That's cute! The reality is that the "2%" is really an absolute minimum to have a credible "defence".
We may be spending more than is required by NATO. However, I can assure you that the lived reality is much different. My parent unit is on paper "oveemanned" we hold a larger number of people than we are supposed to going by the most recent review. However the strain on manpower is critical, retention and sign-off rates are at an all time high due to the current demand and output expected on our already depleted ranks. We just don't have the same pool of manpower to draw from that we used to, which means the same smaller pool of people are getting beasted trying to support current output of operations exercises and training. All the while doing so with an ageing and increasingly obsolete fleet of equipment and vehicles.
The truth is that the current budget is largely struggling to fund wages, overbudget, overpriced big-ticket projects. Which is due to chronic underfunding and cutbacks since the before the end of the Cold War. The GWOT didn't help the situation, yes we have much better personal protective equipment to thank for that but our layout and equipment was left entirely theatre specific after the prolonged desert counter insurgencies and that left our equipment woefully inadequate. We have been desperately trying to rebrand and re-equip since to face a rapidly changing world, however we are falling behind the curve.