
26 Feb 2007
Well, this is going to be a challenge. Don't know how many lengths I did in total, but in a row I can do 2 lengths breaststroke, or 1.75 lengths crawl. Oh dear.
5 Jul 2007
Don't worry about it too much, you'll soon improve if you keep at it. When I first started up swimming I could barely do more than two lengths without stopping for a break. Can now happily swim 3000m without stopping!
13 Dec 2004
This thread has given me something to aim for now!

My friend did the Wilmslow sprint tri this summer and just been speaking to him about it. I'm going to go for sprint tri to start off with next summer.

Really struggle with swimming though, going to look into a couple of private lessons.
31 May 2007
Well, this is going to be a challenge. Don't know how many lengths I did in total, but in a row I can do 2 lengths breaststroke, or 1.75 lengths crawl. Oh dear.

I've been regularly swimming for only around 8 weeks and can see a huge improvement already.

When I started I could do maybe two lengths front crawl before feeling like I was running out of puff, so I used to swim a more relaxed breast stroke for a solid 30 mins.

After a couple of weeks of that I started swimming one length breast stroke and one length front crawl and again do that for a solid 30 mins. I can now swim much longer front crawl compared to when I first started.

Technique and pacing are key to front crawl as you can waste a lot of energy not going far with a poor technique. Also as you are training for a triathlon you want to try and get a good swimming pace rather than going hell for leather for a few lengths, try slowing it down and really thinking about what you are doing. If you haven't had those lessons yet maybe check out some youtube videos on correct technique?

I might add that my swimming practice always fits in as follows in my current training routine:

3.5 mile bike ride
3 mile run (sometimes 5 miles)
30 min non stop swim
3.5 mile bike ride
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13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
Cool. Where you staying? as I guess your coming down from the NE?

I’m so anxious its untrue. A friend of mine did the Austrian 70.3 in 6h30 so im hoping to beat, but I feel so unprepared.
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27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Staying somewhere near East Midlands airport I think, about 30 minutes drive from the start. I'll be driving down the day before and probably watch some of the races on the Saturday if the weather is ok.

It's a really good race so dont get too anxious. The bike and run course are nice and flat and the swim is good too. Out of all the triathlons I have done this is easily my favourite.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
yea thats what im quietly thinking in the back of my head...its a flat run and not too hilly bike course. But if I cant complete this then i sure as hell wont complete any others ive got planned this summer!
12 Feb 2011
Middle Earth
Many people here done an Ironman Distance Triathlon? I know Thomas.Please has.

Just wondering how long you all left it in terms of deciding to cover that distance, what distances you did first (if any?!) and how many times did you race before hand.

I've done a Sprint Relay so far and an Olympic Distance last year. Will be doing another Olympic this year and taking it from there.
5 Jul 2007
Outlaw Half on June 1st.

Kiteloopy - #38
Thomas.Please - #69

Anyone else???

Tom, you stating at the campsite or in town?

Considered camping but I'm staying at some cheap service station hotel now which was only £30 or so for the night. Will drive up Saturday morning register, and hang around the place for a bit before going back to the hotel. Think its 30 or so mins away from the watersports centre.

Looking forward to the race, just hope the weather is decent as it was awesome last year.

Many people here done an Ironman Distance Triathlon? I know Thomas.Please has.

Just wondering how long you all left it in terms of deciding to cover that distance, what distances you did first (if any?!) and how many times did you race before hand.

I've done a Sprint Relay so far and an Olympic Distance last year. Will be doing another Olympic this year and taking it from there.

I was a little bit stupid in that I booked IMUK before I'd even done a triathlon, it was shortly before I did the London Triathlon. I took the training for that pretty seriously, and was clear that I wanted to commit to achieving something I'd long wanted to do.

In terms of building up to the distance you sound like you must have a reasonable base of fitness from other triathlons so I would say go for it. In an ideal scenario you should be looking at 25-30 weeks of solid training. But ideally going into that with a good base otherwise you're probably going to struggle.

As an event the day itself is obviously seriously taxing on the body, but its my opinion that anybody can do it if they want it badly enough. I think the most difficult part is really committing yourself to the training, and making the necessary sacrifices associated with that.
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27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Many people here done an Ironman Distance Triathlon? I know Thomas.Please has.

Just wondering how long you all left it in terms of deciding to cover that distance, what distances you did first (if any?!) and how many times did you race before hand.

I've done a Sprint Relay so far and an Olympic Distance last year. Will be doing another Olympic this year and taking it from there.

I think there were 3 of us from here who did the Ironman last year, have a look through the training log thread. We put quite a lot of info on training there:
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
I'm doing the Olympic distance London tri in August. Started my swimming training last week.

I've got some noob questions as it's my first one. Do you wear your tri suit under your wetsuit? Does the tri suit have padding for the cycling? I need to get a tri suit and a wetsuit... any recommendations? Should I hire the wetsuit?
5 Jul 2007
I'm doing the Olympic distance London tri in August. Started my swimming training last week.

I've got some noob questions as it's my first one. Do you wear your tri suit under your wetsuit? Does the tri suit have padding for the cycling? I need to get a tri suit and a wetsuit... any recommendations? Should I hire the wetsuit?

If you're going for a tri suit yep wear it under the wetsuit, usually they will have a thin pad/chamois, enough to be comfortable on the bike but still be able to run. With regard to hiring IMHO depends if you intend to do anymore tri's really, if you do then I would buy. If not just hire for the single event. I would budget £100-£150 for a decent entry level suit, obviously much less if buying second hand. I have had an orca and now have a 2xu wetsuit, both good brands with entry level suits, but anything from the main manufacturers will be decent. If possible I'd recommend going to a tri specific shop with stock to try some on as the sizing can vary quite a bit, and you will want a good fit.
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Thanks for that. You said 'if I go for a tri suit'; is there an alternative?

I'm undecided whether I'm going to do another one yet, so I'm undecided about buying a wetsuit. Frustrating, but I can probably justify a tri suit.
5 Jul 2007
Thanks for that. You said 'if I go for a tri suit'; is there an alternative?

I'm undecided whether I'm going to do another one yet, so I'm undecided about buying a wetsuit. Frustrating, but I can probably justify a tri suit.

You can wear tri separates, so tri shorts and a tri tank which are probably more for long distance and ease of toilet breaks! Alternatively some people just wear bib shorts and a jersey, depends what you are comfortable running and cycling in.
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