Now got 8 rooms with 10+ in the queue!
Is that because they arent getting a diagnosis though? Sometimes patients can visit a GP or Diagnosis but they arent able to figure out whats wrong with the patient, I got to the 3rd hospital and started getting messages saying that a patient only had like a 78% probably diagnosis so needed to visit another GP/Diagnostic, could be that?
Gah, I wish I got this yesterday when it was on special offer. Looks fun on the Twitch streams.
Ohhhhhh is this confirmed?10+ people in the queue when you have 8 rooms is okay... at first I thought the queues were independent (so in that example you have 80 people queuing?!) but that actually doesn't seem to be the case... in other words if you have 8 GP Offices with 10 queuing that's a little over 1 person waiting per room and should be fine
I've only done the first three hospitals so far, but with regards to the placement of GP offices, several people have mentioned keeping these all central, but would it not make sense to spread them around a bit? I'm just thinking otherwise people have to keep traipsing all the way back to the central area, rather than just visiting a GP office located in the wing near whatever diagnosis room they've just visited?
It definitely does work this way.
I have been sticking mine in different wings and not experienced huge queues yet, maybe why. This wasn't me thinking though, more by chanceI've only done the first three hospitals so far, but with regards to the placement of GP offices, several people have mentioned keeping these all central, but would it not make sense to spread them around a bit? I'm just thinking otherwise people have to keep traipsing all the way back to the central area, rather than just visiting a GP office located in the wing near whatever diagnosis room they've just visited?
Pain in the bum having to build a load of GP Offices!
Also was getting some mad stuttering when building the Cafe. Once completed the game was fine again.
That assumes they get sent to the closest one.
Does it, I have read that it doesn’t? All of my offices have different queue lengths, so they can’t be shared?
That assumes they get sent to the closest one.
I have been sticking mine in different wings and not experienced huge queues yet, maybe why. This wasn't me thinking though, more by chance