Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Apparently ' for the children ' was written on the side of the missile!

Always knew they would strike railway stations where they are evacuating civilians, they are savages, every single one of them
*U.N. Humanitarian Office Spokesperson: Planning Aid Convoys for Luhansk and Donetsk Next Week As Fighting Moves East

*Ukraine Says Two Russian Rockets Hit Railway Station in Kramatorsk in Eastern Ukraine, Says There Are Casualties — RTRS
*More Than 30 People Were Killed and More Than 100 Were Wounded in Rocket Attack on Kramatorsk Railway Station — Ukrainian State Railway Company
*Missile Strike on Kramatorsk Railway Station Was Ukrainian “Provocation” — TASS Cites Donetsk Separatist Commander Basurin
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I miss Jon Le Carre now more then ever (and I miss him often). To hear what he'd have to say about Russias actions today and the start of a new Cold War would be fascinating.

“Nothing is worth the destruction of another human being. Somewhere the path of pain and betrayal must end. Until that happened, there was no future; there was only a continued slide into still more terrifying versions of the present.”

"When the world is destroyed, it will be destroyed not by its madmen but by the sanity of its experts and the superior ignorance of its bureaucrats."

"By repetition, each lie becomes an irreversible fact upon which other lies are constructed."

"In every operation there is an above the line and a below the line. Above the line is what you do by the book. Below the line is how you do the job."

"I used to think it was clever to confuse comedy with tragedy. Now I wish I could distinguish them."
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"Provocation" is civilians evacuating? Russia really don't care do they.

Look at Putins first war in 1999 Checknya and every one since then. He does care, he wants to crush any untermensch resistance, killing lots of civilians has always been part of his plans.

edit: look at this, oh he cares a lot about killing a huge part of the civillian population. Carpet bombing cities..
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*Pres. of EU Council Michel: After the Train Station Attack, I Demand More Sanctions on Russia.

'The map below is the latest Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 08 April 2022'

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I ended up stumbling down the Russian twitter hole last night, seeing some of the stuff their tweeters are putting out.

It was interesting to see the other side. They are claiming successes too. But also complaining about Ukraine attacking them.

They seem to miss the fundamental starting point though. Russia should not be in Ukraine.
I ended up stumbling down the Russian twitter hole last night, seeing some of the stuff their tweeters are putting out.

It was interesting to see the other side. They are claiming successes too. But also complaining about Ukraine attacking them.

They seem to miss the fundamental starting point though. Russia should not be in Ukraine.

You don't even need to go there...I follow Douglas Murray on instagram, jeeez, all the little right wingers cetainly get their knickers in a twist when he criticizes Putin.

I have one women currently telling me the BBC coverage is "propaganda".
They seem to miss the fundamental starting point though. Russia should not be in Ukraine.

Yes, they do, but they don't view Ukraine as a sovereign nation. As Putin has said in his address at the beginning of all this. They should not exist as a country.
A video of a tank being destroyed today, its actually amazing to watch how high the barrel / turret gets blown into the air.
*Ukraine Says Two Russian Rockets Hit Railway Station in Kramatorsk in Eastern Ukraine, Says There Are Casualties — RTRS
*More Than 30 People Were Killed and More Than 100 Were Wounded in Rocket Attack on Kramatorsk Railway Station — Ukrainian State Railway Company

*Missile Strike on Kramatorsk Railway Station Was Ukrainian “Provocation” — TASS Cites Donetsk Separatist Commander Basurin
*Speaking at Finnish Parliament, Zelenskiy Says at Least 30 Dead and 300 Injured in Kramatorsk Rail Station Missile Strike

*The Kremlin: Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine Could Be Completed in the Near Future if Goals Are Met and Work by the Military and Peace Negotiators Is Completed.
*The Kremlin: It Does Not Understand the EU’s Ursula von Der Leyen’s Concerns About European Countries Paying for Russian Gas in Roubles.
*The Kremlin, If the EU Refuses Russian Coal: Volumes Destined for Europe Will Be Redirected to Alternative Markets.
*The Kremlin: Commenting on Russia’s Suspension From U.N. Human Rights Council, Says Anti-Russian Pressure Was Exerted on Countries Who Tried to Adopt a Balanced Position and Moscow Understands That
*The Kremlin: Denies Russian Involvement in Missile Attack on Kramatorsk Rail Station
*The Kremlin Cites Defence Ministry Denial, Which Said Russian Forces Do Not Use the Kind of Missile Used in the Attack
*The Kremlin: Russia’s ‘Special Operation’ in Ukraine Could Be Completed ‘in Foreseeable Future’ Given Aims Are Being Achieved and Work Is Being Carried Out by the Military and Peace Negotiators

*Governor of Ukraine’s Donetsk Region: Death Toll From Kramatorsk Rail Strike Rises to 39
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A video of a tank being destroyed today, its actually amazing to watch how high the barrel / turret gets blown into the air.

If it is the video I am thinking of, then it was a controlled explosion of an abandoned Russian tank. So it was not actual combat footage.
This is worrying:
PARIS, April 6 (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron would beat Marine Le Pen in the country's presidential election later this month, though Le Pen has gained ground in recent weeks, showed an Ipsos Sopra Steria Cevipof poll for Le Monde newspaper.

As much as I dislike him and think Macron has been a total clown so far Le Pen would be a total disaster right now I hope Macron doesn't face an upset in this election.

Also a good opinion piece in the NYT on Germany's hypocrisy, thanks mostly to that other European clown Merkel, now only has she been a huge catalyst for several years of migrants flooding to Europe but she's been responsible for the current situation Germany has found itself in with respect to Russia and it's reliance on them for energy.

As some readers may remember, early last decade much of southern Europe faced a crisis as lending dried up, sending interest rates on government debt soaring. German officials were quick to blame these countries for their own plight, insisting, with much moralizing, that they were in trouble because they had been fiscally irresponsible and now needed to pay the price.

As it turns out, this diagnosis was mostly wrong. Much of the surge in southern European interest rates reflected a market panic rather than fundamentals; borrowing costs plunged, even for Greece, after the president of the European Central Bank said three words — “whatever it takes” — suggesting that the bank would, if necessary, step in to buy the debt of troubled economies.

Yet Germany took the lead in demanding that debtor nations impose extreme austerity measures, especially spending cuts, no matter how large the economic costs. And those costs were immense: Between 2009 and 2013 the Greek economy shrank by 21 percent while the unemployment rate rose to 27 percent.

But while Germany was willing to impose economic and social catastrophe on countries it claimed had been irresponsible in their borrowing, it has been unwilling to impose far smaller costs on itself despite the undeniable irresponsibility of its past energy policies.

I’m not sure how to quantify this, but my sense is that Germany received far more and clearer warning about its feckless reliance on Russian gas than Greece ever did about its pre-crisis borrowing. Yet it seems as if Germany’s famous eagerness to treat economic policy as a morality play applies only to other countries.
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