That's bordering on meaningless, though. Of course you could go in with a huge offer and get a whole load of different players. That doesn't mean there's anything more to Vidal than any other player, though, or that he's interested/his future's uncertain. Eg. when it comes to Schweinsteiger/Kroos/Fabregas/whatever, if you go in for a player and offer £60m + £250k/week you could get them/almost any midfielder you wanted in the World.
There's been nothing other than random press talk regarding interest from the club when it comes to Vidal, or vice versa, has there?
There's been nothing I'd call concrete from the Manchester side of things, no. However they denied all interest in Mata right before we signed him, and Herrera came out of the blue, so I don't think the journalists covering the club are being told much after last year, personally. We don't stand to gain much by publicly declaring we're after him, if we've sorted out an agreement with his agent already, as that's what matters.
Juventus have more or less said they'll sell him if the price is right and the Italian press all support that - I've no idea how reliable the various places are but they're all singing from the same hymn sheet on this one. The Juve directors comments have supported this, too, that he's not for sale unless they get a huge offer and he wants to leave. If we're offering to double/more his wages, then it might well unsettle him.
My worry is not really whether Juve would sell him, it's whether we'd pay what it takes and whether he actually wants to leave or not - he does seem open to leaving. He's said his future isn't decided until he's spoken with the coach, etc, and repeatedly said "I don't know" in several different interviews asking if he's staying at Juventus.
Van Gaal also said right before the World Cup that he tried to sign him before and thinks he's a fantastic player. So we know he likes him and thinks he'd fit his 'philosophy'.
Say you sold some deadwood...Hernandez, Welbeck and Nani and brought in 25 million for that lot....adding 20 million for Cavani seems like good business to me. Granted I think you need midfielders more but you have a lot of dross to shift. Shifting a few out will generate a good chunk of money and free wages. Smaller but a far superior squad...similar to what Liverpool have been doing for a few years.
I wouldn't be against getting Cavani, but if RvP, Rooney and Cavani are fit, how do we line them up? We know Cavani doesn't like being out wide, and Mata plays in Rooney's second position (no 10).