Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I figure this tech company is relevant to post here. Is this a good tip for a share to watch, anyone deal with Apache ?

The group’s products are in fast-growing markets. The most exciting market is for a database system called Apache Hadoop; this is a system that companies such as Facebook and Amazon use to store all your data. WANdisco has developed some of the most efficient programmes for accessing and using that data. Independent analysts estimate the big data market will be worth $18.1bn (£11.6bn) by the end of 2013, from $11.4bn just a year earlier, and could reach $50bn by 2017.
They increased business contracted by +80% this year. Shares are up 600% since IPO or 4x in 1yr

I guess it relates to Autonomy that former FT100 giant.
Epic is WAND
Wandisco PLC(LON:WAND)
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30 Dec 2012
Though I'm still watching Gold, I've given up trading it at the moment because I can't decide which way it's likely to go.

Instead I added 800 more DBX MSCI INDONESIA ETF (XMID)

Also sold my 400 Playtech (PTEC) that I bought back in June for 585.5p @ 693p
8 May 2011
Spec me some stocks.... to research :)

I haven't invested in any for a while. Still hold a small chunk of LLOY @ .42 & recently sold my holdings in TSCO.

Dabbled in the AIM market but tend to stick to FTSE100 companies.
18 Oct 2002
Could someone help me out im very much a newbie in the shares world. an hoping someone here can answer my question before i mess up somewhat.

im in with some shares at the moment. i currently use the Halifax Share Dealing Account and only have shares in 1 single UK Equity. SOLG to be pricise just under 50000 shares. not a great deal but thats what i have.

I have 5 options on the Trade Plan,
Limite Order - Stop Loss - Range Trading - Target Setting - Price Locking.

Ok i am looking at wanting too set a trade plan up that if the Share price is 8pence. and i want it too sell at 10pence but if it goes past and stays above 10pence then there is no sale.

the only time it will sell is once it drops if ever back too 10pence.

what would this be called? and how would i set it ?
3 Aug 2003
Spec me some stocks.... to research :)

I haven't invested in any for a while. Still hold a small chunk of LLOY @ .42 & recently sold my holdings in TSCO.

Dabbled in the AIM market but tend to stick to FTSE100 companies.


was Demerged from CKSN
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Genel Energy pulls out staff from notehrn Somalia following violence. Shares down -2.64%


the only time it will sell is once it drops if ever back too 10pence.

Sounds like a trailing stop loss. So its like a high tide mark and it'd sell if it comes down 10p from the peak price, if it keeps going up without pulling back that much then it'll keep raising the sell price on each higher peak.

Generally you should expect fancy stuff like that not to work as you hoped. The market is always trying to force people to sell, then it goes up. TEP did that to me, its doubled now. Commodity shares can move 10% in 1 day and thats just a tremor, the Federal reserve taper news could show Richter graph type moves on a few prices
I sold Lloyds today on an order and I was in two minds, I tend to sell small parts if possible and then its not a big deal.
They split TSB today and promptly crashed their websites

Though I'm still watching Gold, I've given up trading it at the moment because I can't decide which way it's likely to go.
Gold is walking sideways. 1385 is where it trips up, stay hopeful above that?
I think its still doing well
I bought Amara a week ago, sold Weds, buy again Friday and now waiting again. POG is losing all its gains again, same old story which means its probably a buy I think

VED to buy on rupee weakness - Questor, sounds a fair arbitrage
17 Oct 2002
What do you think of LMI? I am still sitting on over 30% profit but think there could be a bit more in it.

Considering selling BHP at a small loss and Rio with quit a good profit.
28 Aug 2013
I saw the thread but got immediately alarmed by the word "Trading"..

Anyone here a "Long time buy and holder"? Has been very profitable for me, at least in a short period of time.

I would not sell either of those, Dr_House. Do you think neither company will not make any extra profit in the next 5-10 years?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
LMI has risk but BHP I dont know why thats a sell. Commoditys are not generally high at present, BHP is one of my favs. Its just below 200 day average which could be said to be 50/50 decision but im biased long on such ideas - the graph is weak true enough

I hold but also trade some for cashflow, a lot of shares are just flicking high low fairly often.
questor says Apple is done now, they got squeezed but I reckon they can cruise for a while yet and there seems to be enough brand loyalty. The products maybe but its not an expensive share

ABG COO resigns, a dive on that seems a good buy 135 maybe
28 Aug 2013
I'm long on Apple. They have only spent about half of their 60-billion stock repurchase program so far, so I reckon the stock can't drop much with them buying another 30 billions worth of their own stock back. It doesn't feel too bad waiting with that program going on in the background and then getting quarterly dividends on the way.

