UEFA Euro 2024 Group C ** spoilers ** (Slovenia, Denmark, Serbia, ENGLAND)

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I think when a manager of any football team/club becomes delusional and live in a world that is starkly different to what everyone can see from outside, it will only mean one thing - the manager is deadman walking without results.

England cannot get away with 0-0 draws and park the bus tactics in the knock out rounds.

Southgate’s utter ignorance of lack of quality and tactical edge to the England game plan is worrying.

The old saying goes you got to know what is wrong in order to fix the wrong. Lack of acknowledgement and self critic from Southgate on the deficit of the England games is precisely the symptom of this very ignorance.

I am concerned that Southgate is so inept that he doesn’t know what is missing in his game plan. The incoherence and ineptitude of our players screams poor coaching and lack of tactical drilling. All of which will just mean he will persist in his way and thinking it is best and not looking at other options or solutions until we crash out against a minnow team
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That's the trouble though, he's drifting in all the time making the middle of the park congested. We looked more dangerous in 6 mins Gordon was on for as he stayed wide.

Team that ended tonights game should start the next one.
Agree, hence why I think we start Gordon. I think Foden has done more on the pitch to keep his place than Jude has but it's difficult to imagine Southgate thinks the same. :)
How the hell were England favourites to win this? the whole thing is one big embarrassment, they should just get on the plane and come home
The players are good footballers, we see it week in week out when they play for their club sides, not sure why they turn into a pub team when they put on an England shirt but at the end of the day it’s the managers job to get the best out of the players and managers that can do this inevitably win trophy’s, managers that can’t get the sack.

Southgate has had 8 years in charge which is far more than most other international managers yet the team have no identity, no pattern of play going forward and just seem to play slow boring negative football. When they go a goal up they just sit back and defend and hope to see it out, there is no changes in tactics or reactions to other teams tactical changes.
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What a shambles and the game was painful to watch. No heart or fight in this English squad. Southgate needs to admit he has failed and move aside and let someone else manage this team. Take chances, risks and playing an attacking style. Sure you will concede goals but you will score plenty too.
I've found Rice the biggest disappointment aside from Kane. I'd drop him for Wharton and play him with Mainoo.

Palmer was excellent, he has to start the next game.

We cannot and won't drop Bellingham. He was v good in the first game. Foden stays and them not being able to play together is a myth that needs to die.
So pretty much every top footballing nation
No, not in the slightest. They are infamous for being the absolute worst. The only thing the fans have managed to improve upon this tournament is not smashing up the local bars, but they haven't actually been beaten yet so no doubt that's still to come.

As for the media, they yet again crowned England champions before a ball was kicked and struggle to fathom why it hasn't come to pass.

The top managers wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

No, not in the slightest. They are infamous for being the absolute worst. The only thing the fans have managed to improve upon this tournament is not smashing up the local bars, but they haven't actually been beaten yet so no doubt that's still to come.

As for the media, they yet again crowned England champions before a ball was kicked and struggle to fathom why it hasn't come to pass.

The top managers wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

Because we live here that's probably why you think that, it happens everywhere have you seen the headlines in newspapers when other nations don't do well or lose ? It isn't just in England
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Because we live here that's probably why you think that, it happens everywhere have you seen the headlines in newspapers when other nations don't do well or lose ? It isn't just in England

I don't live in England.

I've seen similar performances from the likes of Holland and France but their fans get behind the team and certainly don't attack the manager at the end of a group campaign where they've actually topped the group.

Look, you asked what he meant by his comments and I've answered it. If you're refusing to accept it then that's not really surprising and just proves his point.
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I don't live in England.

I've seen similar performances from the likes of Holland and France but their fans get behind the team and certainly don't attack the manager at the end of a group campaign where they've actually topped the group.

Look, you asked what he meant by his comments and I've answered it. If you're refusing to accept it then that's not really surprising and just proves his point.

All I saw yesterdays game is mostly English fans and it looked like getting behind the team ?

Its also upto the team to perform to get the fans up ? This was Vs Slovenia

Southgate has been here quite a while surely by now he should be able to handle the pressure? As for the players they play week in week out in the premier League which is much more hostile, and most perform in the champions League

Southgate has been England manager since 2016 imo mostly the media haven't been critical of him its only recently they starting to wake up to it , Southgate just wasting the talent that is available

Just a nice politician manager for the FA
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I heard them singing and then a rendition of the anthem towards the end of the game.

Other teams may not get it as bad but then other teams have won things in our lifetime.

He''s trying to balance a team around where he wished Kalvin Phillips would be. TAA to Gallagher. Gallagher to Mainoo.

I'm going to say it, it's a bit out there, but Bellingham and Foden are better than Kalvin Phillips. Focus on them more.

My main frustration is Southgate not enabling fantastic players to be fantastic, not the players themselves as we know what they are capable of.
Southgate full deserves the treatment from the fan in the stadium.

Seriously 3 very poor games vs effectively league 1 teams

No-one deserves to be physically attacked for doing their job.

The English mentality is disgraceful - there's people in this thread calling for the national team to lose just so it can finally justify sacking the manager. It's just spiteful and vindictive. This is why the team find it difficult to perform in that atmosphere, it's downright toxic.
No-one deserves to be physically attacked for doing their job.

The English mentality is disgraceful - there's people in this thread calling for the national team to lose just so it can finally justify sacking the manager. It's just spiteful and vindictive. This is why the team find it difficult to perform in that atmosphere, it's downright toxic.
Throwing plastic cups at him is not being physically attacked - let’s be honest here.

If that is the case then every football match so far needs to be stopped cos every game there are plastic cups and paper tissues been thrown. It’s not an English problem.

fans react to how the team perform. Clearly everyone can see the performance isn’t the result of players lack ability or willingness but exceptionally poor management and coaching. It’s right that they let their view point made. How otherwise do fans made their view point known to a manager who is clearly belligerent to how badly his team is performing. Every post game interview Southgate states - we are top of the group as tho it is the highest honour. Now he s using qualification of knock out stage as another justification for himself. It’s utter ridiculous and delusional.
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If it was me, I'd sack Southgate now and give the players a chance in the knockout stages. He's a fraud

Never a manager, how he got the managers job is beyond me. Morale booster, sure, PR guy, absolutely. Tactician and head coach? Absolutely not

The way Bellingham is playing under Southgate is terrible, gone from a potential Ballon d'Or winner at Real, to looking more like winning a Balloon Dog at the team hotel evening entertainment
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