Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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*Defense Department Spokesman John Kirby Briefs at the Pentagon -
*Pentagon Spokesman Kirby: Russian Denial of Train Station Attack Unconvincing
*Pentagon Spokesman Kirby: Does Not Expect Russia Focusing On South And East Of Ukraine To Impact Security Assistance Transfers To Ukraine In Appreciable Way

*Senior Ukrainian Official: 6665 People Were Evacuated From Cities Through Humanitarian Corridors On Friday
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Gruesome pictures on Twitter from the scene of that railway bombing yep a child on a bench with his head blown off no joke and mass victims strewn on the ground.

Now speaking to my friend who served two tours in Kosovo he said he saw the same from Nato bombs dropped and children killed, he also went on to say that Nato are a complete beep of an organisation.

Depleted uranium and cluster ammunition was left all over aswell.

Dont get me wrong I find the scenes we see disgusting and targeting a railways station can be no excuse apart from genocide.
Its getting worse by the day, who will stop these slavs from slaughtering each other? I think they are unstoppable now, have you seen the video of a babushka (close to 90 years old) denying food she desperately needed because a ukranian stepped on the soviet banner she was holding moments before the GI took it from her hands? Nuts the lot of them
Russia will pay in blood for many years to come, like whats happening in Israel and what can be seen in these last few weeks even constant attacks on citizens.

You kill people family revenge will come at your door one day never ending circle.
they don't have any, that's why the west needs to get them long range weapons so they can bomb russian cities

That achieves nothing unless it is explicitly military targets or indeed mixed-use sites (like oil depots) which are direct recompense for assaults on Ukrainian mixed-use sites.
For the sake of having two sides of a story, I saw a video of someone driving though Bucha filming the well known scene of the "dead" bodies lying on the street, somebody pointed out that you can just make out in the cars wing mirror one of the bodies they just past lifting their arms up. Now maybe they just didn't go round checking all these bodies to see if they were still alive, but it did add to the claim that it's a staged scene.

Parts of buildings also appear to move in the image in the wing mirror. Do you think that the buildings are alive?

Satellite images show the bodies being there for days. Do you think that they're living people so dedicated to the image that they spent days lying in the same place just to sell an image?

Vehicle wing mirrors don't always show a perfect reflection. Things like drops of rain or oil or even dirt on a mirror can cause distortions in an image reflected in it. If the mirror is moving that can cause a ripple effect that looks like movement in the reflected image. That's not even rare and it's a far more plausible explanation than buildings being alive and people lying in the same place for days to sell an image.
they don't have any, that's why the west needs to get them long range weapons so they can bomb russian cities

Yes they do.

However due to the very limited stock the Ukrainians have been using their Tochka-U missiles only on very specific military (so far) targets. The only mass civilian casualties allegedly caused by a Ukrainian Missile was when it is claimed that a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile was shot down by the Russians over a town in Donetsk which crashed into the town centre killing 23 - - but this is disputed by the Ukrainains who claim it was a Russian car bomb false flag.
It's war, anything goes from both sides. The rule book is out of the window.

Ok is that a loose quote? All the barbarism,rapes,tortures, a government who denies everything without even looking at potential evidence- a genocide from Russia.

And then some soldiers from Ukraine have taken out their reprisals on Russian soldiers from just two video clips is not even in same ballpark as Russia . Yes it is awful but those individuals will get their justice.
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