Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Imagine what sort of message it would send if we could actually manage to send somebody more credible and competent than a bag of spuds!!!

You mean by providing them training for the best part of a decade, being the country who was leading by sending arms to defend themselves while the rest of the world sent "thoughts, prayers and condemnation". The ones leading in pushing for sanctions. The ones pushing for other countries to follow our lead? By underwriting nearly a billion in funding for them.

Who would you rather have sent? Starmer who probably would have sent a pot plant. Corbyn? Who would probably have been cheering the Russians on. Nicola Sturgeon who would have probably used it to call for Scottish independence?

Get a grip.

Boris has handled this better than any other leader on the world stage short of Zelenskiy himself.

Theres a reason the Ukrainians are shouting "God save the Queen" and "thank you Boris". Our contribution may not be the largest in dollar amount or number of arms sent, but we were the first to be piling over what we could and leading the way while other countries and institutions sat on their hands.
Concerns for escalation aside I increasingly get the feeling the US wants this conflict to simmer on, far too often they've stalled on things which would significantly alter the balance in Ukraine's favour IMO.

I think it's more that they just don't care that much. Ukraine is the other side of the world for the US, not a conflict on the doorstep as it is for us, and so their main interest isn't Ukrainian victory, it's avoiding getting the US into a messy conflict. Biden has repeatedly said he does not want the US to be the World Police; he will absolutely back NATO but he won't back Ukraine just because the Russians are genocidal ******* or because Ukraine is a democratic nation. The only reason he is getting involved at all is that most of the US's important allies really care, and the US public is appalled by what is happening.
lol you got me then... how much of a difference is it going either way?


About five and a half thousand miles, by my measure. It depends on what you're actually counting. But, from a geopolitical point of view, the bigger issue is that Ukraine isn't between Russia and the US. If Russia holds Ukraine, it doesn't make the US any less safe, and the number of refugees that are going to go to America is small. It'll be Poland, Moldova, Czechia, etc. taking the brunt of that.
The amount of rubbish being spouted on the internet about this being Boris just taking advantage of a photo opportunity to deflect on home performance is ridiculous. I am categorically not a Boris fan, but this trip is far more than that. It sends a signal to Russia.
what the signal they need to donate more to the tory party if they want to have the influence back?
The amount of rubbish being spouted on the internet about this being Boris just taking advantage of a photo opportunity to deflect on home performance is ridiculous. I am categorically not a Boris fan, but this trip is far more than that. It sends a signal to Russia.

Unfortunately there are a lot of bitter lemons who will use anything positive that Boris does as an opportunity to have an off-topic pop shot at him. It's quite sad really. He's handled the Ukraine situation fantastically so far and rightfully deserves credit for it.
Unfortunately there are a lot of bitter lemons who will use anything positive that Boris does as an opportunity to have an off-topic pop shot at him. It's quite sad really. He's handled the Ukraine situation fantastically so far and rightfully deserves credit for it.
shame he struggles so much with our country then isnt it
Concerns for escalation aside I increasingly get the feeling the US wants this conflict to simmer on, far too often they've stalled on things which would significantly alter the balance in Ukraine's favour IMO.

I get the feeling the US (et al) is doing just enough to convince Russia that they're on a loser and should voluntarily pull out of Ukraine - as opposed to kicking their ass out militarily in a short timeframe. If the Russians get kicked out Putin is more likely (?) to throw a tantrum and chuck nukes or chemical weapons all over the place, whereas if he pulls out by his own decision he might not... At least - not if he can spin it to look like some sort of victory. There's no doubt that Russia would lose very quickly if maximum resources were supplied to Ukraine but is that a good idea? With none of his own troops then remaining in Ukraine a butt-sore Putin has a free hand to blow the place to hell and gone. Trying to second-guess the mindset of a madman like Putin being pushed into a corner is difficult at best.
The Gall-Peters map is a more accurate representation of land size. Africa is twice the size of Russia.

I linked a globe, not a projection. Try looking at it on Desktop rather than mobile. But it doesn't really matter, that doesn't change the distance from Ukraine to the US is the same.
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