Hi mate, yeah I sort of have this problem but I'm not really worried about it as its so massively common.
On mine, with the clutch out you get a light sort of rustling noise in neutral, will no doubt do it in gear but can't hear it really.
Press the clutch and silence.
Coming down the revs around 3k and downwards you hear a sort of louder rustle/very light rattle of sorts... did loads of searching and it's dead common, people have had their clutches and release bearings changed and still had it, big garages told them not to worry like TGM and the likes...
I aren't too fussed, I had MTF3 put in not long ago, clutch fluid changed to see if it helps but it doesn't, box feels strong though and I aint paying to rip it off and change the input shaft bearing.
It will be due a clutch before long as the bite point is very low and its quite stiff now, sometimes doesn't like going in gear when razzing it. Will see what its like after that but I've spent thousands on it in the last 12 months so I'm not in a rush to spend more apart from the essentials now! lol.
Sometimes you have to put it into perspective. If the car is an essentially cheap car then you have to learn to live with niggles. Does it feel strong and safe, change gear nice, drive and vtec properly? If so and it's not LOUD, don't let it worry you. Thats my take on it.
PS: I aint no mechanic so don't take that advice as gospel!
Poppy, ballache right there! Hope it's not too serious!