Apple is my only "gambling" stock though, that I will sell away when the repurchase program ends, and when I will see the first sales numbers from the new iPhones. That will be in 3-6 months the earliest. If the numbers are awesome I'll make a killing, and if they suck, I'll get back a bit more than I put it. Hopefully :p
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I bought Apple in the end, luckily I delayed and got it after -5% fall but I often buy when things are less popular. Its not exactly healthy looking but thats the façade of the share more then the company I reckon, certainly could do a lot worse. Pound is stronger right now so a buy for me.
Positive trend above 461 hopefully
If the numbers are awesome
Even if they cruise they are doing ok by most companies standards ? I dont know what their PE would fall (rise?) to but they are profitable in any case
The problem with China is not their fault. Currency weakness, a gov policy and 80% of mobile users cant get it on their plan, again likely gov policy of some kind

Gold tripped up, its off the cliff :p hopefully not terminal but for some reason its not popular again. 1316 down to 1300 ish I reckon before it arrests its fall.
I will add to a couple miners, I dont believe its going to 1000 but in any case like apple its suffering perceptions more then actual failure.
Gold should prove stronger then Fed or fiscal policies which will result in lower dollar higher gold
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Gold is still bearish at 1300, Im not filled with expectation here. More testing of patience and margins, etc

Saudi Arabia pumped oil at the fastest rate in 32 years in August but global supplies still fell by almost 1m barrels a day, putting pressure on the oil stocks of industrialised countries, the International Energy Agency has said. Massive disruptions to exports from Libya and elsewhere have combined with near record demand from refineries to push the price of benchmark Brent crude above $110 a barrel.

Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest exporter, has responded by raising output to record levels. But in its closely watched monthly report on the oil market, the rich countries’ energy watchdog said the market had still tightened over the past month, according to the Financial Times.

< Pr

Seems a good round up. Always want to buy where demand overcomes supply
SXX has halved now on delays to its planning app, seem a reasonable scenario to buy ?
18 Oct 2002
So i've bought into BARC at 281p. just a short/medium term punt with my ISA. Hoping to see it back up to 300p+ again soon and going to take a bit of profit (5-15%).

Very long term I'm looking at

Tesla: Share is breaking new heights all the time, I do think they will take the world y storm. Lots of competition but with all this investment and a focus on just electric can they keep it up? They are only scratching the surface with regards to sales.

Royal Mail: Could be another very long term one. Hoping they go the same way as BG and BT.

From " If you had invested £1,000 in BT at launch, your shares would now have a face value of £3,800. But if you had reinvested all your dividends into the stock, you would have a whopping £15,495, according to research from Fidelity Worldwide Investments. That's a return of 1,450%. BG Group has done even better, pumping out a total return of 4,878%, turning £1,000 into £48,878 with dividends re-invested."
31 Jan 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Exactly how does one venture into something like? I am looking at Twitter as an example of wanting to buy shares into when they eventually float. But how much should I spend? Or should I look to spend? What's the ideal amount of shares to buy?

I am a proper novice at something like this so any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
18 Oct 2002
Exactly how does one venture into something like? I am looking at Twitter as an example of wanting to buy shares into when they eventually float. But how much should I spend? Or should I look to spend? What's the ideal amount of shares to buy?

I am a proper novice at something like this so any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

I'm sure others on here will be able to advise you far better than me but to answer your questions about how much to invest -

Only as much as you can afford to lose. A lot of us regular traders on here can tell you stories of having lost a lot. They don't always go up.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Forget twitter for a second, look at Royal Mail. It could be considered similar, a comms company? I was listening to a couple figures and though I dont want to buy RM it seems like it could be cheap.

The figures were their profits of 400m and the market cap of 3000m. That is a basic take but it seems cheap. Twitter is going to be harder to judge because its moving faster but again I think you decide based on if you believe they can realise revenue (profits even) relative to the total value placed on the business.

Facebook was valued at 100bn or 33 times bigger then RM will be. That is hard to justify but also they have lower costs maybe, margin potential is a big consideration.

The margin expansion potential for miners is gigantic. They do also suffer from inflation in oil prices though, so much so that you can plot gold to oil as a guide.
Tech is popular as it also can leverage large increases in business from steady costs, ie internet is efficent.
I dont like RM because its challenged in a few ways but the point is there is not one factor, a share is multi faceted. Diamonds and coal are similar on paper? but one reacts more positively to pressure, some businesses collapse under the weight of capitalism, some gain etc. Is Twitter that unique really:confused:

Or..... you can just gamble which is what we all end up doing anyway because its impossible to know for sure

If new then invest with unit trusts, that is more like proper saving
31 Jan 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I see. Thanks. Yeah been hearing about Royal Mail. Might be an idea to invest them as well. As I said I have never done anything like this before. Plus I don't really have any spare money lying around. So effectively it could come from my salary direct. So something like £100 might be alright now. I guess?

I will look into unit trusts as well.

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Unit trusts will do 50 a month where as shares require more of a lump sum and far more attention to possible failures. Asia Pacific is one of my favs, in April 2008 I decided it was a great time to invest, Barclays, RBS, HBOS and many others all ran out of cash, B&B went bust and so on. I still made a profit in like 18 months, so its way safer, easier imo I even got some cashback on a ftse tracker last april, that is jammy :D
1 Sep 2003
US of A
... So something like £100 might be alright now. I guess? ...

I would wait until you had a bit more money. The fees required to buy any shares in a company or fund would wipe out any profit for a good while. For example, if the fees for buying £100 of shares in something were £10 (standard fee these days), the share value would have to go up by 10% in order for you to recoup your fees, let alone make a profit. However, if you had £500, the share value would only have to go up by 2%.*

* This doesn't include the fees and taxes you have to pay when you sell.
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