Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I would say these people aren't POW's because there is no war. It's an illegal invasion. Ukraine isn't at war with Russia.

The Geneva Convention is drafted so as not to allow these kinds of shenanigans: they are POWs. Even if they weren't, that would make them illegal immigrants subject to domestic law not summary execution.

In the big scheme of what is going on in Ukraine, I find it hard to get particularly worked up over it, but it's still not good. It shouldn't happen, and I hope it's properly investigated and dealt with by the Ukrainians (who, to be fair, have condemned these actions).
*Belarusian Government: We Will Pay Some Foreign Debts in Belarusian Roubles.
*Belarusian Government: Belarus Will Pay to EBRD and the World Bank in Belarusian Rubles — Interfax.

*Ukraine Foreign Minister: Met G7 Ministers and Told Them Ukraine Can Defeat Russia if World Provides Necessary Support
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Ukraine Presented a New Draft Agreement to Russia on Wednesday — IFX
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Ukraine Presented New Proposals on Wednesday — IFX
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: The New Ukraine Proposals Are Different From the Proposals in Istanbul.
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Ukraine’s Proposal to Discuss Crimea and Donbas at a Meeting Between Putin and Zelenskiy Is Unacceptable — IFX.
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Russia Will Continue Talks With Ukraine, Promoting Its Own Draft Agreement — TASS
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Ukraine Trying to Stall, Undermine Russia Talks — IFX
*Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: U.S, Allies Pushing Ukraine to Continue Fighting — IFX

*Ukraine Senior Military Official: Russia Plans to Renew Attack on Kyiv if It Can First Take Control of Donbas.
*Ukraine Senior Military Official: Russian Forces Have Started Using Old Tanks, a Sign Its Resources Are Exhausted.

*Ukraine State Security Service Says It Is Building up List of Russian Troops Behind Alleged War Crimes in Kyiv Region.

'The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 07 April 2022'

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*UK: Remains Open-Minded About Our Onshore Gas Reserves

*Ukraine Finance Minister: Ukraine Financial System Is Stable.
*Ukraine Finance Minister: We Are Working on International Front to Solve Fall in Budget Revenue.
*Ukraine Finance Minister: Ukraine Is in Talks for International Financing of Around 7 Bln Euros of Which 3 Bln Euros Has Already Been Received.
*Ukraine Finance Minister: Ukraine Has Asked IMF and World Bank to Stop Lending to Russia.
*Ukraine Foreign Minister: Sees Strong Sense of Unity Behind Ukraine Among NATO Allies and Partners, Strong Resolve to Take Very Concrete Steps to Support Ukraine.
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I would say these people aren't POW's because there is no war. It's an illegal invasion. Ukraine isn't at war with Russia.

These soldiers have either murdered, raped, tortured innocent civilians or they have stood around and gone along with it. You both have a lot more self restraint than me.

I would say I still want them to surrender rather than fight to the death.

Surrender and be treated well, or keep fighting and die in the mud. Those are the choices I want to give my enemy.
"Russians = bad so it's OK to murder them" - said by people in here who are then complaining about the Russians saying "Ukrainians = bad so it's OK to murder them" and yet somehow don't understand that people saying either statement are pyschopaths.

Happily a good portion of the replies to these idiots are putting them straight, which is refreshing to see.
Strange reply coming from someone who has taken the coin of the realm to potentially kill someone because they've been paid and told to do so.
no russian is saying it is ok to murder anyone

Get off your moral high horse. this is a filthy war where civilians are being raped, tortured and slaughtered and those Ukrainians fighting against it likely have friends and relatives who have suffered in this way. It's so easy to apply your logic and high morals when you are not in the middle of it.
*India Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Focus Is on Stabilising, Maintaining Trade Relations With Russia Amid Western Sanctions
*India Foreign Ministry Spokesman: Inter-Ministerial Group Looking at Stabilising Economic Relations With Russia Including Payment Mechanism With Russia
*Finnish Foreign Minister Haavisto: NATO Member Countries Have Told Finland It Would Take Between Four Months and a Year to Approve Finland’s NATO Membership Application if Finland Applies
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How all talk no do?
I'm getting sick and tired of listing to all these politicians who spend all their time going from cabinet meetings to conferences to interviews to press briefings, to television announcements to sumits and back to local meetings again just regurgitating the same sound bites over and over with very little action resulting from all the talking.
*Swiss Say 7.5 Billion Francs Frozen in Russian Assets to Date.
*Iraq Oil Minister: Iraq Can Export More Than 3.3 Mln Bpd From Its Southern Ports — State News Agency.

*US Deputy Treasury Sec. Adeyemo: The US Will Continue to Use Sanctions to Limit Russia’s Economy. — CNN Interview.
*US Deputy Treasury Sec. Adeyemo: Russia’s Efforts to Prop up the Rouble Syphon Resources From the Ukraine Military Effort.
*US Deputy Treasury Sec. Adeyemo: Russia’s Economy Is Imploding on Itself, and the US and Its Allies Are Attempting to Limit Russia’s Defence Sector.

*Russia Oil Output In Early April Drops Most in Almost Two Years.
*Russia’s Oil and Gas Condensate Production April 1-6th Declined to 10.52 Mln Bpd From March Average of 11.01 Mln Bpd — Source.

*On April 6th, Russia’s Oil and Gas Condensate Production Fell to 10.44 Million Barrels per Day (Bpd).
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