Coming from having played lots of Train fever in the past (mainly mods cause there are many fantastic mods made by enthusiasts which should follow suit on Transport fever but it will take a while) I have played Transport Fever @20-25 hours so far and I love it myself. Had no hardware issues but then again, I do keep all my drivers etc up to date, most of the time if I do have issues I usually turn either my CPU overclock off or my GPU overclock and that solves 80% of my game problems out. Which reminds me, I have a Zotac Amp Extreme, which comes factory overclocked at 1911Mhz, several games (GTA V among others) just crash at some point during play. By using Zotac's overclocking tool I reduce the clock to factory standard 1771Mhz and every game then plays fine. Just a thought to those who may have overclocked CPU/GPUs, although in this game the overclock on my card doesn't seem to create a problem.
In regards to the game itself, the mechanics, yes, it is a fairly steep learning curve if you haven't done any Train fever but there are plenty of online guides and youtube videos coming out now for the new Transport fever that it shouldn't become a hurdle from enjoying this game. I personally recommend running a few free games (sandbox) then practice and experiment with various setups of transport, especially trains, tracks, signals & line creation. You could even find a money cheat temporarily (cheat engine) just so you can really mess around with building stuff and not worry about money restriction until you feel more confident with the dynamics and mechanics of this game.
My personal opinions on this game is that it is a great followup to Train fever, very similar in term of visuals but in term of friendlier mechanics and track/road/tunnel/bridge building, it is 100% better and easier. Just do not expect to make the perfect transport system 1st time around, learn from your mistakes, view some tutorial/guide videos and trust me, if you're into transport sims, this is the best one I have seen, or at least on par with Cities Skylines.
Now build me a railroad....