Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

8 Dec 2004
Unit trusts will do 50 a month where as shares require more of a lump sum and far more attention to possible failures. Asia Pacific is one of my favs, in April 2008 I decided it was a great time to invest, Barclays, RBS, HBOS and many others all ran out of cash, B&B went bust and so on. I still made a profit in like 18 months, so its way safer, easier imo I even got some cashback on a ftse tracker last april, that is jammy :D

What is the difference between a unit trust and say a managed fund silversurfer?
Can unit trusts go into ISAs?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
20% up for POG but then its just regaining what it lost so Im basically not fussed. 80p today, a proper first target of any note is 400 which does sound silly.
The Fed has the integrity of a wet paper bag, this isnt anything new yet

Gold resets above its recent failure, flat really (so far)
difference between a unit trust and say a managed fund silversurfer?
Try MSE forum, they discuss the whole setup and some members are in the finance industry, couple are IFA. It will help to famalise

A UT can be anything, managed, track shares via indexing or just hold cash. ETF is similar but its sold as a share, it can have a manager often its just a computer.
I wont say more, its a bit confusing like a bowl of spaghetti its not massively important to track every loop in the bowl :p
The main thing is to actually choose the right market. A trust or ISA (yes trusts go in isa) and so on is just tax framework mostly but more importantly there has to be profits first
30 Dec 2012
Sold 500 of my ISHARES MSCI TURKEY ETF (ITKY) today that I bought 3 weeks ago @ 1976p for 2474p (nice profit of £2475

Bought 3000 Anite Plc (AIE) @ 122.52p

Got plenty of cash on sidelines but unsure what to do with at the moment
5 Aug 2006
Kent, UK
Anite PLC looks interesting. Have added it to my 'maybe's list for doing a bit more research into later on. I have some Spirent shares which are not doing well at the moment, but I'm hoping they'll rise again next year.

Anyone got any thoughts on Medgenics (MEDU)? I bought a few hundred shares earlier this year while they were near the bottom of large dive. Seem to be moving up fast finally, so bought a few more. Its an awesome technology if it works out, but I'm not too sure on the time frame and chances of success. Would welcome any thoughts from you lot with more experience than me.
16 Dec 2008
I'm looking for a good mining stock to invest in, maybe something like Uranium or copper. Kazakhmsys is the only thing I can find so far that interests me but seems risky with all the problems they've had.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
BHP has pretty much everything. ANTO is copper

market valued in pre nixon $

Apple Sells 9 Million iPhones In First Weekend. +5% maybe a sell today but a hold overall imo unless someone knows they are destined to become like blackberry
-- 2nd Update
--Apple sells 9 million iPhones, most ever on a launch weekend --Company sells out of more expensive model --Sees revenue, margins at high end of previous forecast (Adds analyst reaction, beginning in paragraph five.) By Nathalie Tadena Apple Inc. (AAPL) sold nine million of its latest iPhones in their first three days in stores, a new company record, and said quarterly revenue and margins should be near the high end of its previous forecast. Apple said it has sold out of its initial supplies of the more expensive model. The company declined to say when more may be available, other than to note that stores continue to receive new iPhone shipments regularly. "The demand for the new iPhones has been incredible," Chief Executive Tim Cook said in a press release. Apple two weeks ago unveiled two new iPhone models that didn't stray far from the company's traditional form factors and pricing. The new flagship iPhone 5S includes a faster processor, a better camera and a new fingerprint scanner. A second, less expensive model called the iPhone 5C repackages much of the technology from last year's device in a new, colorful plastic case. The company on Monday didn't break out the sales by model. Informal polls of buyers Friday suggested the more expensive iPhone 5S was more popular. Cantor Fitzgerald said its survey of buyers in New York City found 88% bought the iPhone 5S, but the firm said Apple's sales numbers Monday suggested the less expensive phone also sold well. "The strength of this weekend's sales benefited from much stronger-than-expected demand for the iPhone 5C," Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Brian White said. "The criticism of the iPhone 5C as being too expensive versus expectations and thus demand would be muted were proven wrong with today's strong weekend sales." Also likely helping sales totals was the addition of China to the list of launch sites. The nine million iPhones sold this weekend surpassed the company's previous record of more than five million units sold, which occurred when the iPhone 5 launched last year. The amount also topped the five million to six million that many analysts were expecting, as well as the 3.7 million smartphones that Blackberry Ltd. (BB.T, BBRY) shipped in its whole second quarter. Apple said more than 200 million iOS devices are now running on its new iOS7 system, which the company called the fastest software upgrade in history. iOS7 is the first major design overhaul of the mobile operating system that Apple introduced in 2007, giving rise to the booming apps economy. In July, Apple projected revenue for its fiscal fourth quarter between $34 billion and $37 billion and gross margin between 36% to 37%. Analysts, on average, were expecting revenue of $36.1 billion and gross margin of 36.7%, according to Thomson Reuters. Shares of Apple recently jumped 4.4% to $488. Through Friday's close, the stock is up 13% over the past three months. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that demand for the gold 5S was so strong in China and Hong Kong that Apple already has asked its suppliers to increase production of that model, citing people familiar with the matter. As the world-wide market for smartphones has increased, Apple has lost market share, particularly outside the U.S. and among first-time smartphone buyers. On the low end, competitors have been able to come in far below Apple's prices. On the high end, rival Samsung Electronics Co. (005930.SE) has attracted customers with varied screen sizes and increasingly more impressive features, such as a pen to draw notes and more advanced camera systems.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires September 23, 2013 10:31 ET (14:31 GMT)

