TV/Film epic moments

Angel coming back in the Finale to Buffy :D
Xander talks to Dark Willow
Last scene of Buffy

BSG - Pegasus & Gallactica prepare to fight

Farscape - John destroys Scorpious's ship - Scorpious standing on stairs as water floods area and ship is blowing up :D

Farscape: Peacekeeper wars - John starts the wormhole weapon..
this scene from donnie darko always gives me goosebumps and I think of this scene every so often. It's not an action scene and no dialogue just a 2 minute montage with a tears for fears sound track showing all the charachters in the film. A typical school day morning in the 1980's? the junior girls trying out their dance routine towards the end of the scene ties in so well with the sound track.

Ill admit to fist pumping the air at the Caprica Exodus scenes in BSG to :D.

Ive got to add Galacticas entrance to the battle of the Cylon Colony. That entire sequence is just awesomeness in everyway, turning up right on your enemies doorstep, the raptors jumping from within the ship and galactica ramming the colony to gain access. Pure awesome.

Stargate SG1 - The Lost City Part 2, the arrival of the reinforcements consisting of Prometheus and a fleet of F302's over Antarctica to kick the crap out of Anubis's goons.

Aliens - Hicks realising that the Aliens are above them when they're cornered and then taking a peak. Also Game Over Man, Game Over!.

Return of the King - The Rohirrim arriving and the charging down to the army of Mordor at the Pelennor Fields.

Aragorns speech before the good guys last stand outside the Black Gate.

Independence Day - The US Presidents speech before the survivors at Area 51 attack the nearby alien ship.
Another one for Platoon ending, Charlie Sheen profile -> fade to white. Also the Elias death scene.

The first time I saw the ending of Gladiator, when Maximus is reunited with his family.
Donna: She told me to warn you. She said two words.
The Doctor: What two words? What were they? What did she say?
Donna: Bad Wolf.
Children of Men - Where theres thousands of arabs walking down a street with ak47's shouting "alla akbar" ready to go to war. And the epic tank scene!
All these BSG epic tv moments further cements my theory that i have now watched the most epic show of all time and nothing will ever compare :(.
Quite a few for me:

Huge alien space ship breaking through he atmosphere in Indepenence day.
The skeletons from Jason and the Argonauts.

Star Trek: The Best of Both Worlds
Buffy: When Giles goes bad ass and attacks evil Willow "I'd like to test that theory"
Lost: John Locke banging on the hatch door after Boone's death and the hatch lighting up.
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