Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I winder if Ukraine should just carry on and start annexing Russian territory, would stop the Russians concentrating their forces inthe Dombass.

Any kind of threat to Russian territorial integrity would probably heat things up in a very bad way. It's one thing to attack military targets across the border firing into Ukraine or supporting Russian activity there, quite another to start taking land.

I'm not quite sure things would go nuclear if Ukraine re-took Crimea (although that's got to be a worry), I'd be 100% sure it would elsewhere.

Sidenote but this article from Reuters amused me. See if you can spot the mistake with the photo they used...
It'll be worse most will refuse to actually defend the country because they'd rather not have the inconvenience in their life
It's interesting there was a poll on in the US done recently of how many would stand and fight if the US was invaded. 55% would, while 38% would flee the country.

I wonder what the percentages would be here.
Its no longer a lifestyle, or a brotherhood, its a 9-5 with no loyalty or sense of service.

This is also my experience, dealing with a mix of newly enlisted folks to those with 4-5 years in.

The previous mentality of "service is a calling, not simply a job - Service Before Self" was already going when I left in '14 and now 8 years later it's completely gone in the vast majority of newly enlisted folks I see on a daily basis. It is now thought of by so many as no different to working in Kwik-Fit or at a call centre etc and the military is far weaker for it, even if it is a wider cultural issue at the root of the problem, as Devilman shows with their posts.
Europe/USA needs to work on giving Putin an exit strategy rather than trying to antagonise things more otherwise there really will become the risk of the war spreading or even WW3, the best solution is to look for an exit option that appeases Russia and then Europe/USA come to an agreement with Russia to try and keep them happy and then pile money into Ukraine to rebuild and if Russia were smart they were apologise and also assist with rebuilt effort on the basis some Russian sanctions are lifted as the Russian people should also not be punished as I am sure the general population would rather things returned to as they were, the longer it goes on for the more isolated Russia will become.
I hate the idea of appeasing Putin, the missing stair of geopolitics. It's incumbent on us to give Putin an off-ramp and protect his ego from the consequences of his bad decisions? It's not like Russia has money to pile into Ukraine for rebuilds, even if it wanted to, so that'll be us cleaning it up too. It's like a spoilt child, or abusive spouse, that you still have to live with. I understand that we should swallow our pride and do whatever it takes to end the bloodshed sooner rather than later, but it's still quite unpalatable that Russia behaves badly, and it's up to us to work out how to accommodate them.
As tempting as that must be for Ukraine to get some payback, they need to play the better role and stop at the border, show they are the better nation/people and don't invade neighbouring countries, though they would have very good reason to do so, just stop at the border and fortify defences.

The exit strategy is simple: '**** off out of Ukraine.' It's entirely in Putin's hands, he could leave at the drop of a hat if he wanted to. Nobody's forcing him to stay there.
I dunno what happens if/when it becomes apparent to the Russian government war in Ukraine is unsustainable but as before they've shown zero interest in an exit strategy so far, almost to an unhinged extent. So I wouldn't be betting on that. It is going to be fascinating, in a kind of horrifying way, what happens when Russia is forced into a decision on that.
McDonald's is withdrawing from Russia.

When your government is considered so abominable that even Macca's won't do business with you anymore, you've definitely hit an unprecedented low.
When McDonald's opened in Russia in 1988 it was a massive story across all the news channels. There were queues around the block. It's quite a significant event that they are permanently withdrawing.
When McDonald's opened in Russia in 1988 it was a massive story across all the news channels. There were queues around the block. It's quite a significant event that they are permanently withdrawing.
It is all BS IMO. They are selling the business to arms length partners who have pledged to sell the business back at the right point. Very few firms have totally left the market.
Swedish air force doing training over Gotland - dunno if in any way related to the Russian Navy flights in and out of Kaliningrad.
When I saw the video of the Ukranians on the Russian border earlier I sort of hoped that they would keep going...
When I saw the video of the Ukranians on the Russian border earlier I sort of hoped that they would keep going...

It is a bit of a complicated one as in some respects strategically causing Russia concern in some areas by putting pressure on Russian territory could weaken their ability to maintain advances in other parts of Ukraine. Politically and morally though it is a messy one.

It hasn't been covered in the media but there has been sporadic shelling and attacks on military infrastructure in Belgorod Oblast in recent days though so far isolated incidents.
Swedish air force doing training over Gotland - dunno if in any way related to the Russian Navy flights in and out of Kaliningrad.
Probably related to russian incursions into Swedish airspace - also there was a little matter of one of those russian TV documentaries a la we'll nuke Britain in minutes/cause a tsunami except this was about russia seizing Gotland and using that as a platform to invade neutral sweden and from that a springboard into NATO territory - it was from a few years ago but the canny Ukrainians retweeted it recently and it seems to have gotten the swedes rattled enough maybe to want to sign up to NATO. Talk about scoring an own goal, russia.

Gotland would make a useful base for baltic operations for sure.
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