I also will no longer argue Scorza... He seems to have one sided view that of CNN and Fox and never looks beyond or doubts them.... He never challenges the intents of the West and just looks at the East... I will give it to him that Putin is no saint, but as I said numerous times judgement comes from comparison.
You judge Putin on things like Lietvenenko case, which is not proven and as I said previously even if it was... What did you expect would happen to a double agent? Snowden and other Guy face a death penalty in the USA for the committed leak.
Then invasion of Georgia, EU committee concluded that it was the Georgia one who was the aggressor shelling a CIVILIAN CITY to middle ages, Russia acted within international laws.
Moreover, even if this was a full blown invasion like it was portrayed... We still do not have the right to judge Putin... We are responsible for invasion of iraq based on fabricated evidence, to give us an excuse to invade.
We are responsible for total destruction of countries aka Libya and Sirya, we are responsible for supplying weapons to islamist jihadist and also we are resposnible for UPHOLDING totally un-democratic, racist, jihadist countries such as Saudi Arabia. We are also responsible for closing our eyes when protests happen in countries which we support aka Bahrain and Turkey. Where protesters are literally shot on sight with live ammo.
Farewell, Scorza.