Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

25 Sep 2006
Im look at opening an account too buy some shares, i currently bank with the halifax i have looked at there charges £11.95 to buy and £30 too sell the shares this is from the website

now i have also signed up to the fantasy tradeing game also with halifax there it lists the selling costs as the same as the buying £11.95

so a little confused does any one here use a halifax trading account? the £30 sell fee seemsa little excessive

are the worth while any pros / cons from anyone thats tried it

Opened my first 'self managed' S&S ISA with Hargreaves Lansdown a few months back, quite user friendly for a newb with reasonable information available. Worth a look. £11.95 buy/sell, decreasing down to £5.99 the more frequently you trade.
31 Mar 2012
I see. Im currently using Barclays for my ISA, IG Index for the SB and ADVFN for general info, although Im finding it a bit fiddly.
You reckon Shareprice is good then?

how long have you been with ig index? i applied for an account there and was rejected, called them up and their sales staff were rather unpleasant to talk to eventhough i had an igmarkets account (with the crazy guarateed stop loss which cannot be unselected) .
what criteria do they have in place to accept ones application.

pm me if appropriate.
8 Dec 2004
how long have you been with ig index? i applied for an account there and was rejected, called them up and their sales staff were rather unpleasant to talk to eventhough i had an igmarkets account (with the crazy guarateed stop loss which cannot be unselected) .
what criteria do they have in place to accept ones application.

pm me if appropriate.

Blimey, really? Im surprised about that. I've ben with IG Index for about 2 months now?
IG index have been nothing but prompt and descriptive in their communication. Admittedly most of my comms have been through email (once or twice on phone), but I cannot complain in all honesty.

Did they tell you why they rejected you? Credit score?

In terms of the platform, what can I say, cannot fault it really. Slick and very easy to use. At first I did some silly stuff like going long when I wanted to go short and vice versa, but that was my amateur fault :)

But I love the charting software which makes it easy to do some quick analyses.

Only thing which I haven't seen, is trading volume, I would like to see this feature.
11 Nov 2012
Hi guys, I'd like to dabble with stocks, put in a set amount and if I lose it cut my losses. Before I do anything, is there a definitive book I can read to grasp a basic understanding of what I'm getting myself in for?

I'm sure people ask this all the time, but I'd very much appreciate THE book to read on this.

Edit - Or the several books to read... ;)
8 Dec 2004
Go with the Naked Trader by Robbie Burns, great down to earth book.
Perhaps his spread bet book is also a worthwhile read.
And lastly for something a bit more technical, go with technical analysis using multiple timeframes by Brian Shannon (its expensive though).

But I would also just peruse the net reading odds n sods articles. Your information does build up.

Also found quite informative for Forex trading, but I dont do forex as I got a little singed once :)
30 Dec 2012
Hi guys, I'd like to dabble with stocks, put in a set amount and if I lose it cut my losses. Before I do anything, is there a definitive book I can read to grasp a basic understanding of what I'm getting myself in for?

I'm sure people ask this all the time, but I'd very much appreciate THE book to read on this.

Edit - Or the several books to read... ;)

Hi Bromhead,

To learn about the basics of charts you can take a look at

This gives you basic concepts behind charting.

Made another daytrade on Kazakhmys (KAZ) today. If I keep doing this everyday for a year I wont care if the prices rises back to above 400p or not.

Got into Brewin Dolphin just after the open @ 215.40p which is not as good as I could have got yesterday morning but good enough as they rose again on announcement they will pay dividend.

Decided to sell half of Gulf Keystone Petroleum as the price seems stuck @ 150p-ish until the court decision comes around. Took the profit (never a bad thing to do)
30 Dec 2012
Hi guys, I'd like to dabble with stocks, put in a set amount and if I lose it cut my losses. Before I do anything, is there a definitive book I can read to grasp a basic understanding of what I'm getting myself in for?

I'm sure people ask this all the time, but I'd very much appreciate THE book to read on this.

Edit - Or the several books to read... ;)

Another thing to note is that you WILL undoubtedly make mistakes as you learn and sometimes you will lose money, maybe many times.

If you persevere it becomes a lot easier.

When you find a stock you want to buy read everything you can about the stock, especially the RNS's They market often acts in totally the opposite direction you may immediately think when an RNS is released as there is nearly always always a story behind even the simplest news.

Read bulletin boards but do not believe what anyone tells you, it justs help flesh out some of the goings on in a particular stock but it up to you to make the decision to buy or sell.

When you can figure them out, few do, you will be on a winner.
8 Dec 2004
As i-jedi mentioned you will make losses.

I really recommend to read Robbie's book (Naked Trader) it really is an ideal book for beginners, and outlines the risks and rewards to trading and the general key indicators to look out for in order to open positions on potential winners.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
614 isnt pie in the sky but we do need some fairly big transformations for that. Gold mines I see taking 10 years time spans at least, its excruciating. So long as it gets there in the end (ie. no political instability etc)

Nearer term Im in two minds about CNR. I should take some profits but I not resolute on it pulling back.
I set an order to sell some today but cancelled it premarket when Ive seen gold tick up some. I'll decide later, ideally I would sell much higher then this.
90p and then 40p were potential places to buy but I have to sell now then to buy at those places later, cant just hold it unquestioned.
Gold can still go much lower unfortunately though I havent changed my ideas on its usefulness long term

Currency strength is subject to politics and government policies. Right now Dollar benefits from Yen policies and moves, also in theory USA has good GDP growth hence strong(er) dollar weak gold. But the fat lady aint singing yet and politics is more short term then fundamentals imo

IG would happily sign everyone up, they are obliged by the regulator to turn some away. They pretty much need customers who can burn money and be ok and/or extremely experienced.
Send me a trust msg and I'll mention others as Ive never needed IG, I dont order big amounts Im fairly sure other companies are better to learn with.
IG are the biggest, oldest, etc
30 Dec 2012
Well that was guaranteed to happen wasn't it.

Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP) rose today after I sold half my stock yesterday.

Today I have sold the Brewin Dolphin (BRW) that I bought yesterday at a nice tidy profit. So no doubt that will spike later today or tomorrow knowing my luck.
30 Dec 2012
I'm currently reading up on Victrex (VCT) and they look very interesting.

P/E of 20 with zero debt, great profit margins, self-funding expansion and ever more relevant products. Especially in Aerospace and automotive possibilities.

Anyone else done any research on them?

I'll take a deeper look tomorrow.
8 Dec 2004
Quick look at them, good dividend cover, no debt, reasonable share yield, but generally flat performance compared to last year.
Not too sure on profit to market cap cover. More than 15 times.
Also increasing inventory... not sure.
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30 Dec 2012
Where did you pick up on them I-jedi?

My brother in law told me that were making some interesting stuff so I thought i would take a look.

I particularly like the use of their products in automotive engines

and I'm thinking of of the possible future solutions they could bring to the table.

The same with aerospace where they are already showing the potential of their products in various areas especially fuel saving materials.
With a million and one (and more) uses for their products (and most likely patents) I see them as a good candidate for a takeover and an ever growing company.
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