Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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*Ukrainian PM: Government Has No Concerns That There Could Be Hyperinflation
*Ukrainian PM: The Cost of the War and Social Benefits Amount to 2 Billion Hryvnia ($68.38 Million) Daily for Government
*Ukrainian PM: No Country Can Exist on Its Own During War, the Support of Partners Is Needed
*Ukrainian PM: Ukraine Will Nationalise All Russian Federation’s Property in Ukraine to Compensate for War Losses
*Ukrainian PM: Ukraine Is Looking to Receive Funds From Russian Assets Frozen Abroad
*Ukrainian PM: We Have Large Stocks of Grain, Cereals, Vegetable Oil, and We Are Able to Provide Ourselves With Food
*Ukrainian PM: This Year’s Harvest Will Be 20% Less Than Last Year
— Bloomberg (CET Time)

*Australia to Send Combat Vehicles

*Russia Prepares to Redeploy Forces to the East


*German Finance Minister: Will Announce Additional Aid for Companies Today Due to War in Ukraine

*Ukrainian Negotiator Podolyak: Negotiations With Russia Continue Online Constantly but Mood Changed After Events in Bucha.
*Ukrainian Negotiator Podolyak: Any Truce With Russia Is a War Postponed for the Future, and Ukraine Does Not Need This.
*Ukrainian Negotiator Podolyak: Ukraine Is Working on the Possibility of Evacuating Civilians From Besieged Mariupol by Sea

*Russian Defense Ministry Says It Destroys a Training Centre for Foreign Mercenaries in Ukraine, North of Odesa — TASS
*Russian Defense Ministry: Destroyed 81 Military Facilities of Ukraine by Missile Forces — TASS
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*Gazprom Says Gas Shipments via Ukraine Down to 91.3 Mln Cubic Metres — RTRS
'Requests Stood at 91.3 Million Cubic Metres (Mcm) for April 8, Down From the 105.4 Mcm Requested a Day Before', Gazprom Said.

*Ukraine Says Two Russian Rockets Hit Railway Station in Kramatorsk in Eastern Ukraine, Says There Are Casualties — RTRS
*Japan’s Foreign Ministry: We Have Expelled Eight Russian Diplomats.
*UN World Food Price Index Rose Most Ever in March to Record — BBG -

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Could be.

Just hope they not planning to drop a dirty bomb on the areas they have vacated!

After all the pathetic backpeddling and CT mockups they've been pushing with regards Bucha and the like I doubt this will happen now, or at least it won't be so blatant as that. It's clear that they still somewhat care about who they're perceived on the world stage, at least to those on the fence at the moment. Launching any obvious strike like this would push some of the more neutral countries to take a tougher stance.
That's what I'd like to think anyway, I could just be hopelessly naïve.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

Lets remember this poster was insisting months before the 2020 election that Hillary Clinton was going to replace Biden on the ticket at the last minute and that was the plan from the very beginning. That John Durham was going to bring down a whole left wing conspiracy, arrests everywhere. And of course that Trump won the election. My point is he will believe any old nonsense if he reads it on (formally he even used to post links to it on here.
Just hope they not planning to drop a dirty bomb on the areas they have vacated!

I don't see Russia using a dirty bomb anywhere in Ukraine, remember that the prevailing winds predominately blow towards Belarus and Russia. Chemical weapons, or "tactical" nukes, seems much more likely but even then I think Russia has realised it's in danger of provoking the Western powers into taking stronger action. As the horrors of Bucha have emerged and worse is being uncovered elsewhere, the pressure for more support for Ukraine grows and grows. Russia must know it cannot possibly prevail against Ukraine if they get modern armour, planes, smart weapons, and mobile SAM/AA equipment.
Reports of a railway station in Kramatorsk mainly used for evacuations being hit. Suspected 30 dead and hundreds injured. Disgusting.
Very saddening, sometimes these things just come across as numbers (and you don't really get a jist of what really means?), but when you look at the pictures and videos it's horrific what's actually going on.

*EU Adopts Fifth Round of Sanctions Against Russia — Statement
*New EU Sanctions Include Ban on Russian Coal Import, Bans Russian Vessels From EU Ports

*Japan PM Kishida: Russia’s Inhumane Actions in Ukraine Have Become Clear — BBG
*Japan PM Kishida: Will Ban Imports of Russian Coal
*Japan PM Kishida: Will Ban Imports of Russian Goods Such As Vodka
*Japan PM Kishida: Will Freeze Assets of Russia’s Sberbank and Alfa Bank.
*Japan PM Kishida: To Expand Scope of Sanctions Against Russian Individuals, Organisations
*Japan PM Kishida: By the End of April, We Will Compile Measures to Cope With Fuel and Other Price Hikes.
*Japan PM Kishida: We Need to Watch Closely Russian Military Activities of Around Japan Getting More Active.
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I don't see Russia using a dirty bomb anywhere in Ukraine, remember that the prevailing winds predominately blow towards Belarus and Russia. Chemical weapons, or "tactical" nukes, seems much more likely but even then I think Russia has realised it's in danger of provoking the Western powers into taking stronger action. As the horrors of Bucha have emerged and worse is being uncovered elsewhere, the pressure for more support for Ukraine grows and grows. Russia must know it cannot possibly prevail against Ukraine if they get modern armour, planes, smart weapons, and mobile SAM/AA equipment.

If there is nothing left for the West to help that's a win for the Übermensch.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.
A video I watched explained that as the image being distorted in the mirror (e.g. where the mirror splits into the wide angle part in some cars) and the buildings also became distorted at the same time.
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