Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Does anyone know the significance of none the weapons the armed men are carrying seem to be loaded (in all the photos I have seen)? Serious question, any army guys know a specific reason or law they are not loaded?
Im not an army guy but to me.

1) it shows a very passive aggressive position, more a show of force than armed shooting invasion.
2) its probably safer to travel
3) stops hot headed soldiers being the aggressors randomly shooting at school kids etc(even though its clearly aggressive??)

the pro Russian political leader of the Ukraine has asked the Russian forces to help keep the peace afterall.

it would take 5 seconds to load and shoot back.
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This will be all forgotten about in a month or so and vanish from our media's attention when the next new story comes along.

The thing is, the person who Russia still see as Crimea's leader has requested military support from Russia to keep the peace....

" It came as the pro-Russian Prime Minister of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, appealed to Russia for help in keeping the peace there, and claimed control of all military, police and other security services in the region.

And the Kremlin said it would not ignore a request for help in restoring calm."
We need to fight aggression with prosperity. The EU should carry out a fast track negotiation with the temporary adminisrtation in Ukraine and come out with a statement about ealy EU membership. Let the Russians carry on wasting money deploying forces in Crimea - the people will turn againsg them in time as they see the opportunities being offered by the EU.
We need to fight aggression with prosperity. The EU should carry out a fast track negotiation with the temporary adminisrtation in Ukraine and come out with a statement about ealy EU membership. Let the Russians carry on wasting money deploying forces in Crimea - the people will turn againsg them in time as they see the opportunities being offered by the EU.

Go on then, go and wave your wad at them :p

Anyway, have the drama queens in the thread settled down now or doesn't the internet reach the bunker?
The UK and US would never help any regime against its own people if they had strategic interests in that area, in places like Bahrain for example. Oh wait........
I don't follow the news that closely but I have seen some of the protesters videos from Kiev and it looks horrific, people being shot in droves.

Not much a 1/2" steal shield and a motorbike helmet can do to stop a trained Police marksman with a 7.62mm Sniper Rifle.
Im not an army guy but to me.

1) it shows a very passive aggressive position, more a show of force than armed shooting invasion.
2) its probably safer to travel
3) stops hot headed soldiers being the aggressors randomly shooting at school kids etc(even though its clearly aggressive??)

the pro Russian political leader of the Ukraine has asked the Russian forces to help keep the peace afterall.

it would take 5 seconds to load and shoot back.

Pretty much this.

Gives a "We're not looking to start trouble, but we're happy to finish any you start..." message.

Also ensures zero chance of accidental or negligent discharge of weapon by poorly trained and/or inexperienced troops.
I also will no longer argue Scorza... He seems to have one sided view that of CNN and Fox and never looks beyond or doubts them.... He never challenges the intents of the West and just looks at the East... I will give it to him that Putin is no saint, but as I said numerous times judgement comes from comparison.

You judge Putin on things like Lietvenenko case, which is not proven and as I said previously even if it was... What did you expect would happen to a double agent? Snowden and other Guy face a death penalty in the USA for the committed leak.

Then invasion of Georgia, EU committee concluded that it was the Georgia one who was the aggressor shelling a CIVILIAN CITY to middle ages, Russia acted within international laws.

Moreover, even if this was a full blown invasion like it was portrayed... We still do not have the right to judge Putin... We are responsible for invasion of iraq based on fabricated evidence, to give us an excuse to invade.

We are responsible for total destruction of countries aka Libya and Sirya, we are responsible for supplying weapons to islamist jihadist and also we are resposnible for UPHOLDING totally un-democratic, racist, jihadist countries such as Saudi Arabia. We are also responsible for closing our eyes when protests happen in countries which we support aka Bahrain and Turkey. Where protesters are literally shot on sight with live ammo.

Farewell, Scorza.

Farewell sweet prince! The only reason I'm bothering to respond is to point out that the sources I've used tend to come from the BBC, Channel 4 News and the Telegraph - not CNN or Fox News as you've claimed. Good luck with your campaign to spread the Kremlin message.
Russian Naval Infantry (sans patches) at Simeropol International Airport.


I thought there was something in the rules of war that you must fly your flag? Or is that only about naval warfare?
Does anyone know the significance of none the weapons the armed men are carrying seem to be loaded (in all the photos I have seen)? Serious question, any army guys know a specific reason or law they are not loaded?

I guess they were worried about the possibility of a Negligent Discharge in a civilian area. However on Channel 4 News last night they had footage from outside the Crimean parliament, some of the Russian troops stationed there were carrying machine guns (sorry, not a military bore so can't tell you what they were but I know the difference between a machine gun and an assault rifle) which were loaded, or at least had the magazine attached.

Edit: picture of the sort of machine guns I'm talking about on top of the Crimean parliament -
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So Crimea have brought their independence referendum forward to the end of March instead of may and their military are now working alongside the Russia naval troops in "protecting Russian assets".

My prediction is the same as before, a vote for independence passes and Crimea then appeals to Putin to send lots of troops to deter any hostile/aggressive action by the new Ukrainian government.

So yeah... B-2 is a nuclear bomber so is Tu-144... they were not developed in 50`s.

Tu-144 is a passenger jet designed to rival Concorde. I think you mean Tu-160 (Strategic supersonic nuclear bomber) or Tu-22m (Tactical supersonicc nuclear bomber, not to be confused with Tu-22).

Does anyone know the significance of none the weapons the armed men are carrying seem to be loaded (in all the photos I have seen)? Serious question, any army guys know a specific reason or law they are not loaded?

This is very highly unlikely but would be hilarious if true. It's possible that they may have export AK74's and domestic ammunition (not compatible).
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Farewell sweet prince! The only reason I'm bothering to respond is to point out that the sources I've used tend to come from the BBC, Channel 4 News and the Telegraph - not CNN or Fox News as you've claimed. Good luck with your campaign to spread the Kremlin message.

The BBC and Sky News are just as bad.
Whereas Russia Today and abovetopsecret are bastions of independence and journalistic integrity.

No I check both out and also different sources on the Internet and make a more balanced decision than just embracing UK news outlets.

Going from the Syria incident it seems Cameron and Obama only view their own media outlets to make their decisions.
No I check both out and also different sources on the Internet and make a more balanced decision than just embracing UK news outlets.

Wait, your saying that if we read the news/propaganda from all sides we can form a more balanced and educated assessment of what's really going on?

The internet would be a very dull place if everybody did that :P
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