Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

1 Oct 2006
Ah cool, that's fairly straight forward with the ISA then.

So when you cash the ISA out, does the provider sort you out with a tax statement/certificate that you use to fill out a self assessment form?

Thanks btw, most handy. :)
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
There is a 10k CGT profit allowance per year. So not many people make enough to pay, ISA or SIPP are not taxable on this so sounds sensible

Which shares did so well for you ? Bed and breakfast they call that, some rules on that but I think sell then buy straight into ISA is just fine and I expect iweb would confirm

Microsoft CEO steve Bull is to resign, shares open up 7%
A Behemoth people hope it does something new or split up even (gecko style :p)

RKH looking more reasonable long term. I bought some Premier, Questor likes them and it seems reasonable prospects. I previously sold them all, cheaper now.
News next week, what is that :confused: anyhow either way
4PE or something similar; too cheap not to buy it looks like

CNR performs weak but its climbed a cliff now getting its breath. I think it might falter to 120 as market likes to scare people but still positive.

Gold climbs 18 dollars in 12 mins, a trend up is a nice surprise
2 Jan 2005
Ah cool, that's fairly straight forward with the ISA then.

So when you cash the ISA out, does the provider sort you out with a tax statement/certificate that you use to fill out a self assessment form?

Thanks btw, most handy. :)

i'm not sure, never had to do it yet.
i know isa's have 0% cgt but you still have to declare it on your tax return (as opposed to cgt exempt items which you dont have to mention at all)

Just had a quick squizz on iWebShareDealing and they say their S&S ISA doesn't incur any CGT on profit made.

So if I sell now, then rebuy into their S&S ISA I'm laughing?

well, anything in an isa is cgt free, but any profit made on the selling before its in the isa is subject to cgt (assuming its over the cgt limit of course).
23 Oct 2002
Thinking of going back into share dealing after a period of absence. My original broker is no longer in business. Any suggestions for a decent broker(one that doesn't have lots of added fees)?
1 Oct 2006
There is a 10k CGT profit allowance per year. So not many people make enough to pay, ISA or SIPP are not taxable on this so sounds sensible

Which shares did so well for you ? Bed and breakfast they call that, some rules on that but I think sell then buy straight into ISA is just fine and I expect iweb would confirm

I certainly haven't made enough to breach that ceiling! CNR is my main winner, took a hit on the ORE sale but I have faith in them turning it around so back in with them.

i'm not sure, never had to do it yet.
i know isa's have 0% cgt but you still have to declare it on your tax return (as opposed to cgt exempt items which you dont have to mention at all)

well, anything in an isa is cgt free, but any profit made on the selling before its in the isa is subject to cgt (assuming its over the cgt limit of course).

Just had a good read through the Ts and Cs and applied, all looks fairly straightforward. This little gem stuck out:

Please note that ISA's do not need to be reported on your HMRC Tax Return.

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
They put in the debt ceiling when law was changed after only 2 years of its existence to allow Fed to buy gov debt. It was never supposed to be raised except in an emergency, a relic or a failsafe. Its like proping open a firedoor, its a pain and its supposed to be is my guess
If the world wasnt so convoluted computers would trade stocks for us so cant complain

I think Gold targets 1433.6 nearterm and 1579 resistance. That is just a shadow of this years main fall

Amara is up another 15% today, still looking solid upto 30 I think.
SXX looking bad today and recently but I think a buy longer term also graph looks better
target for ORE 0.55

Treasury would be left to fund the government with only the cash we have on hand on any given day," he said.
I believe thats what they tax for, stick to your allowance?
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23 Dec 2012
Thought Id see if anyone here was interested in this company

Own licenses for blocks of Namibia, Mauritania, Morocco and recently Brazil.

Currently just doing 3D survey processing and looking for drilling partners.

Recent events include Farm-out agreement with Cairn regarding Block C19 Mauritania (effectively 9p of their current share price!)

Tullow are drilling in Mauritania a block south (so roughly 50km away) from CHARs block, the rig reached the site on Friday so should be spudding soon.

HRT are drilling near their Namibia blocks and should be reaching target depth soon! Previous wells included dry and oil found but not enough to extract!

