*Transfer Window 2014/15 Season Rumours/Signings *AKA Man U fans listing every player under the Sun

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leicester city

Nice to see another Leicester fan on here!
I agree with most of what you said, really don't want Troy Deeney tho and don't think we need him! Think we still need a decent left back, cover at right back and another centre mid to bolster the squad. Would love Powell, Cleverly or Holtby so hope we manage to do something there.

Overall so far I'm happy with the signings tho, think albrighton will be great for us.
He isnt unproven in the Epl ( which is still where vast majority of games are played). He also more than likely has 10 years plus left of his top level career.

Given the new TV deal tripled club income, of course top agents are insisting on doubling ( or more) what the same player would have got 2 or 3 seasons ago. Its how it works

All the transfer rumours tirm out to be true so of course all the ones about wages are also 100% factual...........oh wait

So wait your argument is to both say the wages aren't accurate, but of course agents will ask for double what the same player would have gotten 2-3 years ago?

These are mutually exclusive in this scenario. You can't say of course agents are going to ask for double triple, but the wages won't be accurate... which I presume is suggesting he still isn't on 100k a week.... which would mean agents aren't getting double or triple.

Also my entire argument which you railed against for weeks was precisely that because tv money/sponsorship is increasing year on year, what a "new" player gets 5 years ago vs today is completely different and that wages are based on the relative income of the club at the time the contract is signed.

This was my entire argument which you insisted was completely not true and the new players wouldn't be on similar amounts to Evra/Vidic/Rio. Then you post saying of course agents ask for more now due to tv money/sponsorship. You literally went on and on in loads of posts calling me completely wrong for suggesting it, and now you're just randomly deciding to say it was obvious when someone else points out what Shaw is pretty likely on now.

Completely wrong, then just pretending you thought the same thing the whole way along, standard.
So wait your argument is to both say the wages aren't accurate, but of course agents will ask for double what the same player would have gotten 2-3 years ago?

These are mutually exclusive in this scenario. You can't say of course agents are going to ask for double triple, but the wages won't be accurate... which I presume is suggesting he still isn't on 100k a week.... which would mean agents aren't getting double or triple.

Also my entire argument which you railed against for weeks was precisely that because tv money/sponsorship is increasing year on year, what a "new" player gets 5 years ago vs today is completely different and that wages are based on the relative income of the club at the time the contract is signed.

This was my entire argument which you insisted was completely not true and the new players wouldn't be on similar amounts to Evra/Vidic/Rio. Then you post saying of course agents ask for more now due to tv money/sponsorship. You literally went on and on in loads of posts calling me completely wrong for suggesting it, and now you're just randomly deciding to say it was obvious when someone else points out what Shaw is pretty likely on now.

Completely wrong, then just pretending you thought the same thing the whole way along, standard.

You or anyone else have no idea ehst Shaw is actually on, so no they are not mutually exclusive.

Yes a player who might have signed for £50k ~ a week a few years ago WILL have got a huge increase in his wages due to the TV deal, what that increase is will be a pure guess.

The two arent necessarily linked at all

Just because agents ASK doesnt mean they will get everything...thats why its called negotiations

You imsisted Shaw would be on huge amounts more ( even more than what the papers are saying) and you are mostvlikely to be completely wrong
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What you are forgetting is that we have about 6 proven proformers in the team and they will all already be on over 100k a week!

Heck, even the guys that are **** will be on something like that or more.

If I was anyone you had agreed a deal with (we'll use Vidal, even though you arent getting him), I would look at Rooney sat on his 300k, look at Shaw on his 100k+ basic and be asking for more than Rooney.

If you lot do sign a 'superstar' name, whats the betting the wages will be topping half a million a week.
If I was anyone you had agreed a deal with (we'll use Vidal, even though you arent getting him), I would look at Rooney sat on his 300k, look at Shaw on his 100k+ basic and be asking for more than Rooney.

If you lot do sign a 'superstar' name, whats the betting the wages will be topping half a million a week.

And this superstar hasnt been witj the club for a DECADE, so no reason to have comparable wages ( let alone more than Messi / Ronaldo)

These ficticious wages should be comparable to RvP's, may be, but not Rooney
You said it'd be much more likely for it to be £75k (rather than being £100k), with incentives on top of that. Everywhere's reporting it's at least £100k, with incentives on top of that.

1st every rumour is right of course

2nd I know I initially compared to Evra ( as the whole discussion started about wages across the starting backline being less than last season) and there was a place for place comparison
You imsisted Shaw would be on huge amounts more ( even more than what the papers are saying) and you are mostvlikely to be completely wrong

No, I did NOT insist he would be on huge amounts more, that is simply you making something up. It was being talked about then because even at the start of the summer he was being linked to a move to Utd for 100k a week. So even though back then everyone was touting a 100k a week deal, and you were the only person saying he would never be paid close to that because that is what the older players were on.

