I think a lot of posters are letting emotions run their thought process at the moment and not looking at things logically. Which is natural in cases like this.
Was the man being attached by 5 others (Cops)? Yes and it also lead to this death. This is absolutely abhorent.
Did the man "resist arrest"? He escaped (temporarily) and the other cops chased after him. So yes. Even though this evasion (resisting arrest) was instigated by their own fear for their lives by being attacked by the US Police, they had zero help or safety to get to in any immediate capacity, and thus was inviting trouble by the pursuing US Police.
Is sitting there and taking it a good idea? No, no it is not. However, given options available, running and getting chased down (potentially gunfire as well) vs getting hit and complying and (more likely, but not necessarily true either) living to tell the tale, the latter option is probably more important. But that might just be me. But I'd know which one gives me more chance of being alive at the end of it.
Should the US Police be like this? That's not for me to say. Ideally, no. But again, how the US Police act is not related to the advice to do not "resist iarrest" by US Cops, but the fact of the sitaution.
Think of it another way, you don't go to Russia, point a gun at Putin, and expect his bodyguards to suddenly switch sides and not protect him because "it's the RIGHT thing to do", right? US Cops, brutality and carries fire arms and KNOWN to use them. ie. Fatal if you do anything the US Police do not like. Get to the police station, get a lawyer, but do not "resist the arrest" as that only invites the US Police to act even MORE aggressively than they are already.