Traffic filters will divide Oxford into six '15 minute' neighbourhoods

Cancelling the M4 Newport bypass has to be one of the most short sighted political decisions I can think of. That stretch of motorway is a huge bottleneck on economic development West of Newport. Also because the traffic doesn't flow you get 5 - 10 mile tailbacks on bad days all just idling away. The sense of relief I felt when I realised I wouldn't be making that journey on a weekly basis was wonderful.
Induced demand surely makes it pointless? Would be better to get the trucks off the road first I think.
You won't get a rebate on your imaginary road tax because it doesn't exist.
You will still have to pay Vehicle Tax (VED) if you're still using fossil fuels.

Why don't I pay my share of the associated VED if I was to take the bus every day? Or a taxi every day? I'm still polluting because of my journey after all. I'm being purposefully facetious here so apologies.

The thing is it used to be a tax to maintain the roads and many still think of it as so, but now it's a cash cow for the governments pot of black gold to spend on stillborn IT systems, Thomas The Tank Engine 2 and shady MEP's companies. While I'm having a whinge, the definition of excise is "a tax levied on certain goods and commodities produced or sold within a country and on licences granted for certain activities" - so where's that apply on a car I bought 8 years ago? Ah, the 'certain activities' part, the activity of using the roads, thus a road tax. It might not all be spent on the roads that's for sure.
Why don't I pay my share of the associated VED if I was to take the bus every day? Or a taxi every day? I'm still polluting because of my journey after all. I'm being purposefully facetious here so apologies.

The thing is it used to be a tax to maintain the roads and many still think of it as so, but now it's a cash cow for the governments pot of black gold to spend on stillborn IT systems, Thomas The Tank Engine 2 and shady MEP's companies. While I'm having a whinge, the definition of excise is "a tax levied on certain goods and commodities produced or sold within a country and on licences granted for certain activities" - so where's that apply on a car I bought 8 years ago? Ah, the 'certain activities' part, the activity of using the roads, thus a road tax. It might not all be spent on the roads that's for sure.

Its a generic tax that goes into the generic tax pot and its spent on generic things. I don't have kids yet but I have been paying towards education for years. I live a healthy lifestyle and have barely used the NHS and yet I have paid for that my entire adult life. Thats the reality of how a country works. Charging people VED is just another way to tax certain behaviours, same way that the sugar tax hits certain behaviour more.

Perhaps if people saw taxation as a moral good for their fellow man instead of some punitive measure designed to rob them of their hard earned money we might have a nicer country where more was put back into projects that benefit us all. As it is all people want to do in whinge about things they don't feel they get value for money for. Vote for a part that cares more about people and be proud of contributing to the upkeep of the country.

I paid a lot of tax last year and I was more than happy to do it.
A resident can register their vehicle to allow them to go through a filter up to 100 times a year. Otherwise you have to take the ring road. You can use the ring road as much as you want.
The way i understood it was that you cant use the ring road either and if you do you will be fined hence confined to your district like a prison.
Its a generic tax that goes into the generic tax pot and its spent on generic things. I don't have kids yet but I have been paying towards education for years. I live a healthy lifestyle and have barely used the NHS and yet I have paid for that my entire adult life. Thats the reality of how a country works. Charging people VED is just another way to tax certain behaviours, same way that the sugar tax hits certain behaviour more.

Perhaps if people saw taxation as a moral good for their fellow man instead of some punitive measure designed to rob them of their hard earned money we might have a nicer country where more was put back into projects that benefit us all. As it is all people want to do in whinge about things they don't feel they get value for money for. Vote for a part that cares more about people and be proud of contributing to the upkeep of the country.

I paid a lot of tax last year and I was more than happy to do it.

Let me hear you say it, "for the greater good" :D. I know how the system works thank you very much, I just think it's a bit broken.

I pay a **** ton of tax too but I can't lie and say I was happy to do it :D.
The way i understood it was that you cant use the ring road either and if you do you will be fined hence confined to your district like a prison.

I did do a proper reply to this clearly disproving your understanding, but actually I'd rather you provide your source. Give me a few minutes warning, I think I'll want to put some popcorn on.
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I did do a proper reply to this clearly disproving your understanding, but actually I'd rather you provide your source.

Got to admit the Katie (spit) Hopkins video did sound like you couldn't do this however I've just found this which settles the debate:

However, it is important to note that travel to other areas of Oxford will be permitted by alternative routes, such as the ring road surrounding the city, at any time. Residents will also be able to apply for permits to drive through filters and into other neighbourhoods for up to 100 days a year, while Oxfordshire residents will be able to secure permits for up to 25 days a year. Free travel through filters will be allowed by bus, bike, taxi, scooter, and walking. Exemptions will also be provided for carers, blue badge holders, business, and emergency services.
Way more cyclists jump reds than cars. In London it's rife and expected that cyclists will jump reds to the point where pedestrians are having to check when they cross on green pedestrian lights, that they won't be collected by one.
I have seen 90% of cyclists possibly more jump red lights, and they never stop at zebra crossings in London. I think they don't know how to use brakes.
Not all of us here are old enough to remember that far back *cough*.

So why are you still saying road tax?
You should have known when you first bought vehicle tax or VED what it was called!!

(At this point I will admit that back in 1974 when I first bought my first tax disc I also called it road tax and for quite a few years after)
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So why are you still saying road tax?
You should have known when you first bought vehicle tax or VED what it was called!!

(At this point I will admit that back in 1974 when I first bought my first tax disc I also called it road tax and for quite a few years after)

I really don't know to be honest, I suppose it's a tax by association kinda thing - you use the road? - taxed! Tax, duty, excise, toll, licence - different names for the same function of taking money.
So why are you still saying road tax?
You should have known when you first bought vehicle tax or VED what it was called!!

(At this point I will admit that back in 1974 when I first bought my first tax disc I also called it road tax and for quite a few years after)
It's a colloquial term as it's a form of tax that most have to pay to drive on the road, hence road tax.

Calling it road tax is no worse than calling it vehicle tax, neither are correct.
it's an emissions tax
Well, if you ignore that some "zero emission" vehicle owners now have to pay VED and that vehicles registered before March 2006 attract the same rate regardless of emissions, then maybe you could pretend it is an emissions tax. But it isn't really. It's just a tax which has been spun to pretend to be based on emissions. What it is called is pretty irrelevant now. It's just a way to put a hand into motorists pockets and pull out some money.
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