Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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With all due respect to the dead and the people of Ukraine, something confuses me a little.
When the Russian Army was sat just outside their borders, amassing for about 3 weeks, they didn't seem to care.
I saw AMAs on reddit with people who lived near by who said they were just getting on with life and weren't worried.

To me this seemed a bit mental and I don't think it required any hindsight to see this coming. So much so that I'm confused why they didn't have everything they had pointed at that area.

I would bet 100% that the dead civilians thought nothing of it, rather than doing a runner weeks and weeks ago.
You can't blame the Ukrainians, but I feel a little like they were to nonchalant about Russia and hoped being diplomatic with a lunatic was the best course of action.

To be fair given projections from every military expert before this started I suspect Ukraine thought it didn't matter much where their military was, expectations were that this would last a matter of days in a crushing Russia victory, I do recall though the Ukrainian Govt being less "hawkish" on Russian military intent than Western Military sources though, I suspect an effort to prevent panic but it will have made people stay.

Ukraine didn't have the forces to dig in and cover every area - they clearly were looking to protect key areas like Kyiv and strategic cities further East.
With all due respect to the dead and the people of Ukraine, something confuses me a little.
When the Russian Army was sat just outside their borders, amassing for about 3 weeks, they didn't seem to care.
I saw AMAs on reddit with people who lived near by who said they were just getting on with life and weren't worried.

To me this seemed a bit mental and I don't think it required any hindsight to see this coming. So much so that I'm confused why they didn't have everything they had pointed at that area.

I would bet 100% that the dead civilians thought nothing of it, rather than doing a runner weeks and weeks ago.
You can't blame the Ukrainians, but I feel a little like they were to nonchalant about Russia and hoped being diplomatic with a lunatic was the best course of action.

Ukrainian guy doing a live stream right now just covered some of that - many of those people just couldn't see the sense, the logical reason, why Russia would invade. So they didn't think it possible because to their thinking they'd never given Putin a reason to do so, there was nothing they could see Russia had to gain, etc.
wasn't the whole mobile crem thing discredited to be a photoshop of some bin lorries?

*edit* sorry for the echo of what others had said. commented on the post before reading to the bottom of the thread.

Ukrainian sources say bodies have been collected off the streets and are being incinerated they don't want a repeat of what happened after Bucha, clear up the evidence of their atrocities. Of course none of this is confirmed mainly because theres so little information leaking out of Mariupol because thats the way the russians want it - the last remaining journalists who reported on earlier atrocities like the missile hit on the maternity hospital had to be smuggled out by ukrainian forces a week or so ago as there were russian assasination squads actively hunting them down -
Ukrainian sources say bodies have been collected off the streets and are being incinerated they don't want a repeat of what happened after Bucha, clear up the evidence of their atrocities. Of course none of this is confirmed mainly because theres so little information leaking out of Mariupol because thats the way the russians want it - the last remaining journalists who reported on earlier atrocities like the missile hit on the maternity hospital had to be smuggled out by ukrainian forces a week or so ago as there were russian assasination squads actively hunting them down -

For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear"
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.


There are times I take a contrary position or don't just accept the official explanation but you really really have to want to see something in that footage to even remotely imagine it was the body moving.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

Literally parroting pro Russian fake news.

Claim: 'Faked dead bodies'
Russia says its forces withdrew from Bucha on 30 March. The Ukrainians say this happened in the early hours of 31 March.

On 1 April, footage was posted filmed from a car driving through the town which showed bodies on either side of a road.

Russia has claimed it shows "fake dead bodies" and was "staged" after its troops left the town.

We compared the car footage with the satellite imagery of Bucha from 19 March (when the Russians were in control).

In both, there are bodies lying in the same parts of the road (marked in red) and near vehicles (marked in yellow).

Pro-Russian social media accounts also circulated a slowed-down version of the footage on the same road, claiming that the arm on one of the bodies moved.

The video is grainy but a closer analysis of it shows that what is claimed to be a moving arm, is actually a mark in the bottom right corner of the vehicle's windscreen.
Russian Special Flight Squadron (presidential fleet) plane flying towards Kaliningrad veering off alongside Gotland - not sure where that is heading or whether something (weather, other aircraft, etc.) has caused them to take a diversion of the normal route into Kaliningrad.

