Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I’m not a warmonger and find all the non technical and non factual bravado a bit of an embarrassment. However there are a couple of personal indications that when you zoom in to which regime of the two has the just cause in this Ukraine are the victims.

I know Ukrainians and Russians at work in London. They don’t hate eachother. The Ukrainians and looking to send aid. The Russians are embarrassed. In my line of work Russia has gone from “emerging” a month ago to “uninvestible” in 2 weeks. Finally the fact we can have this debate, or even protest (Patel amendments pending) without being arrested just for doing it tips the balance for me.

Beside the pub talk I just hope everyone focusses on the humanitarian crisis as this is the real problem for people like you and I at this time. Give generously.

It’s easy to tub thump for either side if you have no skin in the game.
This forum is absolutely open to discussion when those points are backed up with verifiable information from sources that have a track record of being right.

I am absolutely open to my mind being changed. I am a scientist by training and so believe that any working theory is always only as good as the last set of data that proves it correct. As soon as new information arises or data that doesn’t fit the model is proven to be valid, that theory needs to be changed.

My position on this is that Russia is an aggressor, Putin is a tyrant, we absolutely should be arming Ukraine, and if a country aspires to join NATO then that’s their prerogative.

Change my mind.

Sadly all data is biased by agenda, all I can do is try to look at all sides, see what all the narratives are and try to disseminate what fits with what I'm seeing. I'm sure we can both find things to support any viewpoint which is easily dismissed by the opposing side.

I've said a lot of this previously, my focus is primarily on the needs of the people/citizens:

Given Russia's history with UKR, much like China and TWN, there's still a sense of ownership not only from the Russian government but also some of the populous, the exact percentage is open to debate.

UKR gov. has done very troubling things to the citizens and has been proven to one of the most corrupt governments in the world.

Putin, as much as I dislike him, is justified in stating what he is and is not comfortable with and he is not comfortable with what he sees as a threat (the UN) on his borders especially in a region which he still considers to be part of RUS, at least in spirit if nothing else.

Putin attempted to come to the table many times over the years to discuss this before military action but was dismissed and now feels his hand has been forced, so Putin being Putin has done what he's done.

This could have been negotiated before it got to this but here we are.

There are so many crimes the west is guilty of, I'll spare you the list of occupations and unwarranted invasions, occupations that claimed to be for 'humanitarian reasons' but were anything but. We turn a blind eye to genocide in China, to apartheid in Gaza but we're supposed to be up in arms about this?

Where the diplomacy? Where's the negotiation? Where's the compromise?

People seem to ignore all of the above factors and just think 'Putin: bad = Hitler' and I've seen calls in US media for his assassination, granted that's an easy rhetoric to get behind but that's not what the situation is.

Again, I do think Putin is an ex KGB thug but he is who we're dealing with and there's no changing that for now so we have to work with it.

The UN wants UKR and has fostered that relationship, great but it's not as simple as that. We have to work with our 'enemies' or simply other parties with conflicting interests because what if the tables were turned, would we not at least deserve to be heard? We have to move past knee-jerk reactions and into compassionate tolerance because the reality of the world is that we're not all the same, we can't all be on the same page, our behaviours vary based on many factors and we've all got to survive on this little spec of dust floating through nothingness because it is all we've got.

Peace takes work and no one will be happy with the compromise, that's the nature of compromise.

Fostering conflict by supplying instruments of death to take the lives of young men on both sides is not the answer, discussion and compromise with consideration of all the factors at play is the only way forward to minimise loss and tragedy.

If that's wrong, I'm happy to be wrong.
Most people hate this war of aggression by the dictator Putin.

You have a few hypocrites who will perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify Russias actions.

I wonder if they would feel the same if the same Russian playbook was used elsewhere.

India initiates a special operation to undo the Muslim invasion/British map doodles?

NKorea decides to carpet bomb Seol?
Do you mean like the US supporting Saudi Arabia as they bomb Yemen and create the worst humanitarian crisis?
What about certain NATO countries enforcing a no fly zone over Libya to support a regime change? (Oh you guys actually thought that a country needs to be part of Nato to get a no fly zone :cry::cry::cry:)

Why make up scenarios when there are real ones to pick from? Because you don't know about them?
Sadly all data is biased by agenda, all I can do is try to look at all sides, see what all the narratives are and try to disseminate what fits with what I'm seeing. I'm sure we can both find things to support any viewpoint which is easily dismissed by the opposing side.

