The point being, the less legal guns there are, the harder it is to get an illegal one.Banning guns won’t stop illegal guns.
How many people are knifed to death each year?
The point being, the less legal guns there are, the harder it is to get an illegal one.Banning guns won’t stop illegal guns.
How many people are knifed to death each year?
How do you come to that conclusion?The point being, the less legal guns there are, the harder it is to get an illegal one.
It’s not the legal registered guns that are used by criminals. Sure there are exceptions to this but the average nutter will use anything at his disposal, including motor vehicles if that’s his intention.The point being, the less legal guns there are, the harder it is to get an illegal one.
How do you come to that conclusion?
It’s not the legal registered guns that are used by criminals. Sure there are exceptions to this but the average nutter will use anything at his disposal, including motor vehicles if that’s his intention.
Because legal guns become illegal guns. e.g. theft of guns from legal owners.
99.999999999% of guns were legal at some point. Hence, more legal guns available, then they become more readily available for illegal means. Pretty self explanatory.
The point being, the less legal guns there are, the harder it is to get an illegal one.
Since 2010/11, pistols have remained the most commonly used non-air firearm, with such offences accounting for 37% of cases in 2020/21. This was a 7% decrease from 44% in 2010/11. Rifles have remained the least common non-air firearms type, accounting for around 1% of all offences over the period. Source
How many gun crimes were committed in the UK using legal, registered guns?
Does anybody have that information?
I dunno the facts but most of the firearms incidents around where I live, where it is an actual firearm rather than imitation, are mentioned as being illegally owned, etc. shotguns being the most common.
When police have done amnesties around here the pictures show mostly old military weapons (often WW2) or other types which have either never been legal or been illegal for decades, etc.
Albeit deactivated in this case stuff like this turns up quite a bit surprisingly.
I take your point that sometimes very dangerous (functioning) firearms do turn up during Police gun amnesties, but let's face it, madmen, gangsters and drug-dealers are not going to go to a Police Station and hand their guns in.
Deactivated firearms are still perfectly legal to own. Although, they have made it harder to buy/transfer ownership of them. You have to inform the Police when you sell/buy one and it has to be deactivated to the latest specification before you can transfer it. That article reads like the Police were trying to scare people about guns in their communities. To say that, although it was deactivated, that AK-47 might still have been used "to frighten and threaten others" ignores the fact that any adult caught doing that with it would be looking at a mandatory minimum prison sentence of 5 years!
As per the rest of your post I do live in a rural area which skews things a bit. People around here are actually relatively well armed - most of the farmers have a reasonable selection of firearms - but firearms incidents involving those holding guns legally here is pretty much non-existent - the only firearm death I'm aware of is an old boy who offed himself with an old service revolver. The only recent firearms incident anywhere near here was with an illegally held gun.
The only gun crime that was reported that i know of around me was probably 30 years ago a few miles where i lived. an off duty copper shot his wife then turned gun on himself.Quite a few have turned up which haven't been deactivated, just been awhile and I can't find links easily. It is surprising how many illegally owned weapons like that actually are around.
As per the rest of your post I do live in a rural area which skews things a bit. People around here are actually relatively well armed - most of the farmers have a reasonable selection of firearms - but firearms incidents involving those holding guns legally here is pretty much non-existent - the only firearm death I'm aware of is an old boy who offed himself with an old service revolver. The only recent firearms incident anywhere near here was with an illegally held gun.
As far as i am aware there are not constantly houses with FAC owners being targeted and burgled or the same about Gun shops in the news/media in the UK. I would probably say that most of these weapons are smuggled into the UK by gangs and criminals from areas such as Eastern Europe. Firearms incidents using a shotgun are relatively low compared to handguns, firearms incidents using a handgun are almost 4 times higher than incidents with shotguns however handguns have not been legal to own in the UK since Dunblane in 1996. Its also significantly more difficult to conceal a shotgun in public if you are a criminal than a handgun however it is significantly easier to smuggle into the country.So erm.. where did they come from exactly?
As far as i am aware there are not constantly houses with FAC owners being targeted and burgled or the same about Gun shops in the news/media in the UK. I would probably say that most of these weapons are smuggled into the UK by gangs and criminals from areas such as Eastern Europe. Firearms incidents using a shotgun are relatively low compared to handguns, firearms incidents using a handgun are almost 4 times higher than incidents with shotguns however handguns have not been legal to own in the UK since Dunblane in 1996. Its also significantly more difficult to conceal a shotgun in public if you are a criminal than a handgun however it is significantly easier to smuggle into the country.
I would put money on it that most/all firearms incidents using illegal hand guns have been smuggled into the country by criminal gangs from probably Czech Republic, Albania, Bulgaria etc.
1. Yes, why the hell do we need guns? So we can shoot a small target every now and again.Epsom College head called relative before she was shot by husband
Police recover a firearm owned by George Pattison who officers believe killed his wife and
I'm sure this isn't the first case here where similar has happened.
Is there a case to be made for the removal of all guns from civilians?
Or perhaps if I word it another way, is there a legitimate case for a civilian to own a gun?
I can't see any argument that couldn't be resolved by a professional services who undergo tight control and yearly vetting etc.
Is there a case for guns to remain accessible to civilians?
Bottom line is this country doesn't need guns because the wrong people always end up with them.
I would have no problem with that but as soon as that happened i imagine racial profiling complaints would ramp up again...... either that or it would go too much in the other direction and police would be too afraid to stop certain groups.They want to be more proactive about knife crime.
Bring stop & search back.
All trueI would have no problem with that but as soon as that happened i imagine racial profiling complaints would ramp up again...... either that or it would go too much in the other direction and police would be too afraid to stop certain groups.
add to that........ you have to have police officers on patrol for that to work anyway.