TV Licence Super Thread

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LOL...Daily Mail, this isn't new news, anyone who can read at primary school level could find this out from the TV licence website for a long time.
No you did it all wrong. What you do is ignore the letters don't tell them anything in the hope they send someone to your house. Then you get to come to the forums and cry like a little bitch that the mean BBC is bullying you. Throw in a few references to the Freemen of the Land morons and you are good to go.

Honestly, spending 2 minutes of your time to tell them you don't need a licence. What a noob.

No you did it all wrong. What you do is ignore the letters don't tell them anything in the hope they send someone to your house. Then you get to come to the forums and cry like a little bitch that the mean BBC is bullying you. Throw in a few references to the Freemen of the Land morons and you are good to go.

Honestly, spending 2 minutes of your time to tell them you don't need a licence. What a noob.

That would be funny if it wasn't for the fact spending 2 minutes of your time to tell them you don't need a licence can be one of the worse things to do. That can cause nothing but problems depending on what mood they are in. From experience I would never recommend anyone rings them up. The safest option with the least amount of hassle is to remove their right of access and ignore them.

Ringing them up is a gamble sometimes it works for a few years somethings it causes nothing but problems even if you do everything correctly and are doing nothing wrong.
TBH you should not give anyone any information they don't NEED to know, including your name. If someone turns up on your doorstep, just tell them you don't need a licence and goodbye.
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No one is forced to watch live BBC TV.

I certainly dont watch it.

You make it sound like you should be entitled to watch their content yet not pay for it. You are not forced to pay for petrol but you should if you want to drive to work.

How about if you watch no live BBC TV but lots of live ITV/Ch 5?
Similar issue in Ireland. Filled out form, stopped paying the TV Licence. Kept getting letters and knocks on door. But I wouldn't let the Garda in without a warrant, so why would I let them numpty's in.
I don't mind paying my license but I would like assuring that none of my license fee goes to the news or radio 4 in protest of how abysmal they have been at covering issues when ever it involves holding the Tories to task.

I easily watch enough bbc drama to warrant paying for it.
It's not fair but dem da rulez.

You can choose to follow them or not but when you choose not to, understand that you risk whatever the consequences are.

No one is arguing that the form of funding is fair, just that you have the choice of not watching if you dont wish to pay.
It's not fair but dem da rulez.

You can choose to follow them or not but when you choose not to, understand that you risk whatever the consequences are.

No one is arguing about those being the rules, they're saying that if you want to watch live TV you're forced into paying it, no matter which services you're using.
Got confirmation of my declaration I did not need a license; so given the below it's presumed I'm guilty by default!

We may visit you to confirm that a licence isn't needed. We do this because when we make contact, we find almost one in six people who say they don't need a licence actually do need one.
I haven't had a TV or a TV licence for many years. The TV licencing authority was always hounding me with accusations, yet they refused to come round and check. One day I told them exactly what I thought of their tactics. They haven't really bothered me since. They just send me a letter about every two years to ask if things are still the same, and they ask me to reply online and explain why I don't have a licence. In that reply I tell them my opinion of TV, and the anti-competitiveness of the BBC's licence. I think there's a mark by my name and address saying "This guy really doesn't have a TV".
I don't mind paying the TV license and agree with the idea of it, I also happen to work for the BBC R&D.

Sadly since I never watch TV, it doesn't actually make any sense to have a TV License. My TV is basically a games console monitor.
Wow this thread is still active :D

Anyway, if anyone was curious, I've not had any letters and I assume no visits otherwise there would be...letters.
Cancelled mine for the same reason, dont watch live TV, too many adverts and not enough interesting shows. Have Smart TV for Netflix, Plex and Amazon, no aerial connected. Only had to declare that I no longer need a license online and they send me confirmation via email.
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