1)What exactly are half of them doing in a foreign country? If Ukraine has internal issues, Ukrainians should be solving them, not Russians and ex-ussr people!
2) If Cameron ordered his police force to open fire against his own people, slaughtering about 100 innocent unarmed civilians in the process, then yes, removing him - even with force - would be the right thing to do.
3) The only casulaties in Ukraine before Russia invaded the country were those that died due to Yanukovych's order. Even so, Ukraine started to sort that issue peacefully, there was no retaliation, no violence against former members of govt. , just their removal.
4) All the deaths that came aftewards, including the people in the plane, are a direct consequence of Russia's aggression, not people valiantly fighting for what they believe is theirs.
1) They live there; ex-USSR or SV is union of 15 Countries and even more nations. They live and lived among each other for many years, even before WW2. Huge percentage of Ukrainians live in Russia, same Huge percentage of russians, Azerbaidzhan, Turkmenistan, etc. live in Ukraine and it's their country too!
2) Berkut opened fire not to attack people, but to protect Government, and they started to shoot only when crow started to atack!
Innocent and unarmed? most of them were extremists with supplied weapon!
Berkut is No1 Forces in Ukraine which have duty to Protect government from any attack!
3) RUSSIA INVADED? pardon me here?! if Russia wanted Ukraine they would not let it to be independent country back to 1990's.
What Russia can gain if invade Ukraine? debts and uncontrolled country which divided in 2 main sectors and 100's of criminal gangs including extremists, Nazis, etc.
If Russia wanted to, Ukraine would be taken within first week of violence.
There are Russian troops on borders with Ukraine (to monitor) and in some places like Crimes only because Minister of Crimea asked for support as they were scared that Kiev's troops will be deployed there to start attack. Russian troops are there, do they attack? is it huge army which was deployed to take Kiev? NO!
Peacefully sort problems? what kind of peace can it be when there are 50 000 people on one side of Kiev and same on other part of Kiev? At that point Violence was just matter of time, So while some Maidan politics like YAYCENUK were promising better life, some were preaching hatred! I heard this speeches and some politics are very extremists, in short words they were asking people to kill Russians, doesn't matter military or civilians: We need to get rid of Russians on our Land! it's funny, as I mentioned before huge percentages of Ukrainians live in Russia and other ex-USSR countries.
So when it went too far, they only needed to provoke people, there comes Sniper shootings, they blame Berkut? but snipers were shooting on both sides and casualties were among both sides too!
4) US and Kiev blamed pro-Russians within couple hours for plane crash! US stated that they have EVIDANCE! on press conference days after they DID NOT show any evidence. All they did was showed couple facebook pictures!
So what we can take from here? only 2 options: either Russians shot Plane or ...erm...no other option!
If they had proof like they said, they would showed them to the world on latest press conference! they did not!
They already know that it was not shot by pro-Russians, but they can not tell it to the world, how could they? if they blamed Russia within seconds after it happened without investigation...
(by the way does anyone know that Ukrainians shot Plane back to 2001 and President Kuchma claimed it was not them, after investigation were done, all facts stated that it was Ukraine, all president at that time could say: Erm, it was just a mistake!)
Russia showed their point of view, they also asked US to look at their investigation and materials they have to date, including that Radars spotted Ukrainian Jet before it happened. Also they investigated picture from Kiev’s website: claiming that "topol" rocket launcher were spotted within pro-Russians... which came to be just photoshop'ed picture!
US just ignores it, same EU does.
Yanukovich wasn't good president, same previous presidents, but is new "president" better? he is Billionaire, chocolate Billionaire! while he is great business man how can he be president? all new government is made of non-professionals, they make from school teachers Ministers of Education, etc.
They said government was corrupted? so is new government!
Minister YAYCENUK after all speeches in Maidan about better future and brainwashing people left government couple days ago, same did numbers of main politics who were involved in revolution! So that's how they pay people for their support? All they did is divided country, started war and now LEFT as they finished their role in Americans game. Did you know that?
Yanukovich made huge mistake and he failed as president, he should have stopped all "peaceful" protests on early stage.
as to him changing mind, he knew that EU can never offer same as Russia, starting from gas, military support...
If Ukraine becomes part of EU it will follow Greece's path, but in way more dramaticall way. Winter is on the way, who is going to supply Ukraine with all resources when it has already Billions dollars of debts? US? EU? Maybe UK? we all know the answer...it will take years and Billions to do it.