Calls to arm Ukraine are screeching away.
Whether it’s Kristol, Kagan, Nudelman, or Engel, the Jewish ‘neocon screech’ grows louder every day.
Question is, how will they salvage their coup in Kiev that’s hit a dead end?
That’s what Merkel, Hollande, Kerry, and oh yea, Obama are scrambling to salvage through several backup moves like a car stuck in a blind alley.
Don’t think for a minute that Merkel and Hollande want peace.
They need a ceasefire to stop the gains of the Novorossians in East Ukraine and to buy time to form new tactical plans of their own.
They were in this from the beginning with their Klitschkos and Maidan neo-nazi snipers to get pro-Russian, legitimately-elected Yanukovitch out.
And the ‘F the EU Nuland pick’ won out: Yats the Yid got in and democracy got kicked out.
Right from the start Merkel and Hollande were brokers of Nuland’s deal to ‘transition power’ in Ukraine. Obama took the script and simply obeyed.
[Clip: “Mr Putin made this decision around Crimea and Ukraine, not because of some Grand Strategy but essentially because he was caught, aah, off balance by the protests in the Maidan and aah Yanukovich then fleeing after we’d brokered a deal to, uh, transition power in Ukraine.”]
The “Grand Strategy” is America’s will to wage war against Russia to the death of the last Ukrainian.
One of the conditions to go to war under the Western ‘Just War Theory’ is having a reasonable expectation of winning.
Merkel and Hollande don’t think they can win right now via their proxie Kiev so they’re buying time pushing a ‘diplomatic solution.’
Everyone says Europe is fracturing and America’s influence is on the wane.
Bull. It’s a family tiff among NATO nations who are back for the huddle.
[Clip: “There’s no doubt that if in fact diplomacy fails this week there’s going to continue to be a strong, unified response between the United States and Europe. That’s not going to change. There may be some areas where there are tactical disagreements; there may not be.”
“If at a certain point in time one has to say that success is not possible, even if one puts every effort into it, then the United States and Europe have to sit together and try and explore further possibilities.”]
That’s the military option. On the table ready to go.
Did you know that Ukraine just ratified an agreement on a joint military brigade with Poland and Lithuania which will serve as part of the “Military Of The EU?”
That means, de facto, Ukraine will be part of NATO.
The joint command’s headquarters will be in Lublin, Poland, pending its and Lithuania’s ratification to launch the military unit.
This “intergovernmental battalion” will initially have 4,000 troops from the three countries and enjoying NATO’s full support.
The alliance will continue to hem and haw about sending “lethal aid to Ukraine” until the new battalion is formed with mostly Polish troops, having a tri-national command of its own.
“Lethal aid” would then be sent to the command in Lublin, not Kiev.
Get the picture?
Merkel and Hollande say they “won’t send arms” to Kiev—but to Lublin with an EU Military outpost—yes, they would…and to many more battalions throughout Eastern Europe to come.
It’s a ‘Grand Strategy’ to knock off Russia as a world power…with some kabuki theater thrown in.
Mr Putin knows the script, and will simply, not obey.