EDIT: Looks like it is heading into Berlin - maybe I've missed a scheduled visit or maybe it is going to pick up expelled diplomats.
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For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.
Bloody hell comrade, can you be any more obvious. Give your head a shake will you.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

There's nowt betwixt the lugholes if you believe that rubbish.
Russia has built up, then drawn down multiple times over the last ~7 years which has made people in nearby Ukraine somewhat numb to it, then the Ukrainian government was downplaying it a lot (largely due to the economic consequences) in the build up to this invasion - only those who were glued to OSINT or government level would really have known how heightened the risk was.

Even then though there was definitely an increasing reality which should have been apparent to any casual observer but a lot just won't allow or believe something like this would or could happen in this day and age until it does - almost like to allow such thing is possible makes it more likely to happen and sticking head in sand makes it less likely...

I honestly thought that this final build up was like the last few, a political gesture meant to put pressure on the Ukrainian government, and to give Putin some political clout at home, it was only when I read something on Twitter from one of the OSINT accounts that Russia had been transferring their national reserves of blood to locations around Ukraine that I thought they were really going to do something, but my opinion was that it’d be confined to the east, perhaps an invasion to grab themselves an overland route to Crimea. I didn’t expect them to go full retard and try to grab the full country, but I thought they might do it, in short order, especially when reports that Russian airborne had apparently seized Hostomel airport early on.

How little did I know at the time that that episode was going to prove to be the start of the myth of the Russian juggernaut to unravel into bloody shambles.
UK MoD update:
'Latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 8 April 2022'


Past ~11hrs:

*In the Fifth Round of Sanctions, the EU Backs Russia’s Coal Embargo, According to People Familiar With the Matter.
*Germany’s Chancellor Scholz: The 120-Day Transition Period Will Be Used by Germany to Implement the Ban on Russian Coal.

*WH Press SEC. Psaki: We Expect Ongoing Us-China Conversations.
*The UN Aid Chief Is Not Optimistic About a Ukraine Ceasefire — AP.
*EU Ready to Release 500 Million Euros for Arms to Ukraine — AFP Citing EU Chief

*Arab Gulf Ministers Welcome the Yemeni Presidential Council’s Call to Begin Talks With the Houthis - Statement.
*The US Treasury Department Has Updated Russia’s General Licences and Designations.
*US State Department: The US Welcomes Saudi Arabia’s and the UAE’s Support for Yemen.

*Japan Is Considering a Ban on Russian Coal Imports — Nikkei.
*Japan’s PM Kishida Will Hold a Press Conference on Friday — Yomiuri.
*Japan’s Eco. & Trade Min. Hagiuda: Japan Will Work to Reduce Its Reliance on Russian Energy Sources.
*Japan’s Eco. & Trade Min. Hagiuda: The Plan Is to Gradually Reduce Russian Coal Imports While Looking For Alternative Suppliers.
*Japan’s Finance Minister Suzuki: We Will Issue Additional Sanctions Against Russia As Soon As Possible.
*Japan’s Eco. & Trade Min. Hagiuda: We Will Comply With Russian Sanctions Without Imposing a Burden on Industry.
*Japan’s Finance Minister Suzuki: Russia’s Sanctions Will Be in Accordance With the G-7 Statement.
*Japan’s Chief Cabinet SEC. Matsuno: BoJ’s Governor Kuroda Has Been Successful in Bringing Japan out of Its Deflationary Period.

*At Least Two Chinese Refiners to Receive Less Saudi Crude in May After Sharp Price Hike — RTRS
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It's interesting that a recent medical study noted that the younger generation are more likely to believe influencers of their own age than fact. Hence I suspect we have a vulnerable younger generation being fed propaganda by young influencers paid by, or part of, the Kremlin's Internet Research Agency.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

Indeed commrade.
Remember all those concentration camps run by the Nazis? They were just play pens, can't beat two sides to a story...

Jog on
Indeed commrade.
Remember all those concentration camps run by the Nazis? They were just play pens, can't beat two sides to a story...

Jog on

But this is the whole point, it's the socialists who are the Nazi's, you have it the wrong way around, think about it.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

Read some of the fact checking posts about this. It looks like water drips on the window or mirror that makes the image change. Don't believe the Russian propaganda. Putins spokeman was trying to tell a sky reporter on Sky news that video they have of a Russian Armoured vehicle firing on a civilian with a bicycle was disinformation and the evidence was put in front of him.

There is also satellite footage of the bodies being on the street for days and not staged for a quick photo.

You also cannot state 'for the sake of having two sides of a story' when that story is just that, a full on fabrication fairy tale. You are pedalling and perpetuating Russian propaganda by repeating it.
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