But I randomly said he'd be on what, 150k? Rubbish, I was telling you why 100k a week for Shaw was likely and you were consistently saying new/young players wouldn't get the same amount as effectively veteran Utd players were on. You insisted over and over again he wouldn't be on close to it and when I said players signing contracts today will negotiate based on the income from current sponsorship deals and will start off much higher than Evra/Vidic started on, you insisted this was completely wrong.

You have entirely reversed your position, while also now making up what I said to try and suggest I was wrong.
Reporters are like sheep, thats why completely ficticious rumours get reported by a lot of media outlets

if every single media outlet are reporting hte same figures, its most likely to be true. Transfer rumors if reported by 1 or 2 peeeps can b etaken with a pinch of salt, if its picked up by lots of people, you can say there's most likely more truth in it.

And this superstar hasnt been witj the club for a DECADE, so no reason to have comparable wages ( let alone more than Messi / Ronaldo)

These ficticious wages should be comparable to RvP's, may be, but not Rooney

No, you've just given a lb with 60 1st apps over 100k a week. rooney is the bench mark. Why would any new signing be given parity to an injury prone 30yr old? Your in a position where you need to desperately get back into the CL spots, you will be paying over the odds in both wages and fees, as shown by the 2 signings you've made so far this window.
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if every single media outlet are reporting hte same figures, its most likely to be true. Transfer rumors if reported by 1 or 2 peeeps can b etaken with a pinch of salt, if its picked up by lots of people, you can say there's most likely more truth in it.

No, you've just given a lb with 60 1st apps over 100k a week. rooney is the bench mark. Why would any new signing be given parity to an injury prone 30yr old?

Bs is it likely to be true. Most of what the papers say is pure speculation not to mention " according to x paper....' brigade

English player transferimg between two English clubs, even wages will be effected.

Because RvP ( and at a pinch Mata, slightly different due to Chelsea situation) was a superstar signing

Also it has to be taken into account the potential length of contract. Pure rumours the other dsy were suggestimg Vidal was offered anywhere between £160k - £250k a week for what would be the positional heartbeat of the team.

Not sure amyone baring Messi or ronny would get anywhere close to 400k you are suggesting
I have not read the thread for a couple of days (it seems) but there seems to be an argument about something (as usual)

Can someone flow chart it for me from how we got from original proposition to what people are actually arguing about now?
Bs is it likely to be true. Most of what the papers say is pure speculation not to mention " according to x paper....' brigade

English player transferimg between two English clubs, even wages will be effected.

Because RvP ( and at a pinch Mata, slightly different due to Chelsea situation) was a superstar signing

Also it has to be taken into account the potential length of contract. Pure rumours the other dsy were suggestimg Vidal was offered anywhere between £160k - £250k a week for what would be the positional heartbeat of the team.

Not sure amyone baring Messi or ronny would get anywhere close to 400k you are suggesting

lol, so every media outlet are reporting figures of over 100k a week for Shaw yet its rubbish, but you're more likely to believe one or 2 pure rumors of vidal wages being those figures. :confused::confused::confused: :D

(have any links to Vidal's wage 'demands' btw, my googlefu is weak as I cant find anything about personal terms)
I have not read the thread for a couple of days (it seems) but there seems to be an argument about something (as usual)

Can someone flow chart it for me from how we got from original proposition to what people are actually arguing about now?

Frank talking out of his behind, changing his argument entirely from months ago when he was saying the exact opposite.

Also quite funnily is he's refusing to take what the press are saying Shaw's wages are as true..... but he magically knows what Evra's wages are from.... the press.

Picks and chooses what he believes. Press are telling the truth about Evra's wages, but lying about Shaw's wages, thus Frank is right and Shaw is on nothing like what Evra is wage wise.

Months ago he insisted point blank despite all evidence to the contrary, that new signings don't make the same amount as veteran players at a club, never happens.... Bale 300k a week, Ronaldo, a bit more but not much, almost everyone else at the club below 150k a week... never happens.
I see.

I can why Frank would have a bit of trouble believing it, that is a LOT of money for a player of his age and experience.
But it's not impossible.
I knew a certain poster would be harping on about Shaw's wages today. :D

I think he's likely on a bit less than that, plus some incentives. Either way if he performs it doesn't matter and Mourinho is just being an idiot as usual. I'm sure LvG will take him down a peg or two.
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