*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Russia Wants to Keep Diplomatic Relations With the West Despite Expulsion of Its Diplomates — IFAX
*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: European Countries Causing Trouble for Russian Diplomats Are Shooting Themselves in the Foot — TASS
*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Says He Hopes the West Has Enough Common Sense Not to Play Games Around Russia’s Kaliningrad Exclave — TASS.
*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Says Such Games Would Be ‘Playing With Fire’ — RIA.
*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: The EU Will Pay for Its ‘Energy Blackmail’ — TASS.
*Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: We Don’t Have Any Contacts With NATO, There Is Nothing to Talk About at the Moment — TASS.
I think Lavrov has decided to give the west/EU the finger by allowing a deputy to be the waste of space. A way of 'depowering' the western leaders.
*The Russian Finance Ministry: We Were Forced to Pay Roubles to Holders of 2022 and 2042 Eurobonds After a Foreign Bank Refused to Process a $649.2 Million FX Payment.
*According to the Russian Finance Ministry, a Foreign Bank Has Rejected Russia’s Order for Coupon Payments on Eurobonds Maturing in 2022 and 2042.
*Russia Finance Minstry: Russia May Consider Allowing Foreign Holders of 2022 and 2042 Eurobonds to Convert Rouble Payments to Forex Once Russia’s Access to Its Forex Accounts Is Restored.
*According to the Russian Finance Ministry, a Foreign Bank Has Also Rejected Russia’s Order to Pay the Face Value of 2022 Eurobonds to Their Holders.
*Russian Finance Ministry: Funds for Eurobond Payments Have Been Transferred to the Russian National Settlement Depository.
*Russian Finance Ministry: Foreign Bank Has Also Rejected Russia’s Order to Pay the Face Value of 2022 Eurobonds to Their Holders.
Perhaps we should blame the Russian deputy for the escalation based on his rhetoric. Re-nail Laborov into spending his time being on point.
Seems to me that the Russians are attempting to force the use of Rubles, the FX they singularly control, and then bitch why people think that's a bad Idea. Nobody in their right mind would accept payment in Rubles for a previously agreed dollar/euro re-payment currency.
I suspect China doesn't want anything todo with it.. it can't cope financially with the destruction of manufacturing exports should the same happen to them. Biden's approach of using economics does a nice job of keeping "non-violent" so allows China to maintain it's stature whilst the US continue to work on undermining the China-Russia relationship.
I know that Putin knows that there will be global economic fallout from the sanctions but unfortunately there is no will to capitulate. People are ****** at Putin. People don't want Putin-products. People don't want to be associated with Putin. So much that they will take a hit and will make medium/long term plans not to be blackmailed or bent over the barrel by someone that openly does not adhere to contracts.
Yes the world is going to have financial crisis but people see Putin for what he is.
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