
I don't really understand the fascination, Is it basically just facebook status updates and nothing else?

I guess that's the easiest way of explaining it... but it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be. I love twitter because it's useful.

I've been using it for a couple of months and I use the twhirl client.

Think of Twitter like a large world-wide forum, except instead of you having to search for the information, the information comes to you at no cost to you at all.

It's great, while I've been sitting here at work I've managed to pick up some great photography & design tips as well as seeing what other people in my profession are talking about. Without spending any of my time looking for the information. Usually someone will post something that looks interesting, I'll add it to favourites and read it at lunchtime :)

I've also managed to find out about various trance gigs and prices around the country where I might not of noticed them until it was too late, just from people talking about it.

Just be careful who you follow, the people who use twitter as a tool post nothing but interesting and useful things. The people who use it like facebook status updates will tell you whether they enjoyed their ham sandwich or not.

Choose who you follow carefully :)

I hate online social website thingys.

Isn't GD a social website thingy, in it's own way?

Personally, I don't use Twitter, Facebook or any of these. I wouldn't really want to share with the world what I'm upto and i doubt if the whole world really cares to be honest.

The only difference between forum usage and these is the fact here, you are pretty anonymous which is fine for me but that's as far as it goes.

#looks outside room#
errrrmmm updates for professional people m8

Indeed, Twitter, at least before this celeb fad, was firmly rooted in hte professional domain.

I don't really understand the fascination, Is it basically just facebook status updates and nothing else?

Nope, they're different in some important ways. Facebook status updates were/are very focused on what YOU are doing. You tend to write them because YOU want to talk about YOUR life. It is very author centric.

Twitter is different, like all blogs, you write it for the benefit of your AUDIENCE. Twitter, being a microblogging site, is very centric on diplaying information that audiences find either useful or interesting. You shouldn't misuse Twitter by doing the standard Facebook thing of 'I'm eating breakfast now'. By doing this you are missing the point of Twitter. Post like "I'm reading this book and it's worth reading if you like this author" has potential relevance to your audience and is therefore useful.

A lightweight way to communicate with as many people that want to listen to you?

Exactly, it's called microblogging and so it should get more connotations from normal blogging rather than Social Netweorking sites. Oh and to make this perfectly clear, Twitter is NOT primarily a social networking site.
took me years to go to facebook, there are to many of them around, its pointless as there alll competing for the same thing and lets be honest why do people want to sign up for all these differnet sites just to waste your time . I still not a great fan of facebook tbh, met up with some old school friends but thats about it
I don't really understand those who are anti Facebook/social networking sites, surely if you are you have to be anti MSN too? They are just different ways to stay in touch and share information.
and lets be honest why do people want to sign up for all these differnet sites just to waste your time.

There is empirical evidence to suggest that people who leverage aquantences through social networking sites will not only live longer but also have more job opportunities and higher saleries.
this is very true , i love nothing more than to come home, see who is online and see if they fancy a game of something. Were as facebook you get endless friends requests and when you accept how many of them actuallty bother to talk to you ?

Not very many is my guess, were as msn people are more used to and its qucker and easy to update
There is empirical evidence to suggest that people who leverage aquantences through social networking sites will not only live longer but also have more job opportunities and higher saleries.

Yep I have had job offers through twitter, I've also recruited contractors through it too.... w00t to NO AGENTS their extortionate fees.

ps I agree with you - re the celeb crowd :mad:
So I've begun to use this more and more frequently and it's becoming better and better. I've got a decent number of followers... manageable, I'd say, and I'm posting bits and bobs that interest me or have happened, what I'm doing etc..

It seems to give only if you put a lot in.

I'm using twitter, and quite enjoying it. It's nice to see little updates from people I am interested in seeing little updates from without haveing to see far too much information about them (as in a facebook page).

My Twitter
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