I've said a lot of this previously, my focus is primarily on the needs of the people/citizens:

Given Russia's history with UKR, much like China and TWN, there's still a sense of ownership not only from the Russian government but also some of the populous, the exact percentage is open to debate.

UKR gov. has done very troubling things to the citizens and has been proven to one of the most corrupt governments in the world.

Putin, as much as I dislike him, is justified in stating what he is and is not comfortable with and he is not comfortable with what he sees as a threat (the UN) on his borders especially in a region which he still considers to be part of RUS, at least in spirit if nothing else.

Putin attempted to come to the table many times over the years to discuss this before military action but was dismissed and now feels his hand has been forced, so Putin being Putin has done what he's done.

This could have been negotiated before it got to this but here we are.

There are so many crimes the west is guilty of, I'll spare you the list of occupations and unwarranted invasions, occupations that claimed to be for 'humanitarian reasons' but were anything but. We turn a blind eye to genocide in China, to apartheid in Gaza but we're supposed to be up in arms about this?

Where the diplomacy? Where's the negotiation? Where's the compromise?

People seem to ignore all of the above factors and just think 'Putin: bad = Hitler' and I've seen calls in US media for his assassination, granted that's an easy rhetoric to get behind but that's not what the situation is.

Again, I do think Putin is an ex KGB thug but he is who we're dealing with and there's no changing that for now so we have to work with it.

The UN wants UKR and has fostered that relationship, great but it's not as simple as that. We have to work with our 'enemies' or simply other parties with conflicting interests because what if the tables were turned, would we not at least deserve to be heard? We have to move past knee-jerk reactions and into compassionate tolerance because the reality of the world is that we're not all the same, we can't all be on the same page, our behaviours vary based on many factors and we've all got to survive on this little spec of dust floating through nothingness because it is all we've got.

Peace takes work and no one will be happy with the compromise, that's the nature of compromise.

Fostering conflict by supplying instruments of death to take the lives of young men on both sides is not the answer, discussion and compromise with consideration of all the factors at play is the only way forward to minimise loss and tragedy.

If that's wrong, I'm happy to be wrong.

Why are you spending so much time trying to convince people your right on a computer shop forum?
I was thinking he might have pushed us harder to more sanctions imposed and put a freeze on some of the cash swimming around our financial system from Russian businesses.

We are not as the UK techicaly at war with russia, but our traeson laws would allow for the reposession of russian owned properties in the UK.
There are people that see slavic kids barely out of high school killing each other and the warmongers like yourself cheering for one side to kill more of the "bad guys".

Suit yourself mate.

That's a hell of a lot of BS to try to unpack in one sentence..
You dont seem to understand that russia is the aggressor here and they started the war.

Sorry man, you don't understand the history or factors at play, I made a post further down the page (and previously) that explains how I see things. I don't claim to be right, just how I see it.
I’m not a warmonger and find all the non technical and non factual bravado a bit of an embarrassment. However there are a couple of personal indications that when you zoom in to which regime of the two has the just cause in this Ukraine are the victims.

I know Ukrainians and Russians at work in London. They don’t hate eachother. The Ukrainians and looking to send aid. The Russians are embarrassed. In my line of work Russia has gone from “emerging” a month ago to “uninvestible” in 2 weeks. Finally the fact we can have this debate, or even protest (Patel amendments pending) without being arrested just for doing it tips the balance for me.

Beside the pub talk I just hope everyone focusses on the humanitarian crisis as this is the real problem for people like you and I at this time. Give generously.

It’s easy to tub thump for either side if you have no skin in the game.

I always think it's never citizens against citizens, people against people, we're all far more similar than we are different. It's the governments that drive the conflict and there are many reasons behind that.
Sorry man, you don't understand the history or factors at play, I made a post further down the page (and previously) that explains how I see things. I don't claim to be right, just how I see it.

So you see it as Putin not being the aggressor here and he was just delivering food and clothing to Ukraine and the Ukrainians just attacked him for no reason?
Man you got brainwashed big time.
How does it feel to be a Putin apologist?

What was it the Ukrainian ambassador said today about 111?

*Reads my entire post - "So what you're saying is you're a putin apologist?"

I guess these comments will keep coming, ah well.

I don't excuse his actions, they were a long time coming, we had plenty of chance to avoid all this.

What I said was:
Fostering conflict by supplying instruments of death to take the lives of young men on both sides is not the answer, discussion and compromise with consideration of all the factors at play is the only way forward to minimise loss and tragedy.

If that's wrong, I'm happy to be wrong.
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