Company plans to start drilling in 2014! and is seeking more drilling partners.

Current market cap is $42 million, but the recent deal with Cairn was worth at least $26 million. So share price is fairly low imho!

Just beware it is an AIMs company, high risk / high reward situation!
30 Dec 2012
Well my short-Gold plan hasn't worked out and now its looking like a bull market for gold so I've gone long.

Many stocks looking cheap at the moment, so plenty of shopping opportunities.

Added 500 ISHARES MSCI TURKEY ETF (ITKY) so far today.
18 Oct 2002
The Land of Roundabouts
Anyone bought into AVM? was on my watch list a few weeks back, unfortunately not my everyday one so missed the initial jump and ignored it when it went back on the retrace, now look at it :rolleyes:
Ironically i gave AVM as a tip to a friend, he's just paid for his holiday from it.....

Cant work out Fjet any more either! more buys than sells, it drops, good news in the pipeline and still it drops. They really screwed it with the consolidation!
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
AVM is still lower then 2009, so worth reading about I guess.
I reckon my nearterm call on gold was fairly decent, its retracted some but Im not sure that is it for now or not.

I have sold some AMA but really I will be buying them back fairly soon most likely, still looks decent. POG fell awfully, longterm business is not dire afaik


I got some Aggrecko, they helped power the olympics, etc an old buy order I wrote caught the bottom nicely, hopefully good longer term.
However APR energy is not doing so well for me, Questor says sell :( He's been too negative a couple times though like AGK he said hold in '09, it doubled and IGG much stronger then he realised. Im sure the changing world supports these two companies, hopefully they are up to it
RMP has some interest this week due to a change in Somalia law from centralalised to local drilling permissions ?
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4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
I need help, I bought UK coal shares a few years ago, made a bit of money and put some back in again, now they have dropped big time, UK coal changed to coalfield.

I got a letter this week about my shares saying I have 3 options but I don't understand what any of it means, something about nil rights and opting out.

I don't have it in front of me right now, but if I post it tomorrow could some kind person help me out?
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Why so Sirius

Sounds like a rights issue. They can borrow via bonds and so on or issue more shares. Be glad they are offering you any choice, a lot of aim companies barely mention they doubled their shares without you

Depends what they using it for really. Barc issued shares at 280p in summer 2008 but also Hbos issued at 260 and there was only small chance to profit on them.
FGP issued at 80p more recently and are above that though they were 200 prior to announcing so yea not likely a profit.

You can sell the rights to others which gives you money, you can just buy the shares in market with others, which like using rights will take money.
They are a kind of short term option, which is a ticket to buy at a fixed price

Company plans to start drilling in 2014! and is seeking more drilling partners.

Current market cap is $42 million, but the recent deal with Cairn was worth at least $26 million. So share price is fairly low imho!

looks troubled, buy over 30 with stop 28 ?

I'd rather buy Cairn then CHAR is my first thought. I have heard of them but not in depth but just like PMO is safer then RKH I'd rather have that unless it is very much too cheap. Poor funding can lead to dilution (excessive fund raising via shares) but then 26m should be enough sounds like. Cairn is allegedly a bargain but mostly struck out on exploring so far

I took some SXX expecting dismal, got dismal. Order to add lower cleared more, still blah
4 Feb 2007
Nuneaton, UK
Hi silversurfer, thanks for the reply.

Here is a pic of the letter

I originally bought £1000 worth £190 according to my account. Which do you think is my best option? I don't want to loose any more money, gutted I lost so much already. I originally made £373 so I'm well down.

I'd be very grateful of any advice.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
CRES Thats quite a ski slope. I cant advise as I only just looked at them but I can view the graph and speculate. So will edit that in, price isnt as important as all the framework and are they using that new rights money productively or not.


I dont think theres any big clue in the graphs, trend down and its had a nice snap up when it crosses upwards. I'd guess more of a buy then a sell now but only if you like this property plan

A simple high low range, 3p to 10p thats the trend in majority. News and details here frame it best I think starts Sept comp tomorrow. I did really well with CNR for August +38% but no other good choices :o
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