So an interesting question.
At the moment my job in this new company is to bring a bit of standardisation, automation, control and security to the network.
From an internal standpoint they are a mess. It's a jungle and they have no set procedures for anything.
I've got a lot of things to get sorted. Asset Management system, WSUS, WDS, Automated software update mechanism.
This is just for the UK office. They told me on Thu, that what I do in the UK office will be pitched to the senior partners as a template to be rolled out to the French, German and US offices!!
I'm only one guy! I didn't know the job was this big.
At the moment I don't have a job title. They indicated they would be fine with IT Manager.... but ultimately my aim is to assist the Linux Admin they have so that I can then move on in to a purely Linux infrastructure role in the future.
This will happen once I've got the above sorted.
Whats a better job title to have on a CV. IT Manager or Systems Engineer? Considering I see my self moving in to a Linux role in the future. Or at least that's the plan at this point in time.
They also asked me if I would like to do the pitch!
I'm a techy!! I'm rubbish at public speaking!! They said they'd coach me and tell me what to say.... I'm honoured but I've only been at the company two weeks. Too soon!
At the moment my job in this new company is to bring a bit of standardisation, automation, control and security to the network.
From an internal standpoint they are a mess. It's a jungle and they have no set procedures for anything.
I've got a lot of things to get sorted. Asset Management system, WSUS, WDS, Automated software update mechanism.
This is just for the UK office. They told me on Thu, that what I do in the UK office will be pitched to the senior partners as a template to be rolled out to the French, German and US offices!!
I'm only one guy! I didn't know the job was this big.
At the moment I don't have a job title. They indicated they would be fine with IT Manager.... but ultimately my aim is to assist the Linux Admin they have so that I can then move on in to a purely Linux infrastructure role in the future.
This will happen once I've got the above sorted.
Whats a better job title to have on a CV. IT Manager or Systems Engineer? Considering I see my self moving in to a Linux role in the future. Or at least that's the plan at this point in time.
They also asked me if I would like to do the pitch!
I'm a techy!! I'm rubbish at public speaking!! They said they'd coach me and tell me what to say.... I'm honoured but I've only been at the company two weeks. Too soon!
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