I'm glad you say that but just because there's support for Russia in those parts of the Ukraine does not give permission for Russia to anxieted said parts of the Ukraine. It should have been a matter for the people of Ukraine first, party’s setup etc. and then a agreed referendum on separation in a not to dissimilar manner to how the Scottish indepenance was handled.
Then if/when independent only then Russia should be involved as it would be a matter of a now independent nation if they wanted to join the russian federation and if the russian federation wanted them.
In short if this was about making the east and Crimea "independent" how it went about was not the way.
The Crimean government tried that. They wanted to set up a referendum. The new Kiev government said no and promptly tried to have them all arrested. In retaliation the Crimean government then said it would be a referendum on whether to join Russia. Kiev stamped their feet even more and everyone decided no matter what the referendum would not be counted. Cue a bias referendum where those that wanted out voted and those that wanted to stay didn't vote at all (because they thought the referendum wasn't going to be valid - IMO anyway).
If the new Kiev government actually allowed Crimea to have a referendum with international oversight in the first place the influence of Russia may not have been quite as strong.
Unfortunately by that point the proxy war between east and west had got out of control and it gave Russia the opportunity to sneak in and annex Crimea, subsequently trying the same thing in the east.
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