Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Never heard of them :D I bought Intel last week, doesn't get more simple you know who they are and they are loaded with cash. Massive bounce today, for once I got the timing right and now it dashed my hopes and almost all but stopped me out. Why cant it go back to $25 and make me rich for once

Sequenom, Inc. (Sequenom) is a molecular diagnostic testing and genetics analysis company committed to providing molecular diagnostic testing services, and research use only products, services, applications, and genetic analysis products that translate the results of genomic science into solutions for biomedical research, translational research, molecular medicine applications, and agricultural, livestock, and other areas of research. The Company’s development and commercialization efforts in various diagnostic areas include noninvasive women’s health-related and prenatal diagnostics, ophthalmology, and other medical conditions, such as oncology, infectious diseases and autoimmunity. The Company operates in two segments: Molecular Diagnostics (including Sequenom Center for Molecular Medicine, LLC, or Sequenom CMM) and Genetic Analysis. In November 2011, the Company entered into leases for additional laboratory and office space in San Diego, California and Durham, North Carolina.

biotech off my radar, I have no clue. Looks hard to guess a trend

Agree on cable but it can go to 1.6 on an extra positive boost if there were reason enough. I got some Investec emerging bonds on that rough basis, anything foreign goes up with lower sterling though obviously Im holding anyway

Gold I still like but so long as you respect 1352 is now the half way line I guess short can work. Gold can move $40 just on a random Merkel comment, it has giant footsteps
short term weak below 1368

Steve Place ‏@stevenplace 8m
Doing a webinar this Thursday: "Identifying and Profiting from Market Pullbacks" $$

exchange rate is what is consider to be high in the medium term which make US stocks comparatively that little cheaper.
That is a good point, often I buy Nasdaq on 1:1 exchange so dont care. Im short sp500 still, its crossing an uptrend today possibly failing though it looks unwarranted weakness
Last week was quietest since 1998 apparently

FX CHAT: Egyptian Woes May Move More Than Oil
US bond and stock investors haven't paid much attention to the turmoil in Egypt so far but BlackRock warns that the growing crisis could weigh on sentiment. "The growing violence in that country is symptomatic of the rising geopolitical instability we're seeing in much of the Middle East and North Africa," says Russ Koesterich, BlackRock's global chief investment strategist. Koesterich notes that over the past year, instability has led to significant disruptions in oil production and exports from Iran, Iraq, South Sudan, Libya, Nigeria and Syria. "Although energy output from North America is surging, reduced supply from the Middle East and Africa helps explain why oil is one of the few commodities that has experienced price gains this year," he says. August 19, 2013 15:45 ET (19:45 GMT)
BP does look set to test closer to 400 whatever oil price does
8 Dec 2004
Basically because for all the pro-UK£ & anti-USD news that there has been the pound hasn't even reached the June 17 high yet.

I would expect any half-decent news from the US to bring Sterling back down.

Which is one of the reasons I am looking at Sequenom and maybe more Microsoft today as the exchange rate is what is consider to be high in the medium term which make US stocks comparatively that little cheaper.

Thanks for your insight. So you are saying because the GBP is getting stronger against the USD you think shorting it in the short/medium term is the way to go as it hasn't hit the 17th June rate despite all the pro £/anti $ comments?

And thus purchasing USD based stock now would be resultantly cheaper if the GBP weakens against the USD?
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3 May 2004
Also about to break even on CNR. Will make sure I set a stop loss this time but I don't have an exit point, unless something comes up that means I need the cash I'm in till the end

Hoping my EDLs continue to pick up on today's rise
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Stoploss is a pain, I only like stoploss when I know its profit either way. My argument would be just dont overcommit, whatever cash spent today should be more of a monthly type thing.

Gold is a wild one (hence they shake people out) but I expected much more weakness --- today to the tee its touched 1352 perfectly. See how strong the reaction upwards can be, etc
Bought some John Wood group, though Im unsure still. I should have sold some more previously
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30 Dec 2012
Well I missed the chance to take a profit on my Gold short and it then got taken out at its stop so a small loss.

Am trying to guess todays top then short again.

Sequenom typically dropped after I bought in, such is life.

On the plus side I added another 1000 British Land this morning @ 566.50p to the 500 I already have.
30 Dec 2012
Closed a short on Gold when it looked like heading back up and made more than I lost yesterday so happy about that.

Taken a little short out on GBP/USD that I hope to close later today for a small profit.

Was a bit gutted yesterday that I could have bought Sequenom at 17 cents cheaper than I paid the day before but I'm looking at holding until $3.50 is reached so not too worried.

Missed out on shorting Kazakhmys (KAZ) as I was hoping to take out a short around 310 before it pulled back but I missed out.

Aberdeen Asset Management (ADN) is sliding a little on many foreigners withdrawing from emerging markets.

Wishing I had had the balls to short WTI above $107, feeling sad now I missed out on that.