Medu is rising on good volume apparently so well founded?
Anite not so much, above 120 maybe better
SPT sideways and uncertain whats it doing:confused:

I reckon GKP is a buy over BP most likely, anyone picking it up now its cleared the court case? The new Questor wrote it up as a buy.
Whoever mentioned CRES, it was 5.25 to buy Sep 1st and its 6.25 to sell now, quite a big gain
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5 Aug 2006
Kent, UK
I have high hopes for MEDU (as much for the share price as for the benefits its technology will bring to medicine), but i realise its still fairly risky as its got to get through FDA trials. Its just changed members of its board, and that might be the apparent reason for the recent rise in SP (new members are linked to Shire PLC which has done so well), plus the dates for the next FDA trial are due to be announced soon which might stimulate more interest.

For Spirent, I'm going to (perhaps foolishly, and not Motley Foolishly) going to carry on trickle buying with monthly regular investments. With 4G, cloud computing, increasing mobile GPS tech (in mobile phones) i figure its profit has got to improve.

I've also been looking into GKP for the last 6 months, but decided to invest in Genel instead as its seemed a safer bet.

Anyone got any VOD shares, and has views on what to do with them: sell now, keep forever, reinvest VZ shares into VOD when you get them, etc etc.
27 Mar 2003
So I finally have some shares to sell (via a share save scheme) and just need some advice on the best way to go about selling them. I need to find a broker and am at a loss on where to start (something I have never done before). I have been advised by the company that the broker should try and deal with a company call numis if they can.

Thanks for any info
19 Jan 2006
So I finally have some shares to sell (via a share save scheme) and just need some advice on the best way to go about selling them. I need to find a broker and am at a loss on where to start (something I have never done before). I have been advised by the company that the broker should try and deal with a company call numis if they can.

Thanks for any info

can you not sell them the the share save scheme? They should be able to advise you who to contact surely??
27 Mar 2003
I have had the shares for a while now and have been advised I can sell them as an individual so I obviously want to try and maximise my profit and reduce any charges that I may incur.
1 Sep 2003
US of A
I have had the shares for a while now and have been advised I can sell them as an individual so I obviously want to try and maximise my profit and reduce any charges that I may incur.

Have the shares been deposited into an individual share account run by a share trading company or a share account run by a bank? My previous employer had an old share scheme that would deposit the shares into a share account that was run by a bank upon maturity. If so (and they are easily accessible), it would just be a case of looking to see where you can sell them at the cheapest rate and selling them via that company.



18 Oct 2002
My old share schemes just used to send you the share cert at the end and that was that.

You then could either sell off certificate (remember it being hassle trying to find somewhere that did this without charging a fortune) or subsequently get them transferred up into an online dealing account.
13 Jan 2010
Bought some more Barc. L shares

I bought some Barc shares when they had that ridiculous drop in share price when they swapped ceos or whatever it was, I wish I had put more on at 170p
I bought them at 270 this time and will sell at 10% profit

The up and coming royal mail privatisation has my interest too
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I was looking at Barc also but market is a bit negative for this week seems like
FALKLAND Oil and Gas (FOGL) are valued at 90m but hold cash of 100m so would seem slightly too cheap? They are due to drill next year, no idea of their likely success but nows a good time to decide

Either theirs a cert or more likely someone is holding them for you
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Coca Cola. Coke became a public company in 1919 at the price of $40 per share. In 1920, it became 50% cheaper and traded at $19. You can always find a few reasons why it was not a good time to buy it, but if your grandmother bought one share at $40 and re-invested the dividends, she would have $5 million today. “There is never a perfect time to buy a great business”, Buffett says – “There are always reasons to worry, but if you are right about the business, you will make a lot of money over time”.

Fairly unbelievable but 40 was two ounces of gold or $2600 today

Stockchallenge starts the October round tomorrow. Good way to track how some wild investment might gone after spread losses. CRES cost 20% and gained 14% profit in the end

RM generally looks a buy, maybe even more so after they strike. It might fall but that'll make a good price better seems like. If it goes up in price, it'll enter FTSE in Dec
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Yea I own them but I bought them years ago. Should have sold I guess, if it can drop 15% more I'd probably buy more. Its not an actual problem for them yet and they operate in USA and Canada and if he carries on the same I doubt he gets into power anyway

CNA ATK are on my no sell list normally, they are doing too well
24 May 2008
I'll re-ask here: What tools/brokers to people use for their trading? Looking at doing some, not a great deal so want a low cost service. Ideally with an android app.
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