offers the same (or more) information as SP. I'd argue that SP is a little more user friendly, but all depends how much info you want/need I guess.
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