Highly tempted to add more ITKY at these prices but I'm 50/50 whether too or not.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Turkey looks to have lost all this years rally gains already, depends on their currency vs dollars also

Maybe a trailing stoploss on gold would work well as it made a low but quickly rose
My cheapy broker doesnt even let me do a normal stoploss, just a limit buy/sell I think

I went to sell WG. today but its almost strong so I spared it the chop, however its res is 840 and 760 I think is the place to buy
Its fallen so now a bad trade but the company is good still (and they pay divs)

The point on foreign stock buying in sterling is good. Pound continues up, I may get some Apple stock just where I think our currency tops out
NKSseQg.png vs1f1L6.png
The rough width of this trend is 0.07 cents or 4.5% which is a gain or loss depending how its done, free money :p

260 buy for KAZ 330 on ADN maybe, what about EMG ?
CNR is getting weaker short term, gold sideways could just be it
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18 Oct 2002
You're liking apple then? I've been readig how they are going to do something BIG with the cash reserve soon to try and bring the stock price back up
30 Dec 2012
I'm stil NOT a supporter of Apple.

Yes they've all that cash but that would start to dwindle rapidly if "The Next Big Thing" comes along, maybe Google Glass (at a reasonable price) and they find they are not the IN THING
30 Dec 2012
Made a little on a short GBP/USD but not as much as I would have liked.

Also took a small profit on Gold and have taken out another small short at a higher price.

Nice to see Sequenom moving up again today. So wish I had bought a day later than I did or at least had the bottle to follow my intuition and buy some more when it dropped into the $2.70's

Nice to see that Kazakhmys only reported 11 employee deaths in the first half of the year. Down 2 from previous year (Bloody Hell)
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Even the tiny bit of Rockhopper I own looks terrible, cannot remember why I gave up on it but seems just as well. They just cant get a break

Essar I trimmed a bit but its strong undernearth but it sure does hide it well. India is such a quagmire of mixed potential and failure. Rupee has problems

The Fed tapering thing knocks onto all these 'weaker' emerging currencies and makes them unpopular. If USA debt can double in yield and you can just buy that, people dont bother with risky chaos of various fast moving countries so much.

Its all fake, taper is about effective as our 'austerity' the one where we are increasing our debt, yep USA is doing that and will be forever seemingly. Cant taper a raging inferno imo

You're liking apple then? I've been readig how they are going to do something BIG with the cash reserve soon to try and bring the stock price back up

Yes I do like Apple long term. A trade of it is more complex but they do pay dividends now, they are using their money far more then they used to.
Also they buy their own shares, at a relatively low PE this is fairly sensible. Intel also do this.

The criticism what if they dont do as well, applies to all tech. We all know how quick it can get redundant. By my reckoning, even if Apple never released another product they would be worth the share price on residual sales.
They do have a certain niche for sure, Im no fan I prefer pc but I dont think that preference of many will not be going away so fast. Its a brand of worth and it does appear cheap still

AAPL INTC both issue dollar debt at low fixed rate and continually gain from global worth, they have a positive bias

GOLD 4hr higher low and higher high makes it appear still bullish to me. Impressive if/when dollar is still gaining
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Technical problems, quote submissions

NYSE tells traders all orders in Nasdaq-listed stocks cancelled back to customers.

Intel is Dow and Nasdaq, Apple is nasdaq only I think, like 17% of it ?

Kazakhmys cans half-year payout
RESULTS: Copper miner Kazakhmys has cancelled its half-year dividend on the back of an $823m impairment charge on ENRC

Kazakhmys is getting $875m in cash from selling its ENRC stake, as well as 77m of its own shares that will be cancelled.
Thats 15% of shares in issue I think
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30 Dec 2012

I've sent the NASDAQ an email offering them use of my rig lol

All in all the Kazaakhmys news wasn't bad as the ENRC write off was already priced in.
1 Oct 2006
Quick tax related question for those in the know...

I have shares in a couple of AIM companies, which are just starting to come into profit. I've held the shares for longer than 3 years.

At present I have no investment vehicle, they were purchased outright funded from my bank account. If I were to sell these, would I still incur CGT despite being held for more than 3 years?

If so, what is the best option to make this as painless as possible. I'm happy to invest into an ISA and hold for a bit longer. At present I don't have an ISA, and I haven't made use of my tax relief for the time I've held the shares.

I probably come off sounding a bit naive, but we're not talking massive sums here as these were just a bit of a flutter with some money I had knocking about a couple of years back. However, in the daydream scenario that they go sky high I'd like to know I can be as tax efficient as possible.
2 Jan 2005
Quick tax related question for those in the know...

I have shares in a couple of AIM companies, which are just starting to come into profit. I've held the shares for longer than 3 years.

At present I have no investment vehicle, they were purchased outright funded from my bank account. If I were to sell these, would I still incur CGT despite being held for more than 3 years?

If so, what is the best option to make this as painless as possible. I'm happy to invest into an ISA and hold for a bit longer. At present I don't have an ISA, and I haven't made use of my tax relief for the time I've held the shares.

I probably come off sounding a bit naive, but we're not talking massive sums here as these were just a bit of a flutter with some money I had knocking about a couple of years back. However, in the daydream scenario that they go sky high I'd like to know I can be as tax efficient as possible.

yep, still pay cgt no matter how long you have held them.
aim companies can be held in isa's now so you could sell and rebuy in an isa (cannot be transferred).
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